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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

You can only hope that wrapping himself up with pointless election appeals and conspiracy nonsense is impeding his ability to do other bad stuff or pardon more assholes
I had a difficult time with it too. How could it happen to someone on the inside of the Trump administration. We're all used to seeing regular people being bankrupted, but someone on the inside?

There's a few things to consider:

  • Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself. Its likely that if he did care, his security crew wouldn't have gotten Covid in the first place.
  • Its possible that the debt is overblown because all Trump officials seem to be crooked one way or another. Maybe they're raking in the cash while they can.
  • Maybe the coverage really is that bad. Any stay of months in the US hospital will amount into millions of dollars. Even the premium policies are still 80/20 plans. You still have to pick up the remaining 20%. If you have a $2 million dollar bill, which isn't outside the possibility here, you're still on the hook for $400,000. That's a lot for anyone. It would certainly see me sleeping on the streets.
Its astounding how much money medical care costs. I took a little tour a while ago and didn't need hospital care. My care, which only took minutes of their time, amounted to $24,000. That's how much a rabies series costs in the U.S. I ended up on the hook for about $2,500. What's worse, is the hoops I had to jump through to get treatment. I spent most of a week getting that treatment lined up and still failed to get it lined up. You can spend days on the phone, and they don't talk to one another, or actually give a shit. My insurance company finally told me to go to the ER to get treatment, after I couldn't negotiate the system. When my brother was sick with lung cancer (39 year old and non-smoker), he had bills, still in their envelopes, that would cover the length of his couch. He died penniless. If my mom and I weren't there to help, he's have died homeless. What astonished me was that his treatment options ran out at exactly the same time as his cash. To be perfectly honest, if I got sick, I'm not certain I would opt for treatment, not just because of the cost, but because of the hassle you get trying to negotiate the system. I don't think that I, as a single person, could manage it without help.

(Apologies for the negative post. I usually try to be more positive than this.)
I'm really sorry to hear about your brother. People and their families shouldn't have to deal with that when a person is unwell. :(

We tend to take universal healthcare for granted and moan about it all the time, but we're fortunate that we have it. As others have said, the NHS is far from perfect but it doesn't result in people being bankrupted. Its a no-brainer to pool the risk at the national level - the resistance to such a system is bizarre looking at it from outside the US.
There's a P missing - P is the 16th letter of the alphabet, 1 plus 6 equals seven, there are seven deadly sins of which the worst is pride, the animal that forms prides is the lion ... Bush was lying! :eek:
P comes before Q as well.........
pride even starts with a p ! q must stand with the missing letters. where we qo one, we qo all. #wetheqeople
Slackmurder getting pardons WTF.
Blackwater managed to give mercenaries a bad name 😂.
Their owner who really wanted to be Kevin Spacey from Advanced warfare but was more like the protagonist from special forces the line. was Betsy dubois brother and did to PMC what she did to us education.
I know he can't do anything about the Supreme Court,
Actually, he can. There is absolutely no law or constitutional clause limiting the SCOTUS to 9 members, so there is nothing to stop him expanding it to 13 - and picking 4 progressive-minded justices
Actually, he can. There is absolutely no law or constitutional clause limiting the SCOTUS to 9 members, so there is nothing to stop him expanding it to 13 - and picking 4 progressive-minded justices

Don't tell trump that! :eek: as i don't think he is too happy with the current members at the moment.
Actually, he can. There is absolutely no law or constitutional clause limiting the SCOTUS to 9 members, so there is nothing to stop him expanding it to 13 - and picking 4 progressive-minded justices
not quite nothing. there is the requirement for Senate confirmation of his appointments.
which the Democrats don't even control (yet)
He just needs to pardon Charlie Manson, Tim mcveigh, the Boston strangler and Typhoid Mary to get the complete set

Or, Charles Kushner, Ivanka's father-in-law?

Trump grants more pardons, including for Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner - CBS News

The ultra-wealthy seem to be doing everything they can to guarantee that the pitchforks are going to come out. This is the kind of thing that's both an abuse of power and easy to understand. Even so, I still doubt that his most ardent supporters still won't get it.
the slackmurder 4 are a bone to his base. "brave patriots who were hung out to dry :rolleyes: " the A-team except with more steroids racism and murder. blackwater was notorious in iraq for being a disaster arrogant and trigger happy not only shooting at civilians but US and UK military:facepalm:. If your a steroid-abusing racist you could claim that 12 year old you shot was an insurgent:mad: and the state department would back you if it was only one.:eek:
Can't really use that as an excuse when you shoot at a British patrol :facepalm: Blackwater in Iraq thought they were above the law and military command and control admittedly Iraq was anarchy but blackwater made everything worse I was surprised those murderous fucks spent any time in a cell the US marines got away with their massacre the RMP and Shayler together crayoned over most cases and the Historic inquiry Iraq team went full Jack Bauer unfortunately with less than laser-like precision so that they actually interrogated soldiers who'd been too young to deploy to Iraq:eek:
the slackmurder 4 are a bone to his base. "brave patriots who were hung out to dry :rolleyes: " the A-team except with more steroids racism and murder. blackwater was notorious in iraq for being a disaster arrogant and trigger happy not only shooting at civilians but US and UK military:facepalm:. If your a steroid-abusing racist you could claim that 12 year old you shot was an insurgent:mad: and the state department would back you if it was only one.:eek:
Can't really use that as an excuse when you shoot at a British patrol :facepalm: Blackwater in Iraq thought they were above the law and military command and control admittedly Iraq was anarchy but blackwater made everything worse I was surprised those murderous fucks spent any time in a cell the US marines got away with their massacre the RMP and Shayler together crayoned over most cases and the Historic inquiry Iraq team went full Jack Bauer unfortunately with less than laser-like precision so that they actually interrogated soldiers who'd been too young to deploy to Iraq:eek:
A reminder of Blackwater in Iraq and a somewhat heartwarming story too, a short thread:

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