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Why doesn't Gerry Adams just admit he was Chief of Staff of the IRA?

Suicide according to her wiki. Well, it says:

On 24 January 2013, Dolours Price was found dead at her home, evidently as a result of the toxic effect of a mix of prescribed sedative and anti-depressant medications.[22] The cause of death was not being investigated by the Garda Síochána.[23]

Is there any suspicion around her death, given her outspokeness on Adams et al?
Is there any suspicion around her death, given her outspokeness on Adams et al?

I dont think so. Dolours was suffering from a lot of personal demons for years prior to her death , directly related to her experiences such as prolonged force feeding and other incidents over the years. Her sister Marion took a lot of care over her but when she was jailed a while back her life became a lot more difficult . Very sad situation all round.
there is often more evidence of foul play when people have got on the wrong side of psf.

That looks like one conspiracy theory too far?

In addition to the incompetence and the personalisation of the political by anti-SF republicans, which we can blame on those nasty Shinners, can we now add all deaths of dissenters since the signing of the GFA?

This last week has not been a good one for those republicans who politically oppose the SF strategy (and I count myself as one of them). The arrest of Adams threw the dissenters into a feeding frenzy that half-hoped for charges to be laid against him in a British court; charges for the same sort of IRA activities that many of them had engaged in themselves... Take a look at Anthony McIntyre's CV as a volunteer if you really want evidence of political hypocrisy at play.

Every half-hearted message of solidarity was qualified with a usually ten times longer statement detailing the 'sell-out' of the Shinners and the hate and contempt held for their leaders (one of whom was actually the victim of this PSNI charade).

The last week has left me with much contempt for what is euphemistically described as 'dissident republicanism'. This was a test and they failed it miserably. The chance was there to set an example, but if all you have to offer is hate what example can you set?

The Shinners emerged from the last few days stronger politically and their opponents much weaker... The political rout of the dissenters will proceed and Sinn Fein will laugh themselves all the way to opposition-free electoral victories, north and south.
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They didnt have a Marxist ideology because they werent a Marxist organisation, Ireland wasnt a Marxist country, the people simply werent Marxists. Any attempt to graft that on artificially from the top was an exercise in rhetoric only, as other examples have shown . Despite that even the more conservative catholic members were more than happy to engage in all manner of social agitation and left wing projects. There was nothing to stop more left leaning initiatives going forward and being built upon. Eire Nua for example was being revised and added to with a lot more left wing orientation. A natural organic expression of what the grass roots were comfortable with and could identify with.

When Adams and his crew were seizing power they immediately set about using extreme leftism as a means to undermine the republican leadership, to portray them as soft on every issue and to alienate them to the utmost. All manner of hairy social worker type weirdoes started to gain prominence from nowhere due to their marxist zeal...many of them are landlords in Belfast now. OBradiagh was reduced at one point to having to explain to them that even in the DDR some forms of private property ownership and profit were permitted. That was in response to motions calling for the abolition of all private property, utterly rubbish stuff. An ard feis I attended in the mid 80s even had a motion calling on the Ard feis to recognise Albania..thats right mid 1980s Albania...as the only true socialist state in the world. From the same cumann that was proposing the end to abstentionism.
Fucking Albania for christs sake.
But a year later after it had served its purpose this was mostly gone. McGuinness pronounced socialism wasnt on the agenda. A mere 12 months later. It was nothing more than an internal ruse.
Politics wise Adams and McGuiness are as thick as 2 short planks. They dont even understand Marxism much less believe in it.

What the provos ended up with was absolutely no ideology at all, not even a very basic republican one. The only ideology was the leaders strategy. Which, of course, was a big secret that nobody was allowed to know. Adams and McGuinness completely depoliticised the provos, they expunged it of any beliefs . They came to believe in absolutely nothing at all. Absolutely nothing. They have a leadership that doesnt have a position on anything at all, pretty much.


The IRSPs Marxism was cheifly built around the personality cult of Costello, a bit of a simplification but largely true. Once he was killed the impetus behind it withered and died. Like the sticks its all nice sounding but how exactly applicable was it to the Irish people ? How did they identify with it ? How did they relate to it or understand it ? was it not just the ideology of the few partially grafted onto the militarism of the majority ?

You've just explained ultra-left dogmatism (of looney tunes proportions) within republican organisations; that wasn't ideology, it was dogma and, as such, it had little relevance to anyone in any country.

The two SF appointed republican organisers in Glasgow in the 1980's were ex-members of the RCG and publicly supported North Korea as the 'true socialist state'. The London Organiser of SF during the same period gave speeches of solidarity at conferences of the ultra-Stalinist New Communist Party (NCP) and visited North Korea as a Sinn Fein official. At the time, there may have been some strategic advantage in this relationship to the leadership, with North Korean cash and weapons being a possible goal.

The rejection of Stalinist dogma, which you mistakenly refer to as 'Marxist' and 'ideology', is not unique to the Irish. Interestingly, while the SF leadership may have ditched the political dogma along the way, they never ditched the organisational methods of Stalinism.
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The Irish aren't immune to radical left wing politics just doomed to fail as a wide scale movement. Traditionally the Irish have rallied around notions of cultural nationalism and the church which has a cross class appeal rather than the narrower working class appeal of communism.

Connolly for instance was reluctant to fight with people like Casement and Pearse in '16. People whose views were anathema to him but had no choice due to the lack of his own support.
The Irish aren't immune to radical left wing politics just doomed to fail as a wide scale movement. Traditionally the Irish have rallied around notions of cultural nationalism and the church which has a cross class appeal rather than the narrower working class appeal of communism.

