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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

where's that muttley gif again?
This one?
Given his tweets about the Democrats being in favour of abortion up to AND BEYOND birth (no, I don’t get it either), why are the media and the Evangelicals not making more of the fact that the treatment Trump received in hospital was made using feotal stem cells?

or the allegation that he pressured a former partner into having an abortion?
Having tweeted about needing another stimulus package urgently. he's now tweeted that talks are off until he wins the elections. :facepalm:

He's off his fucking head. :mad:

US President Donald Trump has said he is ending negotiations over a Covid-19 relief bill, and will only resume talks after the election.

"Immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans," he tweeted one day after leaving hospital.

Budget talks have been ongoing between Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

US stock markets fell immediately after Mr Trump's announcement.

It comes as cases rise in several parts of the country, and the outbreak hits top Pentagon military officials, White House staff and Republican senators.

Lawmakers from both parties had hoped for another round of Covid-19 relief spending to pass ahead of the 3 November election, but Mr Trump's tweet appears to have abruptly suspended that prospect.

However, the president said he would instead press Republicans in the Senate to push forward on approving his nominee for the Supreme Court.

Tripping policy; close down any negotiated chance of the Covid economic aid package...vote winner...not.

There's a level of pathological egotism here that, while less distinguishable from "normal" than might be the case in any normal human being, goes beyond even Trump's usual manner. I think he's completely off his nuts on something. Drugs, Covid, psychological collapse, whatever...all three, probably.

The bravado might be to convince himself, not others. Needs to prove he’s OK and still has it, rather than face the reality of potentially being quite poorly.
It occurs to me that in the lame duck period between election and inauguration, Republicans will have nothing to lose in invoking the 25th amendment and removing him from power for a couple of months. He's basically useless to them when he loses, not even a useful idiot as the phrase goes.
Ireland. I thought it was a safe bet to assume everybody hated Trump but apparently not.
I dropped a similar bollock playing an online game last week. I was in a team, and the team leader reminded everyone to go out and vote. Again, I mentioned 'that ridiculous tangerine man-child', and everything went quiet for about a minute, then one lad started shouting about how great Trump is, how he keeps America safe, then another said I had no right to comment because I'm not American, then another, then another. I got it from all sides.
Never underestimate the stupidity of people.
Unfortunately, the people who like Trump really like Trump - it's a cultist thing.
Fortunately, the cultists aren't enough, on their own, to guarantee him re-election
Republicans will have nothing to lose in invoking the 25th amendment and removing him from power for a couple of months.
They have; a huge future backlash from the Trump cultists, which could come back to bite them in the next primary season in 2 years time
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Given his tweets about the Democrats being in favour of abortion up to AND BEYOND birth (no, I don’t get it either), why are the media and the Evangelicals not making more of the fact that the treatment Trump received in hospital was made using feotal stem cells?

Yes, normally religious types are the personification of consistency.
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