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What's for tea tonight? (pt 2)

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My mum has made a quiche so I'll have some of that with something when I get in. That's if Mr Madz remebers to save me any :rolleyes: I've been out too much this week but tomorrow I intend to stay in and eat chocloate cake what the luvvly moomoo has bought me :cool:
crustychick said:
cheers my lovely :)

(p.s. are we going to be seeing you at any festivals this year???)
Might be doing Beautiful Days... but nowt else - not got the cash for it - and only just finished a college course.
Just got taken to Veeraswamy for lunch by new boss. Absolutely incredible, every dish cooked to perfection and delicious. Even old favourites like sag aloo were unbelievable, the spinach being pureed and given a smooth taste to match the texture. Best was the green leaf bajia as a starter, but the veg kofta and two lentil dal with terka were pretty special too. And the freshly cooked naan, straight from the tandoor.
£28 per head for two courses and soft drinks, not bad for top end Indian food.
Sounds decent ringo

I'm sick to death of economeals. I'm gonna make myself something gorgeous at the weekend, and it's gonna be a toss up between veggie lasagne, or pancetta, borlotti bean, and rosemary risotto (nods to OU) - I've been dreaming of the risotto for a while now - mmmm pancetta *slavers*
sojourner said:
Sounds decent ringo

I'm sick to death of economeals. I'm gonna make myself something gorgeous at the weekend, and it's gonna be a toss up between veggie lasagne, or pancetta, borlotti bean, and rosemary risotto (nods to OU) - I've been dreaming of the risotto for a while now - mmmm pancetta *slavers*
Have to say that's a bit of a no brainer soj :)
Sausages from the butcher down the road here in Brussels (I'm still in bloody Belgium), with pepperonata.
Yetman said:
You cant like them both :mad:

I bet you think marmite is 'ok' dont you :mad:


Yetman makes me laugh :D

I'm having the same as last night - veg pie with lots of veg on the side and salad. I'm not on a diet but all that junk food at the festival made me feel a bit bleurgh
sojourner said:

What are you wittering on about now woman? What's a friggin no brainer?? They're both lush
Stop being so thick :rolleyes: How can veggie lasagne ever be as lush as risotto.

Fucks sake.
sojourner said:
Sounds decent ringo

I'm sick to death of economeals. I'm gonna make myself something gorgeous at the weekend, and it's gonna be a toss up between veggie lasagne, or pancetta, borlotti bean, and rosemary risotto (nods to OU) - I've been dreaming of the risotto for a while now - mmmm pancetta *slavers*

They both sound good (not that I'd eat the pancetta), haven't made a lasagne for a while. That reminds me of a lasagne a mate used to cook me years ago which had a layer of marmite on thinly cut toast on top, then covered in grated cheese. I hated the sound of it but it tasted great. Might do that over the weekend.

Still, some of my favourite meals are what would be cheap or peasant food in the country of their origin, especially Indian and Mexican. I get more pleasure from a good dal than a lot of complicated/expensive dishes.
Change of plan asI iz going to teh pub on the way home so it looks like it will be halal showrima kebabs from the showrima halal kebab shop, better known as the Alwaha,the boy will be pleased and I dont have to cook -yay!!:)
I'm not a great fan of sloppy cheesy rice, especially not at the moment (feeling sick from chocolate brownie binge).
May Kasahara said:
I'm not a great fan of sloppy cheesy rice, especially not at the moment (feeling sick from chocolate brownie binge).




May Kashara - how very dare you! :mad:
Orang Utan said:
it's not necessarily cheesy and it's only sloppy if you don't do it properly
Much as I'm loathe to agree with the sneering cultural elitist, I fear I have no choice this time :D
Big sloppy cheesy rice? Arf! but you iz bang on the money May! I've never quite *got* risotto - always seems more stodgy or lacking in flavour than I thought it would be...although of course I could just be eating frubbish risotto.

As for me: I iz off to see my yummy boy this evening. We iz going to the pub so this invariably will mean a trip to the kebab house on the way home. Which is fine by me! :D
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