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What's your total annual income - anonymous poll

How much do you earn a year?

  • 0-7k

    Votes: 14 5.2%
  • 7k-12k

    Votes: 9 3.3%
  • 12k-16k

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • 16k-20k

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • 20k-25k

    Votes: 42 15.5%
  • 25k-30k

    Votes: 26 9.6%
  • 30k-35k

    Votes: 28 10.3%
  • 35k-45k

    Votes: 32 11.8%
  • 45k-55k

    Votes: 27 10.0%
  • 55k-70k

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • 70k-100k

    Votes: 15 5.5%
  • 100k+

    Votes: 31 11.4%

  • Total voters
There's interplay between economic, social, and cultural capital. What I mean by the latter is the sort of stuff in your last para - the social mores that help some people to 'progress.'

The last paragraph is (roughly) what cultural capital is. It's a well-known term. It's not directly connected to money, leisure time or anything like that.

I guess knowing the term is sort of a sign of having some cultural capital, though TBF I wouldn't have thought I had more of that than you do.

My ignorance has diminished in the last 24 hours.
Clearly I need to do some resizing around this.

Maybe we need a dedicated thread for this topic.
I was on shit band 5 NHS wages. Then i moved to Canada (after my ward in Aberystwyth got closed) and doubled them (for doing the same job). I always thought Urban had some highly paid people on it. Nothing wrong with that. Mind you how you define ‘highly paid‘ differs depending on who you talk to. To be honest i don’t define someone‘s worth by their salary/pay. I’ve been broke as fuck sleeping behind sofas and surviving on hand outs. I’m currently on 95-110000 CAD depending on unsocial hours and O/T additional payments. But i don’t own property so it’s probably work till i drop for me.
For me anyone taking home 20k (outside London) is doing OK. My net pay is 1500 a month about 18k I think. Third goes straight on rent. I have 2 teenage kids at home. I get no benefits and I have to pay 200 in child support as I don't have the kids all week. I don't have a car and I've not been on holiday for 10 years. I go into work partly for company partly to save leccy and gas. I sit in the cold when kids aren't here. It's depressing as fuck tbh.
For me anyone taking home 20k (outside London) is doing OK. My net pay is 1500 a month about 18k I think. Third goes straight on rent. I have 2 teenage kids at home. I get no benefits and I have to pay 200 in child support as I don't have the kids all week. I don't have a car and I've not been on holiday for 10 years. I go into work partly for company partly to save leccy and gas. I sit in the cold when kids aren't here. It's depressing as fuck tbh.
I’d be surprised if your net is 1500 from 18k annually, even without paying into a pension.

Eta I thought you meant 18k gross but I think you mean net, soz.
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Sorry if this has been asked in the last 15 pages, but is this poll really anonymous? :hmm:
XenForo does not have an option to turn an anonymous poll public, or reveal even to the superuser who voted what in an anonymous poll. The data is simply discarded.
Lazy Llama could probably spend a few hours trawling through logs to figure out something (depending on the log level that's set), but it's not something even the moderators could do.
Edit: Someone did make a paid add-on to reveal to the admins anon votes, but that will specifically say "Poll votes are visible for users with special permission".
I'm on £19k pa after tax which puts me on a lot less income than many responding to the OP poll but, given mortgage paid, I reckon my disposable might be greater than a few on higher take homes. Don't know how I feel about that.
I'm on even less, before tax, but we are fine, no debt, no worries. Might suggest some other urb gets the round in though.
I earn 36k as a social worker. Household income is 55k when Mrs Cheese added. Stepkids relatively self sufficient, but times are hard and they are on minimum wages with young kids so we help out. No savings. New mortgage and some credit card debt.

We are lucky and blessed, but the outlook for most of us is precarious as fuck.
Someone asked if they could borrow my car for a few days recently and when the full circumstances had been explained I rather reluctantly agreed.His own car had been impounded and he stood to lose the other job he does i.e when he is not working with me.For the last twelve years he has been working sixteen hours a day because after the day shift he goes off to put in a night shift.As he put it it is okay because this leave him four hours for sleep and four hours to talk to his rellies on the phone .He mentioned other colleagues who apparently also have a night shift to go to .I would quite like to know how widespread this,to me, extraordinary practice is but finding out would likely be difficult .
Someone asked if they could borrow my car for a few days recently and when the full circumstances had been explained I rather reluctantly agreed.His own car had been impounded and he stood to lose the other job he does i.e when he is not working with me.For the last twelve years he has been working sixteen hours a day because after the day shift he goes off to put in a night shift.As he put it it is okay because this leave him four hours for sleep and four hours to talk to his rellies on the phone .He mentioned other colleagues who apparently also have a night shift to go to .I would quite like to know how widespread this,to me, extraordinary practice is but finding out would likely be difficult .
I used to work with someone who was a postie in the day and a pizza delivery guy at night.

He had one of the unhealthilest diets I have ever come across consisting entirely of sweet waffles, fizzy coke and pizza.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
I used to work with someone who was a postie in the day and a pizza delivery guy at night.

He had one of the unhealthilest diets I have ever come across consisting entirely of sweet waffles, fizzy coke and pizza.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

When I worked in social care I discovered an employee was doing a late shift, and then a sleep-in every night over a period of about 6 weeks (at different supported living services with different managers so not immediately obvious). I can’t remember what the outcome of that investigation was now but there were clearly welfare and WTD issues for him and it probably wasn’t safe for the service users either
Actually for anyone not in work, registering as self employed and submitting a NIL return is a fairly cheap way to purchase state pension years

This can’t be right can it? I have two years to make up in the next 12 for max state pension. Had thought about paying but why couldn’t I do this? Especially if I didn’t earn ‘nil’ but say earned £10? Sasaferrato Why wouldn’t this work?
This can’t be right can it? I have two years to make up in the next 12 for max state pension. Had thought about paying but why couldn’t I do this? Especially if I didn’t earn ‘nil’ but say earned £10? Sasaferrato Why wouldn’t this work?
I haven’t done it but my brothers m-i-l is at present. This is the info I passed to her, she’s retired ill health from teaching so I think is short a few years.

Normally, if you have a gov gateway login, you can see your history on line and the cost to purchase any partial or missing years. You can only fill years after the event, and the rate is set each year. Current cost is £824 per year.

But if you claim to be self employed, it only costs approx £160. Now to pay, you have to talk to DWP to get a quote & a reference number, then pay the contributions via HMRC. This will take a bit of time probably to set up and does have some admin.

It is definitely more efficient ie cheaper to buy extra years by declaring yourself self-employed (ie - registering this status with HMRC) although you can only do one tax year at a time.

You don't need to do any actual self employed work, just complete a self-assessment tax return each year and state despite having profits below the small profits threshold you'd like to voluntarily pay Class 2 NI contributions.

Each year you do this adds another year record at a fifth of the cost of adding missing years in a lump sum payment.

Wonder if there’s time to do all of this by January 31st?
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