I am SO doing this.
This week's looking good:
sour chickpeas (khaate cholle) & haake (some sort of cabbagey thing) tonight
pot roast guinea fowl on tuesday
spaghetti with crab, cherry tomatoes and basil on wednesday
baked courgettes stuffed with spiced lamb mince and tomato sauce on thursday
Yum yum
You can get a bit too into this planning business you know.
You could have eaten that pork as a snack
I think this experiment might go better as I'm not using up whatever was in the fridge. (((cheese slices)))Good gel! I can always count on you, wtfs!!!
You have to get the RIGHT crabstix, wtfs!* Not the cheap shite chalky, powdery textured, kind of solid, dry ones....yeuch - but ideally the nice errrrr.....*squeaky* ummmm *wet* ones that pull apart in, like, *strings* (when they're not frozen obv - when they're frozen you suck em and the strings start to reappear). Try the fishmonger ones I reckon - else the Youngs ones aren't that bad.
*It's like the processed cheese experiment all over again....
That's actually not a bad idea.and yup, my parents don't waste any food. My dad even has a list of everything in the freezer stuck to the door, so he can keep track of what needs to be used. He gets disconcerted if I buy anything that needs to be kept in the fridge cos the space needs to be accounted for
i forgot it was bank holiday - i presume this is why everyone's having big feasts tonight?
no, sour chickpeas and cabbage
not at all! they'e nice! look at my earlier post about what i was having for the rest of the week - delicious times!Bad times
Leftover bolognese sauce, on/with something. Jacket potatoes maybe. Or a big pile of chips. Or rice. Some sort of carb, basically.
Bolognese is lovely on cheesy chips. : )