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What stupid shit has Trump done today?


Trump administration quietly changes definition of ‘domestic violence’ and ‘sexual assault’

Trump Justice Department’s definition only considers physical harm that constitutes a felony or misdemeanor to be domestic violence, meaning that other forms of domestic violence like psychological abuse and manipulation no longer fall under the DOJ’s definition.
At the same time, the OVW also changed its definition of “sexual assault” to similarly focus on the criminal justice aspects. The new definition says “the term ‘sexual assault’ means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.”
The previous definition was more expansive: “Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.” Nanasi wrote that redefining the terms to limit nonphysical aggression “effectively [denies] the experiences of victims of abuse by attempting to cast domestic violence as an exclusively criminal concern.”
The effect that changing the definitions has had on the DOJ’s Office of Violence Against Women is unclear. Nanasi wrote that under the new terms, the OVW may restrict grants for community efforts to combat domestic and sexual abuse to agencies that serve victims of crime, which would leave many survivors without resources when they need them most. OVW may also alter its education and training resources to include the new definition, no longer considering some abuse survivors as victims.
These cunts...

Lara Trump tells federal workers that their missed paychecks are sacrifices for the ‘future of our country’


“It’s not fair to you, and we all get that, but this is so much bigger than any one person,” she said. “It is a little bit of pain, but it’s going to be for the future of our country, and their children and their grandchildren and generations after them will thank them for their sacrifice right now. I know it’s hard. I know people have families, they have bills to pay, they have mortgages, they have rents that are due. But the president is trying every single day to come up with a good solution here and, the reality is, it’s been something that’s gone on for too long and been unaddressed — our immigration problem.

“If we do nothing right now, it’s never going to get fixed. This is our one opportunity.”

Watch out for the pop up vid where MAGAcunt says that the people who have real pain had kids killed by illegal immigrants and those not getting paid now , many of them are on his side.

Can we build a virtual wall to keep this fucking madness out? Maybe China can help us? :(
I think the wall (apart from being meat for his deplorable base) is forward planning for climate change. There’s not a lot of political will to do fundamental stuff to address the problem. So when people from closer to the equator (where it’ll really kick in first) want to move North...WALL! Mega City One.
I think the wall (apart from being meat for his deplorable base) is forward planning for climate change. There’s not a lot of political will to do fundamental stuff to address the problem. So when people from closer to the equator (where it’ll really kick in first) want to move North...WALL! Mega City One.

Even if he believed that he wouldn't be thinking that far ahead.He would also know that the wall would not stop migration on a massive scale.

Maybe, too, you like Trump have your delusions. Poverty in Latin America, as elsewhere, derived from economic inequality; systems that leave large proportions of the population poor and marginalised. That is what we need to be struggling to change.

I do not buy into the pseudobiblical, Neomalthusian climate doom-mongering explanations you for current or near future large scale population movements of the type that you espouse here.
These cunts...

Lara Trump tells federal workers that their missed paychecks are sacrifices for the ‘future of our country’


“It’s not fair to you, and we all get that, but this is so much bigger than any one person,” she said. “It is a little bit of pain, but it’s going to be for the future of our country, and their children and their grandchildren and generations after them will thank them for their sacrifice right now. I know it’s hard. I know people have families, they have bills to pay, they have mortgages, they have rents that are due. But the president is trying every single day to come up with a good solution here and, the reality is, it’s been something that’s gone on for too long and been unaddressed — our immigration problem.

“If we do nothing right now, it’s never going to get fixed. This is our one opportunity.”

Watch out for the pop up vid where MAGAcunt says that the people who have real pain had kids killed by illegal immigrants and those not getting paid now , many of them are on his side.(

Earlier, I was reading the comment section someplace and people were comparing sweet little Lara to Marie Antoinette.
Even if he believed that he wouldn't be thinking that far ahead.He would also know that the wall would not stop migration on a massive scale.

