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What's for tea tonight? (pt3)

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i have a friend visiting and I am cooking a terribly unexciting veggie stir-fry (I always do this when I have loads of veggie box veggies to use up)

although, I could do a mushroom strog... that is also tempting - damn you sojourner :mad: :p

eta: new plan - mush strog tomorrow - huzzah!
Dunno, some thing or other. It's driving lesson night tonight and Mr K has to make a cat litter run to the supermarket, so I might get him to bring home some oven food.
secretsquirrel - it's electric I'm afraid - is that naughty? :( :confused: :D

It's beautiful though - I am in love with it :cool: - and it actually cooks things in the correct time too!!!!! :eek:

We're having pasta with pesto and mushrooms and spinach mixed into it the stuck under the grill to melt some cheese on to it, with some grilled salmon and a green salad.
Toad in the hole and veg.

Boring. :rolleyes:

I want something tasty and exciting, not bloody toad in the whole. :mad:

When those kids leave home I am only going to eat lovely food. :cool:
I'm working from 6pm-midnight, so I are having teh big lunch instead: lamb tagine and Persian rice (mixing my countries :cool: ) The pears and stilton for afters. And possibly crumpets when I get in from work.
moomoo - send your kids to mine for dinner, i LOVE making toad in the hole :D

would have it tonight but the only ingredients for it that i have is flour :(
I could look it up but I'd rather ask you lot - what exactly IS toad in the hole? I know its sausages...is it with a sort of yorkshire pudding?
@ missfran Cheers lass

Not sure about that...is there enough yorkie pud to accompany the saussies? I might have to put mashed spuds with it too :D
For those that wanted to know how I'm getting on with weightwatchers, I have now lost 5.5 lbs. Just a half pound off this week but it all counts.

I have new inspiration now - I've found a wedding dress I really like and I'm going to try it on again in a couple of weeks in front of friends. Short term goal: lose over 7lbs in total before then.

As for tea, tonight is salsa class so it's a tin of veg soup. Needs must.
sojourner said:
@ missfran Cheers lass

Not sure about that...is there enough yorkie pud to accompany the saussies? I might have to put mashed spuds with it too :D

Oh yeah, do mash too. And peas. And gravy. :D
you can put herbs in the yorkshire batter (rosemary is really good) and put chunks of onions and peppers in the hole with the sausages....

as firkys hero would say "its totally fucking mexico" :cool:
missfran said:
Oh yeah, do mash too. And peas. And gravy. :D

I don't like mash with it. Makes it too much of a stodgy meal iyswim. :)

I don't dislike toad in the hole, but I'm getting fed up churning out the same meals week in week out! If I suggest anything different they all look at me in horror. And then ask if it will have mushrooms in it. :rolleyes: :D
moo moo: if we ever dared to ask our mum what was for dinner she'd tell us it was rhinoceros's toenail clippings :( it was her way of saying, doen't matter what it is, you'll eat it or go hungry!

ETA: in all fairness we did always eat it too: expect for when it was cheese and lentil loaf which was so dry and horrid it would suck all the moisture from you and leave you like a human raisin :(
moomoo said:
I don't like mash with it. Makes it too much of a stodgy meal iyswim. :)

I don't dislike toad in the hole, but I'm getting fed up churning out the same meals week in week out! If I suggest anything different they all look at me in horror. And then ask if it will have mushrooms in it. :rolleyes: :D
I *heart* stodge though :cool:

I know what you mean re same meals - I have that problem with my lass. I got so fed up with it though that I started making different stuff anyhow, and if she didn't like it, make something else herself.
Tonight 3 girlie friends are coming round. Im pulling out my foldaway table and serving lasagne and chips.... Will start with fresh olives from Waitrose, bruchetta, red wine, then Delias veggie lasagne and homemade spicey potato wedges and sour cream with salad and a garlic and herb bloomer and red wine.

I bought some chocolate for pudding...swiss chocolate with Remy Martin filling and Waitrose own brand aftereights...so I had better get cracking...x
No idea.

we have aubergine, sweet potato and mushrooms in the cupboard. i might just bake some jackets instead of doing some real cooking :oops:
moonsi til said:
Tonight 3 girlie friends are coming round. Im pulling out my foldaway table and serving lasagne and chips.... Will start with fresh olives from Waitrose, bruchetta, red wine, then Delias veggie lasagne and homemade spicey potato wedges and sour cream with salad and a garlic and herb bloomer and red wine.

I bought some chocolate for pudding...swiss chocolate with Remy Martin filling and Waitrose own brand aftereights...so I had better get cracking...x
Fucking hell

Do you all have massive appetites? That's a LOT of food

Can I come? :D
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