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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

It occurs to me that in the lame duck period between election and inauguration, Republicans will have nothing to lose in invoking the 25th amendment and removing him from power for a couple of months. He's basically useless to them when he loses, not even a useful idiot as the phrase goes.

He's still loved by the hardcore Republican voters so don't think they'd risk that. He'll probably want to go for another run in 2024, and plenty of GOP politicians won't want to get on the wrong side of him.
Different Trump - same nonsense.

President Trump’s son Eric Trump claimed that his father “literally saved Christianity” when touting the commander in chief’s accomplishments during a recent interview on a North Dakota radio show.

“He’s literally saved Christianity,” Eric Trump told “What’s on Your Mind” host Scott Hennen in remarks first highlighted by CNN. “I mean, there’s a full out war on faith in this country by the other side.”

“The Democratic Party, the far left, has become the party of the ‘atheists,’ and they want to attack Christianity, they want to close churches, they’re totally fine keeping liquor stores open,” he said, referring to COVID-19 orders by governors in some states labeling liquor stores as “essential” businesses, while also putting limitations on the number of people allowed in houses of worship.
He's still loved by the hardcore Republican voters
Not entirely true. An awful lot of traditional Republicans are horrified by him (see here for a good example of this). It's a hardline faction within the GOP - the Trumpicans - who will always idolise him, no matter what. It's unclear how big a part of the total GOP base they are, but they have a bigger, more active and more fanatical activist force than any other segment within the GOP, which is why all GOP politicians are terrified of him, and them.
Not entirely true. An awful lot of traditional Republicans are horrified by him (see here for a good example of this). It's a hardline faction within the GOP - the Trumpicans - who will always idolise him, no matter what. It's unclear how big a part of the total GOP base they are, but they have a bigger, more active and more fanatical activist force than any other segment within the GOP, which is why all GOP politicians are terrified of him, and them.
Yep i think its' not at all true to say that all 'hardcore republican voters' love trump (what does that mean anyway do you just mean people who have voted republican for years?).

This little interview was interesting the other day. It's a republican senator looking to be reelected in Arizona who absolutely refuses to answer the question of whether she's proud of her support for trump. Just flatly refuses to answer, won't say a word about him.

I think there'll be more and more of that sort of thing very soon as they scramble to try to keep their seats .
Wouldn't be surprised if in a few years time nobody at all will openly admit to having ever been a trumper.
Yep i think its' not at all true to say that all 'hardcore republican voters' love trump (what does that mean anyway do you just mean people who have voted republican for years?).
Basically, yes. People who always vote GOP at every election, from the Presidency to the local county sheriff. People who were even 'proud' to vote for dubya and (going back a bit here now!) Tricky Dicky.
This little interview was interesting the other day. It's a republican senator looking to be reelected in Arizona who absolutely refuses to answer the question of whether she's proud of her support for trump. Just flatly refuses to answer, won't say a word about him.

I think there'll be more and more of that sort of thing very soon as they scramble to try to keep their seats .
Wouldn't be surprised if in a few years time nobody at all will openly admit to having ever been a trumper.

Very revealing.
For those who don't know, McSally is facing the fight of her political life. Whilst Arizona has always been traditionally the reddest of red republican safe states, changing demographics, COVID and anger at Trump's insults flung at John McCain (long-term Senator for Arizona) have pushed it very firmly into play, both in the Presidential ballot, and McSally's Special Senatorial Election (she was originally appointed to replace Sen John Kyl).

She's up against former Naval officer and astronaut Mark kelly, and all the polls are tilting Kelly's way, and have done so for some time.

The fact she didn't dare nail her colours to Trump's mast (fnsrr fnarr) says everything. American politicians tend to have pretty sensitive antennae, and she's clearly aware just how toxic he's become
He's off his fucking head.

The president said he will not participate in a virtual debate, planned for October 15, because the commission’s action is all a ruse to protect Joe Biden. Trump also claimed that not only did he beat Biden in the first debate but that he also scored a victory against his opponent in the second debate — the future debate that he had just told Bartiromo he would not attend.

that is incredible

Prepare yourself

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The Nobel Peace Prize has gone the to UN World Food Programme, considering Obama and Carter both got one and Trumpelstiltskin hasn't, I think we can expect a twitter rant about this very soon

"the un ... stooges for china .... feeding terrorists .... they hate america/freedom ... nobel judges are anteefa communists"
A pointless pondering but what would this whole presidency have been like without his addiction to twitter? Maybe a stupid question in that he probably wouldn't have stood a chance of being the president in a pre-social media age.
Trump was nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, not this year's one, though he'll probably rage-tweet about this year's prize anyway unless his aides have drawn cartoons simple enough to explain this to him.

Can't anyone be nominated for it, though? I seem to remember reading that the panel don't draw up a shortlist to pick from, although I forget the exact process.
Can't anyone be nominated for it, though? I seem to remember reading that the panel don't draw up a shortlist to pick from, although I forget the exact process.

I think any member of any country's legislature can submit a nomination, so not exactly a high bar to clear.
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