Maybe, too, you like Trump have your delusions. Poverty in Latin America, as elsewhere, derived from economic inequality; systems that leave large proportions of the population poor and marginalised. That is what we need to be struggling to change.

I do not buy into the pseudobiblical, Neomalthusian climate doom-mongering explanations you for current or near future large scale population movements of the type that you espouse here.
Your right about Latin American poverty (and US involvement in it). You don’t think climate change will produce mass migrations? Regarding Trump...probably right in terms of his short termism but he’s not the only one involved. My point is vested interests don’t want to stop the fossil fuel gravy train hence the change from ‘stopping/reversing’ climate change to ‘managing’ climate change.
These cunts...
Lara Trump tells federal workers that their missed paychecks are sacrifices for the ‘future of our country’


“It’s not fair to you, and we all get that, but this is so much bigger than any one person,” she said. “It is a little bit of pain, but it’s going to be for the future of our country, and their children and their grandchildren and generations after them will thank them for their sacrifice right now. I know it’s hard. I know people have families, they have bills to pay, they have mortgages, they have rents that are due. But the president is trying every single day to come up with a good solution here and, the reality is, it’s been something that’s gone on for too long and been unaddressed — our immigration problem.

“If we do nothing right now, it’s never going to get fixed. This is our one opportunity.”

Watch out for the pop up vid where MAGAcunt says that the people who have real pain had kids killed by illegal immigrants and those not getting paid now , many of them are on his side.

Can we build a virtual wall to keep this fucking madness out? Maybe China can help us? :(

There was also this stunner from the Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.
Ross, whose net worth is in the hundreds of millions, told business network CNBC Thursday he knows federal workers are visiting shelters to find free food, but doesn't quite understand why that's necessary.
So the 30 days of pay that some people will be out, there's no real reason why they shouldn't be able to get a loan against it and we've seen a number of ads from financial institutions doing that."

Earlier, I was reading the comment section someplace and people were comparing sweet little Lara to Marie Antoinette.

Pelosi called out Wilber Ross's "Let them eat cake" attitude in this clip, and thinking they could just "Call their father for money," (nice jibe at Trump! :) )

Looks like some of the furloughed workers are being called back, without pay of course, but it's interesting which are and which aren't. Staff were called back to handle the auctioning of offshore oil drilling rights. USDA and FDA pulled people back to restart some food safety measures and services for farming. Staff were also called back to run aviation safety checks and to the IRS to process tax returns and refunds. Questionable whether this is legal, as no federal funds have been agreed to pay for their work (not the salaries, but other delivery costs,) but since when has that stopped the Trump administration doing anything?

Long list of services where staff still indefinitely on unpaid furlough - parks and monuments, SNAP food assistance, Coast Guard, Veterans hospitals and health services, Environmental Protection, FBI, etc.

You could be forgiven for thinking there's a pattern of recalling workers to agencies that need to keep ticking along not so much because they are more important than others, but they're needed to keep payouts flowing to the Trump family, his financial backers and/or his base.

One could also be forgiven for thinking other departments are being left to seed deliberately, as it's in Trump and the GOP's interest to run them to the ground so they can flog them, fire sale stylie. Trashed national parks are easier to flog than fix. Ditto with already under resourced Veterans' health facilities and services. And, gutting the FBI even further surely reduces the risk of anything getting pinned on Trump.

Like I said before, I don't think the wall is the goal of all this, but just a device for keeping the government shut down at least long enough to cause maximum damage to the infrastructure either so Trump and his cronies can profit, or to derail any investigations into Trump's criminality.

I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't suddenly call it all off, seemingly out of the blue, but with some kind of spin that will make him "look" like he's won. That will happen as soon as enough damage is done in enough places. He'll abandon the wall plan, probably saying he's just found out from experts that there are better ways to keep immigrants out, and the mainstream media will clap their hands as if no one thought the wall was a shit idea until Trump decided it was.
The Trump Administration Will Let Adoption Agencies Turn Away Jews and Same-Sex Couples. Thank SCOTUS.

