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    Lazy Llama

Why do you want to shut down McDonalds?

Every time I have a McD which is about once a year I vow never to have another because the food is so badly done. What I mean is, say you were in your own kitchen & you sliced your own spuds into fries & deep fried them. Made your own burger from minced lean beef, baked your own nice fresh roll, made your own pickle then served it with a shake you had made yourself in a blender with fresh strawberries & dairy ice cream it would tastse quite nice but McD is never like that.
there is a world of difference between a homemade burger and a maccy d's burger. To compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges. Mac has a weird yet tasty flavour, I don't know what it is. But given the choice you'd go for the homemade badboy every time. Well I would.
Every time I have a McD which is about once a year I vow never to have another because the food is so badly done. What I mean is, say you were in your own kitchen & you sliced your own spuds into fries & deep fried them. Made your own burger from minced lean beef, baked your own nice fresh roll, made your own pickle then served it with a shake you had made yourself in a blender with fresh strawberries & dairy ice cream it would tastse quite nice but McD is never like that.

:D You forgot raising and slaughtering your own cow, making your own ice-cream etc :).
there is a world of difference between a homemade burger and a maccy d's burger. To compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges. Mac has a weird yet tasty flavour, I don't know what it is. But given the choice you'd go for the homemade badboy every time. Well I would.

I had the impression that SaskiaJayne was making a joke, i.e. fast food won't be as great as you could make by yourself, but if it's there and immediately available when you want it, then it's serving its purpose.

Shit, now I get a mental image of McD's serving up porpoise - just imagine the storm that could cause. :eek:
ive recently flipped through some protest photos posted by the editor, and next to one, he proclaimed something like "heres a boarded up McD, id like to see them all this way"

now i thought that was a truly stupid thing to say. in his eyes, all he sees is the golden arch logo and boom = evil capitalists. but think about all the positives that McD and others like it bring to society. they employ thousands of people, donate millions to charity (i.e. McD house for kids). a homeless or poor man who before had to beg for a meal, can now buy a relatively satisfying meal for $2-3. there is whats called the McD effect. it goes something like, 'any 2 countries that have a McD, will not fight each other in a war.' its not totally correct, but the premise is there. McD generates huge capital that is essential for local economies. before the editor says something like that, maybe he should think twice about the effects on society of such actions.
the only thing i would blame McD for is the relative unhealthiness of its food (cholesterol, etc). Their fries is fucking great though.

Don't mind a McDonalds every now and then.

It's the buggers who toss their McDonalds rubbish out of their car windows that annoy me and add to the cost of local councils costs of having to pick it up from the roadside.
I see Mc's im Clarm is closed for it's makeover. It really doesn't matter how much you polish a turd....
UK's first McDonald's in Woolwich given hi-tech makeover in light of 40th anniversary

This is more like it McDonald's Makeover

That story is from last year. I only noticed because one of the reading ones has the tablets and digital menu boards too so I was going to question this one being upgraded first.

Toilets still the same though. Free wifi and a clean town centre loo is all mcd's are good for in my opinion.
There are no McDonalds in Iceland - the banks and many shops give excellent free coffee and you can use the toilet in any hotel without anyone questioning you.
I may go back since they've gone all honest about their shits addictive qualities and introduced the Smack Burger.....

Can anyone explain how feeding what is generally accepted to be unhealthy food to someone is a treat?
Was I so much of an ogre in never taking my kids to and discouraging them from going to junk food places?
Every so often isn't really unhealthy. Anyway, they like the toys, the food, mascots and atmosphere.
I'm clearly from a different generation, era even, and clearly very old fashioned. :oops:
I'm sure there were many in my crustyish circle that would have felt just the same.
Oh you should see the beams on their faces when I tell them where we're going!

McDonald's has changed. It's not as bad as we were lead to believe.
macdonald patties for their burger are from very lean muscle meat from the cows shoulder. they just add seasoning.

no bollox, no hoofs, no eyeballs, no intestines. just shoulder muscle minced and that is 100% fact.
there is a world of difference between a homemade burger and a maccy d's burger. To compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges. Mac has a weird yet tasty flavour, I don't know what it is. But given the choice you'd go for the homemade badboy every time. Well I would.
I see your home made burger and raise you a whopper with cheese.

pick one.
if the big mac was served by a indigenous tribe in the amazon, foodies world over would swoon and whoop at such a delight - FACT.
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