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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Was going to do roast lime chicken with roast potatoes, carrots, yorkies. But, the sun is out here, so ever the optimist, that dinner has been modified to lime chicken salad.
P.s. Not a Bank holiday here in Scotland, most folk at work, schools in.

Serves with mash, broccoli abs asparagus.
Only problem is, I didn't realise that it said to cool in the liquid.
We might not be eating until 9pm.

Any tips?
At work and am having meatballs in tomato sauce with the last of the "green" couscous (loads of herbs, toasted pistachios, spring onions, feta).
Like the sound of green couscous MsT!

We're having persian roast lamb with potato dauph from the freezer. Never roasted lamb before, so keeping my fingers crossed.
Would you put the bolognese on the chips first and then top with cheese?
Or bolognese on top of the cheesy chips?

Bolognese on top of cheesy chips, deffo.

Did similar yesterday.

Potato wedges then grated cheese then chilli then a big dollop of sour cream.
with dauphinoise potatoes.

:thumbs: biddly. :D

Roast chicken and balsamic vegetables with a pan roasted beetroot, soft goats cheese, toasted hazlenut, mint and broad bean salad. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Lastnight was chicken breast, chips and coleslaw at nandos followed by magnum White, toffee popcorn and minstrels at the cinema.
Tonight we're heading pub-wards so will probably involve chips + something and some wine if I smile sweetly :D
zomg. I was all prepared to edit out some smileys there. You ok sheo?

What it was, was I replied to you and then I was gonna post about my dinner, too - but I noted the number of smilies ALREADY USED and thought...hang about :hmm: it's gonna be one of those ones where you have to go right back thru several times, trying to decide which ones to keep and which ones to kill....Sophie's Choice, wtfs :( .......so I came up with a very sensible Plan B, given that the two things were not entirely related, and decided to throw caution to the wind and just do a second post.

Having just read your anxious post though, I counted up the sum total of smilies in the TWO posts and it's actually 8, so despite each of them looking worryingly sparse, tbf ( :( ), in a funny kind of way, we could conclude that I actually got far more than I should have for what was initially to be just the ONE posts worth of drivel. :cool:

It was almost like writing a pm though - NO NEED FOR COUNTING - *FREEDOM* :cool: etc *sigh*
:D your pms are ace sheo, but yeah, as soon as i got one i clocked there was no limit :D

i had carrot, celery, cucumber, peppers, beetroot and pitta bread with lemon&coriander houmous for dipping. and then a spare fishcake from yesterday cos i was still hungry :)
Mushroom pie with spuds, corn on the cob, roast broccoli, none of which I could taste cos I've got a cold :(
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