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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

So to clarify, The 45th President of the United States was a "guest" at Wrestlemania 23, and he's just posted a juvenile right wing meme of him assaulting CNN, made up from an actual "wrestling match" he fought in, 30 years ago.

Well he wasnt in the match itself and it was 10 years ago not 30, but yeah. Decades earlier his Trump Plaza was host to both Wrestlemania 4 and 5.
GWB deliberately had Al Jazeera bombed in Iraq. Far more outcry about this, isn't that telling.

Don't you know, GWB has been redeemed and is now the liberals new best friend. It is also telling how pretty much the entire neo-conservative movement have gotten into bed with the other war party of American imperialism, the Democrats, William Kristol being the most prominent example.

Just watch Buzz Aldrin's face.

That is the look of a man, who's circled in the moon in a tin box with three other men wearing diapers, going "this guy is fucking nuts"

"At some point in the future we will look back and say, how did we do it without space"

WTF does this even mean?
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"At some point in the future we will look back and say, how did we do it without space"

WTF does this even mean?
Those twelve elected men in the photograph surely know the answers to everything and if they don't know it ain't worth knowing.
Yeah, I heard about that back when it hit the news. Old fashioned maybe but not really sexist, to be honest some people over-reacted to that and in my opinion that is the least bad thing about Mike Pence, it is all the other stuff that should be a cause of concern.
Absolutely. But some of the other shit seems so weird and distant people can't relate to it: this thing is something people recognise from their working life as something they do daily.
Yeah, I heard about that back when it hit the news. Old fashioned maybe but not really sexist, to be honest some people over-reacted to that and in my opinion that is the least bad thing about Mike Pence, it is all the other stuff that should be a cause of concern.
"Old fashioned" is often just an attempt to sound like less of a bigot than you really are.

It is sexist if Pence ever conducts VP business over dinner on a one to one basis with another person. If he will only do that with me and not women, it's a problem. It's not miles away from the ultra orthodox newspapers that airbrush out the women from group pictures of politicians, business leaders, etc.
It means the guy's a Muppet.
The Muppets have defeated him on 3 separate occasions :cool:
And Clinton bombed Yugoslav TV in 1999.
There was a war on. Clinton/NATO bombed many Serbian targets. It was a propaganda arm of Milosevic and was a legitimate military target.
On 23 May 2011, Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) issued an official apology for the way their programming was misused for spreading propaganda and discrediting political opponents in the 1990s, and for the fact that their broadcasts had "hurt the feelings, moral integrity and dignity of the citizens of Serbia, humanist-oriented intellectuals, members of the political opposition, critically minded journalists, certain minorities in Serbia, minority religious groups in Serbia, as well as certain neighbouring peoples and states."
NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters - Wikipedia
"Old fashioned" is often just an attempt to sound like less of a bigot than you really are.

It is sexist if Pence ever conducts VP business over dinner on a one to one basis with another person. If he will only do that with me and not women, it's a problem. It's not miles away from the ultra orthodox newspapers that airbrush out the women from group pictures of politicians, business leaders, etc.

It really is miles away.
On TSG IntelBrief: The Chaos of U.S. Foreign Policy
The current U.S. approach to diplomacy and foreign affairs is not only at sharp odds with nearly a century of precedent and policy; it is also at odds with itself. The Trump administration has relied on public tweets, taunts, and threats to address issues ranging from NATO to North Korea, while cabinet secretaries have worked either in a contradictory fashion or proceeded as if Trump hadn’t made certain contentious statements. The disconnect inside the Executive Branch has been widely reported and shows no sign of improving, even as global challenges like tensions in the Gulf and in the South China Sea increase.

That sense of disconnect and chaos is reportedly being felt in the Legislative Branch as well, with a result being that members of Congress are taking steps to reassert their dormant role in foreign affairs. The Executive Branch has long had primacy in matters of national security and foreign policy, but that primacy has been near absolute in recent decades. While initial steps taken by Congress might simply be posturing, the puzzling and contradictory nature of the administration’s stance, or lack thereof, on several issues—such as Russia—might therefore result in a more assertive Congress.
Points to the GOP dominated Senate moving to constrain some of the chaotic Trump's options. Still lots of latitude for doing "stupid shit" though.
GWB could get away with anything back then. He was defending America from evil Saddam.

He got away with it because the liberals that idiots like you so love enabled him to get away it, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton for example.
There was a war on. Clinton/NATO bombed many Serbian targets. It was a propaganda arm of Milosevic and was a legitimate military target.

NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters - Wikipedia

I think you're taking the "Pen is mightier than the sword" adage a tad too literally.

These were journalists, camera operators, film editors and make-up artists murdered on the orders of Clinton. Sadly, he's unlikely to get his dy in the dock in the Hague.
On Politico Is All the Russia Talk Helping Putin?
“If you watch Russian TV on any given day, “ says Anton, 70 percent of it is global affairs, much from the U.S. “You’d think you live in the U.S., there’s so much coverage,” he says. And, since relatively few Russians travel abroad, “the coverage has credibility—which is not true about domestic affairs. And that coverage is devoted to a single theme: the model of Western liberal democracy is broken.”

Unlike the Stalinist days, Russian TV does not offer endless celebrations of a workers’ paradise. The message now is more subtle.

“The propaganda,” Anton says, is that “we’re not perfect, we’re flawed, but the West is no better.” In fact, he argues, the flood of disinformation during the U.S. presidential election was built around the idea that, since Hillary Clinton was going to win, and since she represented a much tougher approach to Moscow than Trump, it was important to undermine any claims about the moral superiority of a Clinton-led America.

“From everything we know,” Anton says, “the whole Kremlin strategy was that she was gong to win but let’s use this opportunity to show that the U.S. is broken, that there’s no real democracy there, that she won by cheating Bernie Sanders, that Trump was going to make it easier to work with Russia, but the establishment didn’t let her win.” In that sense, they argue, Trump’s victory was a priceless gift to the Kremlin.

And so, in a sense, is the growing concern in the U.S. that Russia may actually have helped determine the outcome of the election. For a nation whose people, and leadership, is still obsessed with the loss of the Soviet empire, there’s comfort in the idea that Russia is a dangerously powerful political force.

“When they see U.S. officials commenting so much on Russian influence, it’s almost flattering,” says Anton. “It’s like the people are hearing, ‘OK, you don’t have incomes, health care, good homes, but you do have a powerful leader.’”
Donald Trump: making Putin look good even to cynical Russians.

Though consider this: the US executive essentially is leaderless. Trump's a tatty figurehead who hasn't even staffed his squabbling administration and would probably not last long managing a branch of Walmart. His powers are considerable but also limited by law. It's a reality TV show. He is a splendidly vulgar affront to US liberals. But it seems Americans can afford to make such frivolous choices as government goes on even while Trump shouts at cable news and fiddles with his smartphone. Judges hold the administration to the Constitution over things like the Muslim Ban. Yes repealing Obamacare is stupid but the GOP took all arms of government and that's the democratically expressed will of the people. US male life expectancy will still probably be thirteen years (21%) more than in Russia.

Putin isn't a genius but he's plainly a much more capable statesman than the vacuous Trump. However what happens when the little man that pulled all the strings finally goes and there's no capo di tutt'i capi in Kremlin? It probably won't look as tidy as this shit show.
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