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Who is going to win the 2016 Tory leadership election?

who is going to win the 2016 tory leadership election?

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If remain wins I can't see Cameron going anywhere for a year or two. Far too much gloating opportunity for him to walk away from.
If remain wins I can't see Cameron going anywhere for a year or two. Far too much gloating opportunity for him to walk away from.
If that happens I'll just change the year in the thread title, OK?
But if we're voting then I reckon it'll probably be May. The other likely candidates have made to many enemies. I could only see them going for Johnson if they were desperate and defeat at a GE looked inevitable.
But if we're voting then I reckon it'll probably be May. The other likely candidates have made to many enemies. I could only see them going for Johnson if they were desperate and defeat at a GE looked inevitable.
they are desperate and defeat at a ge looks inevitable
Thersa May has gone from 6/1 to 3/1 in recent weeks. Has largely stayed away from the civil war over EUref so I'll vote her*.

*as in vote for her in the poll. I'm not a secret Tory party member who'll be voting to decide the actual next PM or owt... :hmm:
Andrea Leadsom, lol. She's a mother, you know.

She was a semi regular part of the Leave debate team, and pointing out she had procreated was pretty much all she did.
I don't think Boris or Gove can win tbh, team Cameron will sabotage them. Osbourne has no earthly chance. I'm calling it for Theresa May.
According to John Pienaar on 5 Live this morning, Crabb has been 'on manoeuvres' for a while. I'd be surprised not to see him enter the fray.
Young, no baggage (ie, we've never heard of him before), wouldn't take much to positon himself as a man just looking to take us all forward, whatver we voted for, and being jolly bloody pragmatic about the whole thing.
I still reckon David Davis. Long-term Eurosceptic, has kept a very low profile, not a member of the Government while all this was going on and not implicated in all the recent blue on blue action.

Might be seen as a bit old but the growing up on a council estate thing (according to his Wikipedia entry) would likely be viewed as a plus point.
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