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What's for tea tonight? (pt7)

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I don't really like courgette or aubergine and neither does the boy.

Thinking about roasted veg but all the oil int too healthy (and it needs is in our shitty electric oven or stuff dries out).

Hmmmm I'll have a think.

i too have a shitty electric oven but love roast veg so i get round it by using a tiny amount of olive oil(literally just a drizzle) and putting the oven on to a higher heat for 20 mins or so, so that the peppers start to brown at the end, and everything else has a bit of colour, then turn the heat down to around 150 and add a cup of water to the veg to keep it moist. then keep adding water as and when needed

tonight i am having roast veg (peppers,onions,sweet potatos,mushrooms, tomatos and aubergine), with a squeaky cheese and veg kebabs:)
Fish finger butty tonight :)

Arg god now I want that!

There is a pub/something else in Brixton that has them on their menu.
Crusty bread, fish fingers, watercress and lime mayo :cool:

It was the place that use to be called The Goose or something and now is called Ivans Retreat.
Not the kinda place we would go in but I needed a wee after shopping so we stopped for a min.
Might have to go there in lunch time though just for the butty :)
Have a couple of cooked chicken breasts to use up from last nights roast and would usually make a stringy chicken curry but fancy something different - any ideas?
Have a couple of cooked chicken breasts to use up from last nights roast and would usually make a stringy chicken curry but fancy something different - any ideas?

Chicken noodle soup? Chicken caesar salad? Chicken fried rice?
I had boring food. Potato, carrot and broccoli mash, with a veggie sausage and a bit of beetroot. Nom.
chicken breast stuffed with stuff then wrapped and baked. i shall worry about details later :cool:
We're having a Saturday night tea tonight, i.e. something with chips :D I'm having veggie burgers and Mr K is having a steak sandwich. He will be making his delicious oven-baked chips, which are much greasier and more indulgent than mine.
Supposed to be scallop and prawn skewers on the bbq but it's pissin down so grilled scallop and prawn skewers with cous cous and a bit of salad
Have made a tomato and aubergine curry, and a smaller chicken and mushroom one with the very last of the leftover chicken from 2 days ago - yum :)
did you make it hyderabadi style? where the eggplant is cut into strips and there is a lot of tomato sauce curry and its really sour?

Errm, no, I don't think so - it was an indonesian recipe c/o Madhur Jaffrey's world veg cookery book -was ok but the aubergine was too oily for me
It's just The Albatross and me this weekend and time's been fairly short, so: rabbit hindquarters on the barbeque, homefries, green beans with currents and green salad. Store-bought Nanaimo bar with home-made vanilla ice cream for later.
The Sri Lankan Hindu temple that backs onto us is having their annual parade today, where the men pull things via ropes attached to metal that is pierced through their SKIN. They usually give lots of nice food away. Then we are going to the Mela, where there will again be lots of yummy food, plus mhendi and music and so on.

Yesterday I cooked a squirrel.
Not much meat on it. It tastes like a cross between turkey and lamb. I roasted it, but it probably would have been nicer in a casserole.
Possibly that would have been nice, yes. I wrapped it in bacon because it was quite lean and it would have dried out. I'll post a picture if you want me to :)
Where did you get the squirrel from fran? Always wanted to try that

Tonight is either gonna be scallops with veggie rice, or pancetta in a very thin sauce with cherry tomatoes, tom puree, and rosemary - with penne
Last night was plain boiled rice, fried Chinese dumplings, leftover roast chicken stir fry thing for himself, tofu stir fry for me cos I was craving tofu (!).

*goes for brain scan*

Today will be a roast of sorts. Rest of leftover chicken, stuffing, roast spuds, gravy, veg...
I'm going to do my poor vegetable deprived children a proper roast dinner today. :cool:

That's if the boys ever get dressed so we can go shopping.... :rolleyes:

missfran - squirrel? And you actually ate it? :eek:
It tastes like a cross between turkey and lamb.

Wow - I wouldn't have expected that - would have expected it to be rabbity (although perhaps you'd describe rabbit as the same cross... :hmm: ).

But yeah - always assumed casseroling would be best, due to the leaness.

I saw a recipe very recently for squirrel, but I can't remember where :rolleyes: :mad: - might have been in the Observer :confused: - it was alongside an article about a butcher who regularly sells them anyway...will have a google....

Tonight the small girl and I will be having a chicken, mushroom, broccoli and pak choi stir-fry (prob in oyster sauce) with some noodles.

Yesterday was a very nice fish pie, with salmon, king prawns and peas in bechamel and a rosti potato topping, with broccoli on the side.
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