So many particulars. So many questions.
Hennessy is shit. You want Remy Martin.
Racist remy martin
Hennessy is shit. You want Remy Martin.
Racist remy martin
So what 'higher level' of bureaucracy do your propose? How would it be democratic and accountable? How would it avoid corruption, nepotism, and so on?
Using the street councils of Cuba - a state with a centralised bureaucracy wholly unaccountable to the Cuban people, which enforces its will semi-covertly by permitted corruption and by the inevitable, poisonous and corrupting influence of a one-party state, and nakedly in the form of its police and armed forces, and where there is not an overabundance of but a lack of goods and commodities, and at times in the recent past necessities - as a benchmark for a street council under democratic rule is flawed btw. Because how a community council relates to the state is going to be very different under a bureaucracy than under a workers' democracy.
I am. I am also for it coming about because people realise it works better for them than any other system. I want it to be stable, not under constant attack from economic elites. I want for it to domino around the world as a model for true democracy and universal prosperity, and for it to be impossible to mount any coups against it because no brave soldier will take your money to undermine the global citizen's revolution.
I want for it to domino around the world as a model for true democracy and universal prosperity, and for it to be impossible to mount any coups against it because no brave soldier will take your money to undermine the global citizen's revolution.
Good, well at least we're agreed on Cuba. That's a start. It is far from the world's most horrible place, but it is not a model I would want to follow at all, and there are some people who have unrealistic ideas about what life is like in Cuba.
The higher levels, that go all the way up to a world council, build on the levels below them, basically. But the higher levels do have some power of veto over those below them. They simply have to – you building your road here fucks us up over there; you making a factory here kills our plants over there, etc. And I think it has to be that the rights and freedoms of individuals should be guaranteed at a level that is above the personal. Otherwise, you have arbitrary tyranny.
You have cooperation at street level – in order to decide upon all those issues that concern the street. You have cooperation at work level – in order to decide upon all those issues that concern the workplace. You have cooperation at town/city level – in order to decide upon all those issues that concern the running of the whole town/city. You have cooperation at at the regional level, national level, world level.
Different problems require different levels of coordination. Complex industries or national transport systems require strategic planning at a large scale, for instance. Worldwide management of resources and environment requires strategic planning at a world level. All these things can be built from the bottom up – in that a street committee will, for example, deal with the town committee, which will deal with a national committee, etc. But certain universal rights/responsibilities (but here I'm more concerned with rights) need to be guaranteed at a higher level than the street. Each street cannot have its own set of laws. And I think it is unrealistic to believe that we can get along with each other in large societies without some kind of system of laws, although I would want that system to look very different from how it looks now.
If all this social change has happened, why are the national and world laws needed?
Fuck's sake, this is basic stuff. Apart from the need to defend the state from attack by the financial elites, coercion is necessary for civil liberty, and that is where the state is necessary, with its job being no more, necessarily, than enforcing the will of the people.If all this social change has happened, why are the national and world laws needed?
Why would someone want a playstation and a Wii and an XBox, you mean? Why would I want a low-power consumption laptop for everyday use and a fucking power house of a thing for running simulations and playing games, and another one that I can just slip into my pocket for days out and a phone which synchs with all of them online. And a nice car to shift them all about in, to more restrained mates who didn't just fill their boots, which you don't need to look after because you can pick another one up tomorrow, no questions asked. No parking? No problem, leave it to get towed, grab a taxi home and pick up a new car tomorrow. And if I want to go skiing three times a year then, dammit, I will.
I want to know how it will come about. How you are going to eliminate psycho/sociopathic personality types and avoid enabling the exact same leeches that are currently sucking us dry?
How are you going to abolish scarcity?
What does this have to do with anything?Because people are imperfect and always will be. And societies will always be imperfect too.
I asked before, why we would be happy to let the self-same self-interested, selfish, unproductive individuals that have exploited us to the point of ruin for hundreds of years continue helping themselves to more than they need whilst the average responsible citizen of necessity gets less as a result of their greed and idleness?
Do you give in then?What previous points?
To the specific point: Why are national and international laws still needed, the answer is simple. There are 7 billion people who all live on one planet and all of whose actions have consequences for others. In such a situation, certain kinds of decisions have to be taken at a higher level than others.
Do you give in then?
You accept your points about law and the national law making body are a-historical/meaningless given what 'revolution' (your thread title) would actually involve?
The ones in this post amongst others
Who is your road map aimed at?
Also, why AV? Wasn't it established on the other thread that AV 'sucked'.
Not a higher level, just a meta-level. We need to get rid of ideas of power and influence residing in the hierarchy of job-size.
Not a higher level, just a meta-level. We need to get rid of ideas of power and influence residing in the hierarchy of job-size.
You've just tried to turn laws into decisions in one stroke, it won't wash.
Kind of. The larger-level structures do need to have the power of veto on certain matters, though. This works both ways in that the smaller-level structures will have constitutionally guaranteed areas of concern, but you can't avoid the fact that the larger-level has a power to veto that the smaller level does not.
The degree of meta-ness in your overview of, and role in directing, the organisation. Do you put widgets together, or do you oversee the production of all widgets? The features that normally define a hierarchy, translated to a non-hierarchical management system.I don't get this. What is 'job-size'?
Same thing, ultimately. Setting the rules for what can and can't be done – taking responsibility for certain kinds of planning.
is either irrelevant or counterproductive.certain universal rights/responsibilities (but here I'm more concerned with rights) need to be guaranteed
If it's the same, then all of your is either irrelevant or counterproductive.
The degree of meta-ness in your overview of, and role in directing, the organisation. Do you put widgets together, or do you oversee the production of all widgets? The features that normally define a hierarchy, translated to a non-hierarchical management system.
Kind of. The larger-level structures do need to have the power of veto on certain matters, though. This works both ways in that the smaller-level structures will have constitutionally guaranteed areas of concern, but you can't avoid the fact that the larger-level has a power to veto that the smaller level does not.
So the people who get quadruple salaries have much meta-ness in their organisation. Is that it?
You need to break this down.