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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I just can't see them ramming through a fourth appointee in the lame duck period. For a start, there would be even more chance of some republican senators not voting to confirm. One didn't confirm Barrett this time, and there could be another Democratic senator in Georgia replacing Loeffler senator immediately rather than in January due to the special election there.

If there is any risk of not getting the appointment through, then that hands the appointment to Biden, and suddenly the advantage given by confirming Barrett is lost and we go back to a 5-4 split.

I hope you're right, although I don't see the Republicans being shy about the imposition of power.
Fortunately, those take quite a time to work through to an sale itelsf, and I would imagine there will be lots of court challenges with every one of those he tried.

This is what the Trump administration did in just the last couple of days:

While you can sue, and many groups will, it takes time. The Trump administration also made it more difficult to change reimpose environmental rules:

Internet is too slow for videos :(

However, I think he is correct.
Remember reading about it several months ago.

It's nonsense - hospitals get paid a little more under Medicare to cover the extra costs of dealing with COVID patients but that's it.

Doctors are dying out there - some from COVID, others from suicide - because they're being overworked fighting a pandemic Trump let rage out of control, and all he's doing is accusing them of being greedy scammers.

Chamberlain said hospitals do receive a 20% add-on from Medicare for treating COVID-19 patients, which was part of the federal CARES Act package. But those additional funds are set to expire soon and rarely cover all the extra costs needed to safely treat those infected with the virus, she added.

Hospital administrators and doctors would jeopardize their careers and face federal felony fraud charges if they attempted to claim a Medicare patient was treated for COVID-19 who was not infected.

"This is such an insult. We report deaths how they occur," Dr. Rob Davidson, a Michigan-based emergency room doctor and executive director of the Committee to Protect Medicare, tweeted at the president. "If you did your damn job we wouldn't be reporting so many COVID-19 deaths."

It's nonsense - hospitals get paid a little more under Medicare to cover the extra costs of dealing with COVID patients but that's it.

Doctors are dying out there - some from COVID, others from suicide - because they're being overworked fighting a pandemic Trump let rage out of control, and all he's doing is accusing them of being greedy scammers.

paysite and I'm stuck trying to use git hub.

So, basically they are getting a bit of extra cash.

Yes, Trump is exaggerating - he always does.

He takes a minimum pennies and makes it sound like it is billions.
Just watched all 3 episodes of 'The Trump Show' on iplayer which I'd highly recommend..

The Trump Show

With the aid of time, up to 2019 can almost be viewed as a tragi-comedy... Difficult not to end up really hating the guy by the end of episode 3 though.
Trump is secretly a democrat as he's doing his best to reduce the republican vote. By wanting to stop postal ballots and spreading covid all those infected republicans won't be able to vote on 3rd. :)
Whatever the outcome of the election, I figure he'll be pissing in our Post Toasties until he's dead. He's not going to go quietly even if he does manage a peaceful transition of power. The New York Times figures that's what will happen as well:

And if he is forced to vacate the White House on Jan. 20, Mr. Trump is likely to prove more resilient than expected and almost surely will remain a powerful and disruptive force in American life. He received at least 68 million votes, or five million more than he did in 2016, and commanded about 48 percent of the popular vote, meaning he retained the support of nearly half of the public despite four years of scandal, setbacks, impeachment and the brutal coronavirus outbreak that has killed more than 233,000 Americans.

That gives him a power base to play a role that other defeated one-term presidents like Jimmy Carter and George Bush have not played. Mr. Trump has long toyed with starting his own television network to compete with Fox News, and in private lately he has broached the idea of running again in 2024, although he would be 78 by then. Even if his own days as a candidate are over, his 88-million-strong Twitter following gives him a bullhorn to be an influential voice on the right, potentially making him a kingmaker among rising Republicans.

He's tacitly encouraged people to go out and be violent. I don't see that ending just because he's not President any more.
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