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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Well, surprise surprise, crooked President employs crooked people to lead his next crooked campaign.

AP: Trump 2020 working with ex-Cambridge Analytica staffers

The AP confirmed that at least four former Cambridge Analytica employees are affiliated with Data Propria, a new company specializing in voter and consumer targeting work similar to Cambridge Analytica’s efforts before its collapse. The company’s former head of product, Matt Oczkowski, leads the new firm, which also includes Cambridge Analytica’s former chief data scientist.
Spell check won't help if you've used the wrong word but spelled it correctly though will it?

Depends on if it has a grammar check too. You're still missing my point. I had a zen teacher once who said "how you do anything, is how you do everything." Trump has proved himself to be a lying, manipulative, and abusive dick. His bad spelling is just another manipulation. His base embraces the bad spelling. They experience it as him flipping off those educated liberals. He's trying to convey that he's not an elitist like them. He's using it as a wedge. If he saw some petty advantage in spelling it correctly, do you think it wouldn't be? If nothing else, he has people for that.
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I wonder if anyone has told those folks that one don't have to be any kind of elite to check one's spelling and grammar. I'm an idiot and yet I somehow manage to check my posts before hitting "submit".
I wonder if anyone has told those folks that one don't have to be any kind of elite to check one's spelling and grammar. I'm an idiot and yet I somehow manage to check my posts before hitting "submit".


I think we've adequately proven that something doesn't need to be true or accurate for people to believe it. These kinds of in-group truth-isms are a dog-whistle that bypass logic.
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There is no real evidence of this rape ... but it's the sort of thing a twat like Trump would do.
Have you read the documentation though? The woman concerned gave detailed evidence, corroborated by other information, particularly that's come to light about Epstein. But she and her lawyer were threatened and she withdrew the case. Where have we heard that before?
Depends on if it has a grammar check too. You're still missing my point. I had a zen teacher once who said "how you do anything, is how you do everything." Trump has proved himself to be a lying, manipulative, and abusive dick. His bad spelling is just another manipulation. His base embraces the bad spelling. They experience it as him flipping off those educated liberals. He's trying to convey that he's not an elitist like them. He's using it as a wedge. If he saw some petty advantage in spelling it correctly, do you think it wouldn't be? If nothing else, he has people for that.
Yes, this is an important point. On a related note, I suspect "Team Trump" sometimes cultivate the idea that he's just an idiot, a fool, so they can belittle anyone who takes his pronouncements seriously, if they want to, even if he does mean what he says. How often do people just dismiss things he says and does as him being stupid or crazy - thus no need to take them seriously? Dangerous that!
I know I harp on about the damage to national parks and monuments during the shutdown, and that leaving them open without staffing was likely intentional. It was a further step on from slashing budgets and putting people in charge with a track record of challenging laws to protect the environment and/or efforts to exploit protected land.

So, we had federal employees called back from furlough to handle the sale of off shore oil drilling rights, which had previously been controversial, but was suddenly a priority when there was no one around to notice what was happening.

And now we have this . . .

APNewsBreak: US moves ahead with oil leases near sacred park

The sale comes as Democratic members of Congress, tribal leaders and environmentalists have criticized the federal Bureau of Land Management for pushing ahead with drilling permit reviews and preparations for energy leases despite the recent government shutdown.

With limited staff on duty over the last month, the critics complained that they were locked out of the process because the agency didn’t release any information about the sale. They also questioned whether the agency would be able to adequately review the land that’s up for bid and whether it would consider protests to the move.
In all, more than 50 parcels in New Mexico and Oklahoma will be up for bid. “We cannot help but protest what appears to be an intentional bias in the favoring of oil and gas development over other interests,” former Acoma Pueblo Gov. Kurt Riley said last week during a congressional forum.
There is no real evidence of this rape ... but it's the sort of thing a twat like Trump would do.

The Steele dossier claimed that Trump was involved in human trafficking. He ran/owned Miss Teen USA for dogs sake. He's dirty, someone with power just needs to look.

