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Who are the Henry Jackson Society?


We've been together now for twenty years...
I've just been looking at the results of a poll conducted by the Henry Jackson Society.

Are their findings dependable, or likely to be biased in interpretation of results or questions asked?
"The Henry Jackson Society is a trans-Atlantic foreign policy and national security think tank, based in the United Kingdom. While describing itself as non-partisan, its outlook has been described variously as "right-wing", neoliberal and as neoconservative."

Co-founder Matthew Jamison, who now works for YouGov, wrote in 2017 that he was ashamed of his involvement, having never imagined the Henry Jackson Society "would become a far-right, deeply anti-Muslim racist ... propaganda outfit to smear other cultures, religions and ethnic groups". He claimed that "The HJS for many years has relentlessly demonised Muslims and Islam"
They aren't my views. They are the views of the co-founder (who I'd have thought was a pretty good start), The Herald newspaper (Glasgow) and the Australian Financial Review.

Hardly the Morning Star.
Thank you.

Anyone else got a view of them?
From what I've seen, co-founder Matthew Jamison, who now works for YouGov, wrote in 2017 that he was ashamed of his involvement, having never imagined the Henry Jackson Society "would become a far-right, deeply anti-Muslim racist ... propaganda outfit to smear other cultures, religions and ethnic groups". He claimed that "The HJS for many years has relentlessly demonised Muslims and Islam"
From what I've seen, co-founder Matthew Jamison, who now works for YouGov, wrote in 2017 that he was ashamed of his involvement, having never imagined the Henry Jackson Society "would become a far-right, deeply anti-Muslim racist ... propaganda outfit to smear other cultures, religions and ethnic groups". He claimed that "The HJS for many years has relentlessly demonised Muslims and Islam"

That's what I posted preceeding the post you're replying to.
An ex poster on here worked for them. It had some initial acceptance as contributing to debate/discussion from a conservative viewpoint but has shifted over the years to one that only contributes to influencing the right.
Someone I knew reasonably well, and considered a friend, moved over from the anarchist-left to the 'Patriotic', nationalist (anti-environmentalist, chauvinistic) right. He became a paid employee for a UKIP MEP about 12 years ago and is now employed by the HJS. His move was to the 'dark-side' was motivated by what he saw as the left's failure to respond to the chauvinistic, terrorist threats of Islamism. So he now actively supports the theocratic, murderousness of the IDF.
I've just been looking at the results of a poll conducted by the Henry Jackson Society.

Are their findings dependable, or likely to be biased in interpretation of results or questions asked?
I’ve looked at this poll and it’s one where they are clearly looking for evidence to back up their positions/ policy rather than anything else . It wants to focus on ‘supporting Hamas’ and I think it’s the poll that Farage referred to on the politics programme on Sunday morning .

Interestingly enough it says that the cost of living polled high on their survey of Muslims in terms of most important issues .However that issue and other issues that respondents would have identified aren’t mentioned any further . We end up in a situation where by we have a summary of British Muslims are Hamas supporters who are concerned about inflation .
I’ve looked at this poll and it’s one where they are clearly looking for evidence to back up their positions/ policy rather than anything else

an increasing number of polls are. even the 'reputable' polling organisations tend to use leading questions, just that they tend to be more subtle about it.

i have found one case where HJS settled and apologised after a libel case was brought by a muslim based TV station - again, it sounds like they started from a position and attempted to find 'proof' of that.
an increasing number of polls are. even the 'reputable' polling organisations tend to use leading questions, just that they tend to be more subtle about it.

i have found one case where HJS settled and apologised after a libel case was brought by a muslim based TV station - again, it sounds like they started from a position and attempted to find 'proof' of that.
Yes , I wouldn’t just dismiss what’s in the polling but I would question its selectiveness and the way some questions have been posed .

There must be other polls around to compare/ contrast that give a fuller picture .
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