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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

She was making herself funny and even likeable (person, not politics) until she fucked up by defending Trump's Russian pals. Her mood changed and she showed her true face.
Interviewer was pretty good.
She was bound to fuck up at some point and show her true face. One of the more obnoxious members of the American far right; she can't fucking help herself.
Because look at how the right built power, slowly taking control of electoral boards and the judiciary. They managed this without screaming victory and posting Twitter memes. Trump being a gobshite isn’t that useful other than as a distraction, the power is already in their hands. Maybe better if Democrats don’t do little victory dances and try to rub it in people’s faces.

The response to the election of Trump was far from sedate though. As for memes, it was drenched in them. Wasn’t it even said on 4chan that they put a meme in The Whitehouse?
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A turn back to what, the 17th century? I'd like to see Trump put in a Bible literacy class where the teacher used a rod no longer than two cubits to enforce discipline...
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The Steele dossier claimed that Trump was involved in human trafficking. He sure seems to know a thing or two about it. The way he always takes crimes he's done, and claims his enemies did the exact same thing he did. So where does that part of the investigation stand?

I use this as an example.
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Best friends forever ... or until Putin ditches the idiot

Another incident of Trump meeting Putin without U.S. staff

I think Putin is setting Trump up for an Everest of a fall, first helping him, then pushing him off the nearest snow covered cap (if there are any left - global warming).
I wonder if Putin's main aim is just naffing US politics in general, the other stuff just being a bonus.
Especially important in light of income loss for so many Americans during the Federal Government shutdown (many of them low waged.) Some will get back pay, some only partial back pay, but not being able to pay bills on time means fines, interest charges, damaged credit ratings and high interest short term loans to get by.

40% of Americans only one missed paycheck away from poverty

The findings, from economic advocacy group Prosperity Now, highlight the financial insecurity facing many U.S. households, as was seen during the recent partial government shutdown. Thousands of furloughed government workers, who missed two paychecks, struggled to cover basics like housing and food. One furloughed worker told CBS News last week she had $1.06 in her bank account, describing the situation as "terrifying."

Despite the lowest unemployment rate in decades and solid economic growth, many Americans are on thin financial ice, Prosperity Now found. Minority households are particularly lagging on key measures such as income and wealth, the study found. Across the board, more than 1 in 10 American households fell behind in their bills in the last year, a signal that many are struggling with rising costs and stagnant incomes.
About one-third of households lack basic savings accounts, the study found, while fewer than 60 percent say they are putting money way for an emergency.

That can put people in a tough spot if they miss even a single paycheck. Forty percent of households don't have enough in liquid savings -- such as cash or assets that can be quickly sold and converted into cash -- to replace their income at the poverty level for three months, Prosperity Now found. The federal poverty level threshold for a family of four is $25,750.
More Americans are skipping doctor's visits because of the costs than in previous years, the study found. That comes at a time when the gains from the Affordable Care Act have been eroding. About 13 percent of Americans refrain from seeing their physician because of the expense.

Another financial challenge that keeps many people the edge is housing. Homes are becoming less affordable across the country, with median home values now early four times higher than median incomes -- experts generally advise against spending more than three times income on housing. Similarly, half of all renters say they spend more than a third of their income on rent and utilities.

This is why we can't have nice things.
Once upon a time, not so long ago and not so far away, the US Government and Americans across the political spectrum condemned the destruction of irreplaceable historical sites and artifacts by the Taliban and ISIS. Now, there is a US President who enabled just the same thing to happen to unique heritage sites in the US. It's been suggested that this wasn't just an unintended consequence of his actions, but a means to make commercial exploitation of the sites more viable. And, it seems there were plenty of "ordinary" Americans willingly involved in the destruction of the nation's, the world's unique heritage, for shits and giggles and five minutes of Instagram fame. Funny that.
Here we go - vultures circling!

US firms seek changes to UK beef standards

The meat lobby wants the sale of growth hormone-fed beef, currently banned in the UK and EU, to be allowed in the UK. The drugs company lobby wants changes to the NHS drugs approval process to allow it to buy more of US drugs.

They are also asking US officials - who will hold a hearing later - to seek lower tariffs on agricultural goods. The farming groups say any deal should move away from EU standards, including rules governing genetically modified crops, antibiotics in meats, and pesticides and herbicides, such as glyphosate.
The lobby groups' priorities were outlined in more than 130 comments submitted to the office of the US Trade Representative. The office solicited the feedback to help develop US goals as it prepares to start trade talks with the UK after Brexit. It is hosting a hearing in Washington on Tuesday on the subject.

Comments on the article about, "Won't matter, I'll just buy my meat at the local butchers," stunningly missing the point if the UK is flooded with poor quality, unsafe (by current standards) cheap meat and other commodities, particularly the shit they can't off load elsewhere due to Trump's trade wars, they'll price out both local farmers and butchers, but hey. Mouth watering for a hormone laden burger topped with salmonella laced lettuce?
Ok, you sold it to me.
Turns out most of the Black players from Clemson boycotted Trump's cheap and cheerless fast spread of congealed fat.

Black Clemson players wanted nothing to do with Trump's cold fast-food feast

The players, speaking anonymously, reported that just 15 black players—out of at least 57 on the roster—opted to smash cold pizza with the popular-vote-loser on Jan. 14. That means roughly three out of four black players chose to stay home, which actually is better than the grifter in chief’s polling with African-Americans.
He managed to use there instead of their in a tweet suggesting the Intelligence Community should go back to school. Dumbest cunt alive by a fucking mile.

I have to wonder how much of that is stupidity and how much is contrived in order to "be down with the common folk." He wouldn't want to sound like he has a degree from Wharton, or anything (which he does).

As I understand it, Twitter has a spellcheck built into it. If you don't want it to be active, you have to turn it off in the settings. On some platforms you have to work a hard to spell that badly. You might have to type something in two or three times before its accepted.

And then, there's the fact that not all of his tweets are his words. He has some lackey writing them for him.
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The Steele dossier claimed that Trump was involved in human trafficking. He sure seems to know a thing or two about it. The way he always takes crimes he's done, and claims his enemies did the exact same thing he did. So where does that part of the investigation stand?

I use this as an example.

Wives ?
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I have to wonder how much of that is stupidity and how much is contrived in order to "be down with the common folk." He wouldn't want to sound like he has a degree from Wharton, or anything (which he does).

As I understand it, Twitter has a spellcheck built into it. If you don't want it to be active, you have to turn it off in the settings. On some platforms you have to work a hard to spell that badly. You might have to type something in two or three times before its accepted.

And then, there's the fact that not all of his tweets are his words. He has some lackey writing them for him.

Spell check won't help if you've used the wrong word but spelled it correctly though will it?
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