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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

A story by Politico shows what we all kinda knew. Trump decided to follow a course of "herd immunity" long ago, despite his claims otherwise. Now they have the emails to prove it. A telling quote was "We want them infected."

A top Trump appointee repeatedly urged top health officials to adopt a "herd immunity" approach to Covid-19 and allow millions of Americans to be infected by the virus, according to internal emails obtained by a House watchdog and shared with POLITICO.

“There is no other way, we need to establish herd, and it only comes about allowing the non-high risk groups expose themselves to the virus. PERIOD," then-science adviser Paul Alexander wrote on July 4 to his boss, Health and Human Services assistant secretary for public affairs Michael Caputo, and six other senior officials.

"Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected…" Alexander added.

"t may be that it will be best if we open up and flood the zone and let the kids and young folk get infected" in order to get "natural immunity…natural exposure," Alexander wrote on July 24 to Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn, Caputo and eight other senior officials. Caputo subsequently asked Alexander to research the idea, according to emails obtained by the House Oversight Committee's select subcommittee on coronavirus.
Alexander also argued that colleges should stay open to allow Covid-19 infections to spread, lamenting in a July 27 email to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield that “we essentially took off the battlefield the most potent weapon we had...younger healthy people, children, teens, young people who we needed to fastly [sic] infect themselves, spread it around, develop immunity, and help stop the spread.”

Alexander was a top deputy of Caputo, who was personally installed by President Donald Trump in April to lead the health department's communications efforts. Officials told POLITICO that they believed that when Alexander made recommendations, he had the backing of the White House.

“It was understood that he spoke for Michael Caputo, who spoke for the White House,” said Kyle McGowan, a Trump appointee who was CDC chief of staff before leaving this summer. “That’s how they wanted it to be perceived.”

‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy, emails reveal - POLITICO

We ticked over 310,000 dead this morning. We have 4% of the world's population and 19% of the deaths. Trump has killed more Americans than were killed in WWII.
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From Dylans, Hurricane.

How can the life of such a man
Be in the palm of some fool's hand?
To see him obviously framed
Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
Where justice is a game

American justice is a transaction over-run with plea bargaining.
If you've got the money or status your transaction will be weighted to your benefit, if you haven't then you'll be thrown to the wolves.
Add in the racial bias and you've got a criminal, criminal system.
The UK has plenty of its own issues but I'd take my chances in court here any day.
Putin defo has a trump hotel sex tape. only explanation to why he gives Russia a pass every time....
Dunno... As it has been proven repeatedly over the last four years, Trump has been given a de facto unlimited get out of jail card by nearly half of the American electorate. He’d probably laugh it off as a ‘boys will be boys’ minor character flaw, and get away with it as well.
What do you think those are?

  • He possibly owes huge amounts of money to Russian oligarchs.
  • He needs the good will of the Russians to borrow more money to keep his "empire" afloat.
  • There's a good chance he's been involved in money laundering and they have evidence of that.
  • They have evidence of other illegal misconduct that could land him in prison for a very long time.
  • He too dumb to know he's being a stooge.
  • Melania is a sleeper agent.
  • He's knowingly working for Russia.

Not all of those possibilities have the same weight. One or two are a little out there, an its likely a combination of factors.
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  • He possibly owes huge amounts of money to Russian oligarchs.
  • He needs the good will of the Russians to borrow more money to keep his "empire" afloat.
  • There's a good chance he's been involved in money laundering and they have evidence of that.
  • They have evidence of other illegal misconduct that could land him in prison for a very long time.
  • He too dumb to know he's being a stooge.
  • Melania is a sleeper agent.
  • He's knowingly working for Russia.

Not all of those possibilities have the same weight. One or two are a little out there, an its likely a combination of factors.
Add to the list: if a powerful individual or organisation borrows a large amount of money from a state-owned Russian bank, they have, in all likelihood, accepted a Schrödinger's gift/loan from the Kremlin, who can decide whether and when to call in the debt.

Which is not the stuff of conspiracy theories. It's in the public domain that the French Rassemblement (Front) National has such a debt, and would be bankrupted if it ever suddenly had to pay up.
I think Trump and then I think Four Seasons Landscaping press conference. Lets revisit as I don't think it'll ever get old.

Its is going to take some beating for most memorable moment in the Decade, still a long way to go, but man its going to take some doing.
Proper fascist move this, executive order from the disappearing Donald that only nostalgic fake-old buildings are to be allowed. Until this gets repealed next month probably .

I fervently hope the hacks attending the next press conference ask him nothing else than a series of detailed questions on that press release; the answers will be fantastic (although it is something he personally does feel strongly about, except without doing any of it himself, doing it during his term or troubling to find out anything).

There is also a bit of oddness in that order though - the term expires in less than a years' time (so one imagines the council is going to not have an input on that many buildings even if it lasts the full term), and more surprisingly nowhere does it mention the surroundings of the buildings themselves (which are after all the key thing to whether a design looks right).
Now you've made me read all about Speer's designs for the great city of Germania that was supposed to last a thousand years but never happened, it's fascinating. I don't think you can call him a modernist tho, it all looks pretty out of town Tescos-classicism but massive.

His auto-biography I found pretty fascinating tbh. I think the idea of 1,000 years was based around the natural decay of buildings, but that they would leave behind a more or less permanent inner aesthetic from materials like iron etc as they wore away. It was something of an attempt to leave a visual legacy behind much in the way of the Romans or Greeks
Trump issued more pardons today. I managed to be shocked, although I thought I'd lost the ability. Some of the people he pardoned were Blackwater contractors who murdered 14 civilians in Iraq, and injured at least 17 more. I'm just livid that he did that, but I'm sure his base will be very happy for these war criminals:

President Donald Trump has pardoned four Blackwater security guards who were given lengthy prison sentences for killing 14 civilians in Baghdad in 2007, a massacre that caused international uproar over the use of private contractors in war zones.

The four – Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, Dustin Heard and Nicholas Slatten – were part of an armoured convoy that opened fire indiscriminately with machine-guns and grenade launchers on a crowd of unarmed people in the Iraqi capital. Known as the Nisour Square massacre, the slaughter was seen as a low point in the conflict in Iraq.

In 2014, Slough, Liberty and Heard were found guilty of 13 charges of voluntary manslaughter and 17 charges of attempted manslaughter, while Slatten, the team’s sniper who was the first to open fire, was convicted of first-degree murder. Slatten was sentenced to life; Slough, Liberty and Heard got 30 years each.

Trump pardons Blackwater contractors jailed for massacre of Iraq civilians (msn.com)
Trump issued more pardons today. I managed to be shocked, although I thought I'd lost the ability. Some of the people he pardoned were Blackwater contractors who murdered 14 civilians in Iraq, and injured at least 17 more. I'm just livid that he did that, but I'm sure his base will be very happy for these war criminals:

Trump pardons Blackwater contractors jailed for massacre of Iraq civilians (msn.com)

Made me google Time left until Trump leaves office, can't really muster anymore than that. Fuck knows who'd want to be on the same page as Donald Trump
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