Connolly for instance was reluctant to fight with people like Casement and Pearse in '16. People whose views were anathema to him but had no choice due to the lack of his own support.
This is obviously true and is something acknowledged by alot of groups in this years Easter Statements. The 32csm ask some very relevent questions:

"If Connolly could elevate his socialism beyond tradition why can’t we? Why can’t we define our socialism beyond protest and into disciplined political action with a defined national objective? Can we honestly say that the greatest tribute we can pay to James Connolly is to stand at the centenary of his execution and declare ourselves gloriously isolated?"

"We cannot allow our socialism to be merely a critique of capitalism no more than we can allow our republicanism to be merely a critique of partition. We are not a protest movement, we are not a debating society, we are not a commemoration committee, we are a movement who must be defined by the changes we bring about."
This is obviously true and is something acknowledged by alot of groups in this years Easter Statements. The 32csm ask some very relevent questions:

"If Connolly could elevate his socialism beyond tradition why can’t we? Why can’t we define our socialism beyond protest and into disciplined political action with a defined national objective? Can we honestly say that the greatest tribute we can pay to James Connolly is to stand at the centenary of his execution and declare ourselves gloriously isolated?"

"We cannot allow our socialism to be merely a critique of capitalism no more than we can allow our republicanism to be merely a critique of partition. We are not a protest movement, we are not a debating society, we are not a commemoration committee, we are a movement who must be defined by the changes we bring about."

If only they were remotely capable of living up to those words, but this is the 32 CSM talking...
and thats just a sliver of what they have over his head. Gerry Adams current legal dilemma is quite mild compared to what could happen to him

Which would make the continued denials of membership entirely sensible from a republican point of view.

Not 'mad', not 'delusional', not evidence of 'mania'...

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That looks like one conspiracy theory too far?

In addition to the incompetence and the personalisation of the political by anti-SF republicans, which we can blame on those nasty Shinners, can we now add all deaths of dissenters since the signing of the GFA?

This last week has not been a good one for those republicans who politically oppose the SF strategy (and I count myself as one of them). The arrest of Adams threw the dissenters into a feeding frenzy that half-hoped for charges to be laid against him in a British court; charges for the same sort of IRA activities that many of them had engaged in themselves... Take a look at Anthony McIntyre's CV as a volunteer if you really want evidence of political hypocrisy at play.

Every half-hearted message of solidarity was qualified with a usually ten times longer statement detailing the 'sell-out' of the Shinners and the hate and contempt held for their leaders (one of whom was actually the victim of this PSNI charade).

The last week has left me with much contempt for what is euphemistically described as 'dissident republicanism'. This was a test and they failed it miserably. The chance was there to set an example, but if all you have to offer is hate what example can you set?

The Shinners emerged from the last few days stronger politically and their opponents much weaker... The political rout of the dissenters will proceed and Sinn Fein will laugh themselves all the way to opposition-free electoral victories, north and south.

having spent the weekend with a ra man who shot dead a garda officer...and spent20 in the nick for it...he was delighted with Adams arrest
Ya might want to edit that ,there hasn't being that many Gards killed by the IRA, your mate is easily identifiable from this post/see sticker above

No need too...... hes went public on Adams and Mc Guinness forcing him to take liquid explosives to mainland Britain when they were in an unstable state.....incidentally while there where ten people at my sisters house trying to map out an agenda that opposed SF policy in the North...they could not come up with a coherent policy to oppose SF strategy in a non violent manner....I pressed them time and again to map out a strategy that could undermine the royal ass kissers....and they didnt have one....
No need too...... hes went public on Adams and Mc Guinness forcing him to take liquid explosives to mainland Britain when they were in an unstable state.....incidentally while there where ten people at my sisters house trying to map out an agenda that opposed SF policy in the North...they could not come up with a coherent policy to oppose SF strategy in a non violent manner....I pressed them time and again to map out a strategy that could undermine the royal ass kissers....and they didnt have one....
Your call ,but was obvious who ya were talkin bout
Your call ,but was obvious who ya were talkin bout

Your call ,but was obvious who ya were talkin bout

I argued...cut your links with the criminal dissidents...fuck those criminals who say there CIRA...ONH...there hoods
and present your radical socialist alternative.......do you know what..to a man not one of them had an alternative agenda...
I scoped it out for them....
1....Start local and work with the disenfranchised...
2. set up local branchs to deal with peoples day to day problems..
3.set up a political structure that can deal with peoples needs within two hours of a phone call...
4. deal with the hoods at Divis (25 cunts put out of the area within 24 hours) or there dead....
5..a general warning to drug dealers and burglars....leave or die....
Strangley...there political "strategist" didnt come back to me........
having spent the weekend with a ra man who shot dead a garda officer...and spent20 in the nick for it...he was delighted with Adams arrest

And? When he signed up he knew the rules, it was an army he joined.

E2A: By talking to the press about his decades-old grievances against the leadership, he's now embroiled himself in the 'Was he or wasn't he a member of the IRA?' debate.

I'm in the "Who gives a fcuk?" camp meself.

Peter Rogers says he was approached by police over IRA bomb claims

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incidentally while there where ten people at my sisters house trying to map out an agenda that opposed SF policy in the North...they could not come up
I argued...cut your links with the criminal dissidents...fuck those criminals who say there CIRA...ONH...there hoods
and present your radical socialist alternative.......do you know what..to a man not one of them had an alternative agenda...
I scoped it out for them....
1....Start local and work with the disenfranchised...
2. set up local branchs to deal with peoples day to day problems..
3.set up a political structure that can deal with peoples needs within two hours of a phone call...
4. deal with the hoods at Divis (25 cunts put out of the area within 24 hours) or there dead....
5..a general warning to drug dealers and burglars....leave or die....
Strangley...there political "strategist" didnt come back to me........

The reply would be that none of this can happen while the Provos still have so much support, and that destabilisation of the statelet should be the priority... This is not nessissarly my opinion mind.
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