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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I really am having a hard time with this story.
He worked at the White House. Why doesn't he have adequate medical coverage?
Why are they begging for money?

If you work for the government in Canada, you have excellent coverage.
I was thinking that bit sounded mad - I'm very used to seeing gofundmes for Americans' medical bills, but I thought that once you were in charge of the White House's security office you'd be in a position where you didn't need to do that. Was that naive of me?
I really am having a hard time with this story.
He worked at the White House. Why doesn't he have adequate medical coverage?
Why are they begging for money?

If you work for the government in Canada, you have excellent coverage.

I had a difficult time with it too. How could it happen to someone on the inside of the Trump administration. We're all used to seeing regular people being bankrupted, but someone on the inside?

There's a few things to consider:

  • Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself. Its likely that if he did care, his security crew wouldn't have gotten Covid in the first place.
  • Its possible that the debt is overblown because all Trump officials seem to be crooked one way or another. Maybe they're raking in the cash while they can.
  • Maybe the coverage really is that bad. Any stay of months in the US hospital will amount into millions of dollars. Even the premium policies are still 80/20 plans. You still have to pick up the remaining 20%. If you have a $2 million dollar bill, which isn't outside the possibility here, you're still on the hook for $400,000. That's a lot for anyone. It would certainly see me sleeping on the streets.
Its astounding how much money medical care costs. I took a little tour a while ago and didn't need hospital care. My care, which only took minutes of their time, amounted to $24,000. That's how much a rabies series costs in the U.S. I ended up on the hook for about $2,500. What's worse, is the hoops I had to jump through to get treatment. I spent most of a week getting that treatment lined up and still failed to get it lined up. You can spend days on the phone, and they don't talk to one another, or actually give a shit. My insurance company finally told me to go to the ER to get treatment, after I couldn't negotiate the system. When my brother was sick with lung cancer (39 year old and non-smoker), he had bills, still in their envelopes, that would cover the length of his couch. He died penniless. If my mom and I weren't there to help, he's have died homeless. What astonished me was that his treatment options ran out at exactly the same time as his cash. To be perfectly honest, if I got sick, I'm not certain I would opt for treatment, not just because of the cost, but because of the hassle you get trying to negotiate the system. I don't think that I, as a single person, could manage it without help.

(Apologies for the negative post. I usually try to be more positive than this.)
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I really am having a hard time with this story.
He worked at the White House. Why doesn't he have adequate medical coverage?
Why are they begging for money?

If you work for the government in Canada, you have excellent coverage.
I was thinking that yes, a) someone like this ought to have 100% healthcare coverage and b) if this were any other president, especially one who is as wealthy as Trump, they'd be fucking making sure this staff member has their bills paid as they took their risk coming in to work for them. Bet that wouldn't even occur to Trump, because as far as he is concerned, he doesn't have any responsibility to anyone else. Which isn't a great characteristic in a president.
I hadn’t even heard about this until now, but wtf? :D:facepalm:

‘MAGA2020!’ Jesus wept :D

it’s a good job the hacker didn’t do any mischief. I’d have been tempted as fuck, but most likely it would have ended up helping Trump, as he would have used it as validation of a conspiracy to make him lose the election.

A malicious fucker could have caused a lot of grief though. Imagine someone posting something like ‘I have just launched a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran’...
I don't think they let Trumpafoon pick the nuclear codes, I'm not surprised that his password was easy to guess be honest and a lot of people are probably kicking themselves they didn't have a stab at guessing it.
One of his very few redeeming features is that he clearly isn't very bright which has at least gone some way to restricting the damage he has been able to do. Can you imagine the harm he would have done if he had the intelligence?
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I had a difficult time with it too. How could it happen to someone on the inside of the Trump administration. We're all used to seeing regular people being bankrupted, but someone on the inside?

There's a few things to consider:

  • Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself. Its likely that if he did care, his security crew wouldn't have gotten Covid in the first place.
  • Its possible that the debt is overblown because all Trump officials seem to be crooked one way or another. Maybe they're raking in the cash while they can.
  • Maybe the coverage really is that bad. Any stay of months in the US hospital will amount into millions of dollars. Even the premium policies are still 80/20 plans. You still have to pick up the remaining 20%. If you have a $2 million dollar bill, which isn't outside the possibility here, you're still on the hook for $400,000. That's a lot for anyone. It would certainly see me sleeping on the streets.
Its astounding how much money medical care costs. I took a little tour a while ago and didn't need hospital care. My care, which only took minutes of their time, amounted to $24,000. That's how much a rabies series costs in the U.S. I ended up on the hook for about $2,500. What's worse, is the hoops I had to jump through to get treatment. I spent most of a week getting that treatment lined up and still failed to get it lined up. You can spend days on the phone, and they don't talk to one another, or actually give a shit. My insurance company finally told me to go to the ER to get treatment, after I couldn't negotiate the system. When my brother was sick with lung cancer (39 year old and non-smoker), he had bills, still in their envelopes, that would cover the length of his couch. He died penniless. If my mom and I weren't there to help, he's have died homeless. What astonished me was that his treatment options ran out at exactly the same time as his cash. To be perfectly honest, if I got sick, I'm not certain I would opt for treatment, not just because of the cost, but because of the hassle you get trying to negotiate the system. I don't think that I, as a single person, could manage it without help.

(Apologies for the negative post. I usually try to be more positive than this.)

I’m sorry for the loss of your brother. It sounds like it was a time of real anguish.

It wasn’t a negative post, it was honest and informative.

The price gouging in the US medical system is appalling. And it’s one of the reasons a national health system will always be resisted. Those who make the profit, from drug companies to insurance, will see the faucet of free flowing cash turned off so they will always obstruct such measures.
It was 00000000 for decades during the Cold War - I think with Trump in charge, they've probably changed it to Tiffany Trump's birthday or some other combination of numbers he'd find impossible to remember.
You are conflating the PAL authorisation codes on Minutemans in the field with the National Command Authority release code.

More here, including the fallback 'truck trick'.

PS The NCA release codes are changed regularly (read: daily), are generated elsewhere (likely the puzzle palace) and, by all reports, need a certain degree of mental agility to read (so probably have never been within the first imbecile's reach).
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One of his very few redeeming features is that he clearly isn't very bright which has at least gone some way to restricting the damage he has been able to do. Can you imagine the harm he would have done if he had the intelligence?
The worrying thing is that a competent fascist will have no trouble at all harnessing the same forces. Trump might be out be "trumpism" is ongoing
I’m sorry for the loss of your brother. It sounds like it was a time of real anguish.

It wasn’t a negative post, it was honest and informative.

The price gouging in the US medical system is appalling. And it’s one of the reasons a national health system will always be resisted. Those who make the profit, from drug companies to insurance, will see the faucet of free flowing cash turned off so they will always obstruct such measures.

Thank you.

Yes, nothing will change as long as someone is making a buck off the system as it is. I've talked to my Congress critters and they are all opposed to any real measures that would work to bring down costs. (Guess who donates a lot of money to them.) I even suggested a way to bring down costs without single payer care, although I wouldn't mind the single payer option. When healthcare worked in this country we had what is called "mutual insurance." The insurance companies weren't allowed to operate at a profit. The people who were covered under the insurance were considered the stockholders. Any money not spent on care was returned as dividends. I believe it worked because it aligned the incentives of both parties. That all changed with Reagan, who I blame for our current healthcare problems. In our current system the incentives of each party don't align. The insurance company's goal is to make a profit. And the patients incentive is to get good care. They are diametrically opposed incentives. When I suggested mutual insurance to him, my Congress critter didn't have a good answer and said he'd get back to me. He didn't.
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