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Who should be the next Doctor Who?

I'd also like to see an older Doctor. Someone like Ken Stott. Or John Hannah....though there may not be the opportunity for him to shout "By Jupiter's Cock!" much as Dr. Who.

As for the Master - a heavyweight thesp I reckon, which was why I was sorry Derek Jacobi was only the Master for a short time. Judi Dench and Helen Mirren would be good, David Suchet maybe.

I wouldn't mind seeing Pierce Brosnan as the Master, I reckon he could do more of a Roger Delgardo style one
Yeah, I'd love them to go heavy on the thesp aspect, for the next doctor too. They've already got the in-built eccentricity then :D
Strikes me that as an ordinary telly watching pleb I was only vaguely aware of David Tennant wen he got the job. I knew Ecclestone when he got the job but I couldn't have picked Matt Smith out of a line up. So to me, it's not going to be a bone fide movie star who gets it next, if it's a man. I can see why Ecclestone, the only one who I really had heard of was cast, when they brought Dr Who back from the mists of time. You'd need someone a bit well known, to draw the punters in, because it must have been a big fat gamble to bring it back in the first place.

I suppose when they do go down the sex change route for the Doctor, the same thing might apply "Hmm, but risky, this. We need someone that people know, so as they'll want to see her as the Doctor. For novelty as a kick off, but then they'll like her because she's good. And because they like Dr Who, really."
So I reckon it will be some forty something woman we all know quite a bit in this country but who has done stuff in the US, to soften the blow a bit for them. Going down this Ecclestonesque route suggests a pretty small pool to pick from. Now as I've started down this road. Ashley Jenson, maybe?
I was going to say Rachel Weisz, but she's a bit too much of a movie star. And anyway, she's married to Daniel Craig.
Imagine Dr Who married to James Bond. Cooooool.
Agree with you there, espresso. I like not really knowing much about the new who actors, and it always baffles me when people suggest really famous folk. Since we're thinking in terms of who, someone who had the same kind of profile as Alex Kingston would be a good call for the first female doctor; she was recognisable both sides of the pond thanks mostly to ER, but wasn't a household name or in the magazines every week, or whatever. Someone with a similar kind of profile would be ideal I reckon.

I think it's with the master that they've got a bit more leeway, but I still think having someone who's a film star and very high profile wouldn't be very good.
You are all missing the signs. The next doctor will be a woman as I have said before. It will of course be Sue Perkins! Hooray, say I.
I don't think you people appreciate how aggressive Fingermouse's legal team is :mad: If this site goes down tomorrow you know what's happened.
Fuck the fuck off!!! :mad:
If that near-ubiquitous gurning twat is the new Doc, I may just "go postal"! :mad:
Have you seen the price of stamps? You would do better to continue to use the internet. I like Sue Perkins even if she does wear dungrees around the house and own a toolbox.
If it was Sue Perkins as the Doctor along with Sandi Toksvig as the Master, the last eisode cliffhanger would have to be to do with saving the universe based on who was the fastest at solving an anagram against the clock.
Biduu Biduu biddly bid boooo...

They could even have a hologram of Richard Whitely in it. For extra lulz.
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