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What's for tea tonight? (pt5)

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'Y I Otter' :D

Welcome btw!

Well today...exactly two weeks to the day :rolleyes: we're going out for my birthday meal! :D

We were supposed to be going on the Sunday following my birthday, but none of us particularly fancied it enough to trek out in the 4" of snow (!!!) but today is definitely the day!

The boy has chosen to go to Gourmet Burger Kitchen, so it'll be uh...burgers, obviously...but I've no idea which one yet - there's too much choice! :mad:

It's looking like it'll be warm enough to eat outside too. :cool:

The falafel burger is quite nice but pricey. Don't have the cheesy veggie option as it's just a bit, well, cheesy!
Veal escalopes flattered saltimbocca style, spread with chopped chicken liver, sage and thyme, topped with thinkly sliced proscuitto, then rolled up (and held together with a toothpick). Fried saltimbocca-style and deglaze the pan with some sherry or white wine with some cream for a sauce. What do you think?

I've never had veal or chicken liver I'm afraid, so am lacking some tastebud info there, but I do have a problem with the raising of the animals to produce the veal. I know there has been fairly recent legislation, but am not convinced it's enough

Having said that, the rest of it sounds lovely :)
I've never had veal or chicken liver I'm afraid, so am lacking some tastebud info there, but I do have a problem with the raising of the animals to produce the veal. I know there has been fairly recent legislation, but am not convinced it's enough

Having said that, the rest of it sounds lovely :)

It's rose veal from the farmer's market, all ethical stuff :)
'Welcome btw!

Thanx very much. :)

We were supposed to be going on the Sunday following my birthday, but none of us particularly fancied it enough to trek out in the 4" of snow (!!!) but today is definitely the day!

4 inches of snow. Pffft! That's a fine spring day where I live. :D

I'm thawing a couple of splake steaks, which I'll probably do on the barbeque. Splake is a fish particular to Georgian Bay in Lake Huron-- it's a hybrid of lake trout and speckled trout that get quite large in deep water, like salmon. I'll likely slice up some lemon/dill compound butter from the freezer to dress it.

I'll make homefries from some potatoes left over from Sunday dinner, steam a few carrots that overwintered in the garden and finally use up those braised leeks from last week before they get too dodgy. And the ubiquitous green salad of course (almost every wild thing that's green is edible this time of year).
Y I Otter - am intrigued by the 'poofter ponderosa' part. You make me think of someone I know in Sheffield, who absolutely loves Canada. In fact, I'm almost convinced it's him
i am allowed to eat healthily sometimes mrs! i'll turn into a blimp if i don't and then no one will love me anymore! :( :mad:

I shall be keeping an eye on you young laydee - if this turns into another marathon no-calorie sesh, you'll be seeing lots of these :rolleyes::rolleyes::mad:

now, be told
4 inches of snow. Pffft! That's a fine spring day where I live.

I know - we're weedy and pathetic - we got as far as the allotment (over the back fence basically) made a small snowman and then hurried back inside for a nice cup of tea. :D

It WAS nice yesterday though, sitting outside in the sun, which was much more what I had in mind :cool: ...I had the burger with stilton sauce....HUUUUUGE it was :eek: .....2 portions of chips between four of us was still too much...and I shouldn't even have bothered getting the small girl a junior burger, seeing as how she ate one small strip of it, a few of the chuncky chips and then pronounced herself stuffed (although she still managed an ice cream after :hmm: )!

Tonight I'm going to rub a spiced yoghurt mixture onto some cubed lamb neck fillet and make kebabs to have with roast veg and bulghur wheat and a greek salad.
King prawns were on offer at the weekend so last night I had garlicky prawn and basil in a white wine sauce with rice. Tonight I'm having a spicy tomato curry with the rest of the prawns.
I have some fish in the fridge (haddock I think) that I'm going to have - with some chilli and garlic and lime and ginger and whatever else takes my fancy :D

probably with some rice, or noodles :cool:
Ooh, that sounds lovely. :cool: I am making meatballs to be served with spaghetti. Yummy. :cool:

Change of plan. I am going to a tutorial, magic sam is going for a drink after work and I am trying to study so will do meatballs tomorrow. Tonight will probably be cheesy jacket spuds.
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