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Why the Lib Dems are great

In public you have to show a united front when it comes to the plans for the economy, as the bond markets are watching. I think any of those fights would have happened behind closed doors.

that's exactly where any such fights should have been happening. The problem is that there appear to have been no such fights even in private, and the coalition is basically pushing though george osbournes wet dream of a cuts agenda, with a full rise to 20% VAT to boot. There has been no compromise at all on these major issues, as it seems that clegg is actually now ideologically in favour of them, and vince cable either also is, or is biting his tongue in exchange for his seat at the top table.

What's been happening instead is the tory's have been getting their way entirely on the big issue of cuts, with the lib dems being offered scraps of other policies to appease them rather than any actual compromise on the overall speed and depth of the cuts themselves, which is the big issue that will affect every other area of government policy, as well as the UK's economy for years to come.
The leadership wanted the cuts as well though.
so it seems.

considering all cleggs wittering about the democratic will of the people when going into coalition with the tories though, I'd hoped he might have also considered the fact that no lib dem voter voted for these cuts, and neither did the majority of the UK voters overall. So as he's such a supporter of democracy he surely should have cast aside his own opinions and gone with the majority opinion, and the opinion of those that voted for him / the lib dems, otherwise he'd surely risk being a hypocrite.

seems he is just a hypocrite though, and a lying one at that, given that he's now said that he changed his mind on the cuts prior to the election, but didn't see fit to inform the electorate or the rest of the party of this until after the votes were cast.
I have been wondering if after all this shit and the demise of the third party is the social democratic party dead in the water
More people voted Tory than any other party. You can be picky about the semantics but the fact remains the Left lost the argument over the defecit and cuts and the right won it.

I think you'll find the majority of voters chose parties that said 'don't cut too far and too fast', except one of those parties had already decided to change its mind after the election but lied in order to get into power. (Hint: It was the Lib Dems.)
I think you'll find the majority of voters chose parties that said 'don't cut too far and too fast', except one of those parties had already decided to change its mind after the election but lied in order to get into power. (Hint: It was the Lib Dems.)

It didn't lie to get into power, it compromised with the Conservatives because it didn't win the election.
It didn't lie to get into power, it compromised with the Conservatives because it didn't win the election.

It forced the tories into an extreme right coalition and has had the foot on the accelerator ever since.

All this shit you're pretending is you mollifying the tories, none of it could have happened without your support. You're the ones pushing this stuff. You're history as a result.
It forced the tories into aan extreme right coalition and has the foot on the accelerator ever since.

John Reid and David Blunkett forced the Lib Dems into a coalition with the Conservatives saying at the time it wasn't good to be in power. The Lib Dems have won an increase in capital gains tax, brought some of the lowest paid out of income tax, and stopped the cut in inheritance tax for the rich. They are now having to tackle Labour’s regressive deficit that meant one in every four pounds is being spent on debt rather than schools or hospitals.
John Reid and David Blunkett forced the Lib Dems into a coalition with the Conservatives saying at the time it wasn't good to be in power. The Lib Dems have won an increase in capital gains tax, brought some of the lowest paid out of income tax, and stopped the cut in inheritance tax for the rich. They are now having to tackle Labour’s regressive deficit that meant one in every four pounds is being spent on debt rather than schools or hospitals.
Yes, the cuts, Cleggs embrace of them, you acting as the extrem right wing of the coalition your coming wipeout - all the fault of two minor MPs who said something nasty about you. They were both right as it happens.
The Lib Dems have won an increase in capital gains tax, brought some of the lowest paid out of income tax, and stopped the cut in inheritance tax for the rich.
except the whole point of the original policy - as Cable never tired of pointing out - was to have 40% CGT, so as to prevent the highly paid using CGT as a means of avoiding income tax. Your lot bottled it - again! - and settled at 28%

He's hoping to be judged on what he does: on his multibillion pupil premium; on being in a government brave enough to cut prison numbers and defence spending and middle-class benefits; on political reform. It hurts when everyone throws rocks at you – but it is better that the rocks come from all sides. It suggests the claim of balance is real. Navy admirals are angry, so is the Daily Express – and so are many Guardian readers.

This is what I like about Clegg he's been fair in dealing with the defecit that Labour left behind.

say what ya like about Clegg but he makes a great sex doll for Disco Dave
In public you have to show a united front when it comes to the plans for the economy, as the bond markets are watching. I think any of those fights would have happened behind closed doors.
but the Tories are getting the overwhelming share of what they wanted, which suggests any such 'fight' was rather one sided
It didn't lie to get into power, it compromised with the Conservatives because it didn't win the election.

Clegg and Cable are on record as saying that they changed their minds about cuts before the election, but carried on trotting out their bullshit about not wanting to cut too dramatically. How else would you describe saying one thing but thinking another?
By your silence I take it that you accept my argument and concede that the Lib Dems are lying scum who knowingly courted left of centre voters by misrepresenting their actual ideology.
could just merge the two threads?

That would make it confused and self-contradictory. I'm trying to think of something analogous but I can't think of anything suitable. Something that starts out with one intention, but then seems to change gear halfway through. Can anyone help me out?
That would make it confused and self-contradictory. I'm trying to think of something analogous but I can't think of anything suitable. Something that starts out with one intention, but then seems to change gear halfway through. Can anyone help me out?

:D :D :D
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