In a decision of startling breadth, the Department of Health and Human Services declared that, under RFRA, a federally funded foster care agency in South Carolina has a right to discriminate against non-Christians, closing its doors to would-be parents of different faiths. As Ginsburg predicted, the administration’s interpretation of the law has no limiting principle: It all but announced that taxpayer-funded adoption and foster care agencies may now engage in flagrant discrimination without consequence, so long as they state a religious rationale for their actions
Maybe, too, you like Trump have your delusions. Poverty in Latin America, as elsewhere, derived from economic inequality; systems that leave large proportions of the population poor and marginalised. That is what we need to be struggling to change.

I do not buy into the pseudobiblical, Neomalthusian climate doom-mongering explanations you for current or near future large scale population movements of the type that you espouse here.

Climate change is already causing population movements, what are all the people who moved to the mainland US from Puerto Rico after last year's hurricane if not climate refugees? I don't think it's an either/or thing with the poverty issue, in Latin America as elsewhere, it's going to be the poorest people who are the hardest hit by things like stronger storms, crop failures, etc.

The area many of the Central American migrants arriving at the US border are coming from is called the "Dry Corridor" and drought has forced a lot of people to leave their land - talking about climate change driving migrants north isn't "neo-Malthusian doom-mongering," it's a description of what is already happening.

Changing climate forces desperate Guatemalans to migrate
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Another big arrest - Always good news

Trump ally Roger Stone arrested on seven charges in Mueller inquiry

Roger Stone, a key ally of Donald Trump, has been arrested on charges of obstruction, witness tampering and making false statements, the special counsel’s office announced on Friday.

Stone was arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, following an indictment by a federal grand jury on 24 January in Washington DC, said a spokesman for Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 US election and any ties to the Trump campaign.
It only gets better - Hope Trump is shitting himself because twats like that always save their own skins and dump on their pals

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Stone, 66, is facing seven counts: one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
I’m currently in South Carolina.

I’m listening to 106.3 WORD whilst driving around. Know your enemy and all that.


It’s risible and disturbing.

Been having some interesting conversations. Well, I’m doing a lot of then listening and not so much much of talking.

The Left think the shutdown will cause Trump's support to start to crack. The Right are right behind him and doubling down on that, blaming the shut down entirely on the Left.
I’m currently in South Carolina.

I’m listening to 106.3 WORD whilst driving around. Know your enemy and all that.


It’s risible and disturbing.

Been having some interesting conversations. Well, I’m doing a lot of then listening and not so much much of talking.

The Left think the shutdown will cause Trump's support to start to crack. The Right are right behind him and doubling down on that, blaming the shut down entirely on the Left.
You have my sympathies, listening to right wing American talk radio. Used to do that on long trips to stay awake. It's hard to fall asleep when you are yelling at the radio.
"A fence, a barrier, a wall, call it what you will, will be part of the solution"

From memory, but that's roughly what he said. So he's moving the goalposts more than somewhat.
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It seems that Trump is about to announce a temporary deal, but he may go off script for all anybody knows.
Trump 'to announce shutdown agreement temporarily reopening government' – live

Like I said before, I don't think the wall is the goal of all this, but just a device for keeping the government shut down at least long enough to cause maximum damage to the infrastructure either so Trump and his cronies can profit, or to derail any investigations into Trump's criminality.

I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't suddenly call it all off, seemingly out of the blue, but with some kind of spin that will make him "look" like he's won. That will happen as soon as enough damage is done in enough places. He'll abandon the wall plan, probably saying he's just found out from experts that there are better ways to keep immigrants out, and the mainstream media will clap their hands as if no one thought the wall was a shit idea until Trump decided it was.

He's working out a way to spin it to give the impression to his very impressionable acolytes that he actually won.

Maybe a good time to have another look at this clip from 2014 when he phoned into a Fox tv programme.

Donald Trump's 2014 political predictions
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