LG sauce is Loyd Grossman?
Yeah. They're the only lazy ones I like really. Ragu etc just taste like sugar to me.
Coconut and tomato dhal and rice for me, something with broccoli for the kids (cos we've got tons to use up) - maybe pizza ( @ moonsi), maybe chicken and bacon pies.
Banana/strawb/blueberry ice cream milkshakes for pudding.
bloody hell sheo I thought fish, chips & broccoli was crazy on a plate but pizza & broccoli beats that by a country mile. Please be kind to their future partners/children & serve the broccoli with the pies.
And I had broccoli with my dhal.
i didhey bee, you've reclaimed your bee
i had burgers, with a side order of burgers
when I get my badge maker (going on my xmas list) I'm going to make myself a 'broccoli sheriff' one.
So you had two burgers?
Trofie pasta tossed with pesto, chilli flakes, chopped olives, cherry tomatoes and flaked almonds, topped with crumbled feta, with salad.
i had one burger, one double decker burger
I tend to use the cauldron marinated tofu, I know I should get into buying just 'tofu' and doing stuff with it, but I haven't got round to it yet.
So I would say that the Cauldron stuff is a good place to start.