"Miss Teen USA is a beauty pageant run by the Miss Universe Organization for girls aged 14–19."
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Shit :(

'Whistleblower' in White House security clearance office is suspended

A White House security specialist has been suspended without pay for defying her supervisor Carl Kline, less than a week after NBC News reported Kline approved Jared Kushner for top secret clearance over the objections of career staff. The specialist, Tricia Newbold, had filed a discrimination complaint against Kline three months ago.
Wednesday's notice is signed by Bailey and mentions that in Newbold's 18-year career she has not faced any "prior formal disciplinary action." The document also harshly criticizes Newbold for her "defiance" and notes that Newbold said she would "continue to do what is best for the Executive Office of the President."
Newbold's lawyer, Ed Passman, considers her a whistleblower and said he believes the administrative charges were brought as payback for her decision to file the complaint against Kline.
Kline was the subject of an NBC News article last week that revealed he had approved Kushner's top-secret clearance after it was rejected by two career White House security specialists. The pair had made the decision to deny Kushner the clearance after an FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

And the fucker still has security clearance. :mad:[/QUOTE]
Conservatives head to Texas to try to build their own wall

HOUSTON -- What started as an online fundraiser to provide U.S. President Donald Trump with donations for his southern border wall has morphed into a foundation whose members vow to build a wall themselves.

The "We The People Will Build the Wall" campaign has surpassed $20 million since it was created in December by Air Force veteran and triple amputee Brian Kolfage. The campaign has received almost 350,000 donations even as wall opponents derided the effort and after the longest government shutdown in U.S. history ended with Congress refusing Trump's demand for billions in wall funding.

Kolfage and other Trump supporters have now organized a non-profit corporation, WeBuildtheWall Inc. Its board of directors includes former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a hardline immigration opponent who has advised Trump. The group spent part of this week in South Texas touring the U.S.-Mexico border and meeting landowners the group hopes will allow private construction on their land.
Trump tweeted that the intelligence chiefs had been mischaracterised by the fake news media when they disagreed with him on Iran, Syria and ISIS. Yes, really. Despite it being broadcast live on television for he world to see, they never said it.

What's that famous 1984 quote again?

Oh, yes, "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
The "We The People Will Build the Wall" campaign has surpassed $20 million since it was created in December...

A sadly impressive amount raised but still less than 0.15% of the total $15 billion estimated by Trump to build the wall - excluding running costs. So at this rate it would take about 60 years to fund the complete thing. And without government-backed eminent domain it couldn't be completed any way.
Have you read the documentation though? The woman concerned gave detailed evidence, corroborated by other information, particularly that's come to light about Epstein. But she and her lawyer were threatened and she withdrew the case. Where have we heard that before?

It wouldn't surprise me even slightly to find out Trump was a child trafficking rapist, but I can't actually accuse him of it as I don't know enough about it to do so.
I'm happy to accuse him of being a sex pest, groper, filthy bastard, and a lot of other stuff, but I can't quite accuse him of child rape - even though it's far from impossible.
A sadly impressive amount raised but still less than 0.15% of the total $15 billion estimated by Trump to build the wall - excluding running costs. So at this rate it would take about 60 years to fund the complete thing. And without government-backed eminent domain it couldn't be completed any way.

I'm sure there will be plenty of salt-of-the-earth, all-american free marketeers who will be happy to take these noble patriots' money just the same.
It wouldn't surprise me even slightly to find out Trump was a child trafficking rapist, but I can't actually accuse him of it as I don't know enough about it to do so.
I'm happy to accuse him of being a sex pest, groper, filthy bastard, and a lot of other stuff, but I can't quite accuse him of child rape - even though it's far from impossible.

Let's see how conservatives report this story:

The numerous young women who say they were sexually abused by wealthy, Clinton-linked financier Jeffrey Epstein no longer appear set to testify after a last-minute settlement was reached in a closely-watched civil lawsuit against the registered sex offender.

Jeffrey Epstein, registered sex offender, settles civil lawsuit and avoids testimony from alleged victims

Funny, how they never say "Trump-linked financier..." Oh, the outrage that this injustice has occurred, except when it comes to Trump's links to the same man.
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Hmmmmmm. There are suggestions Trump wants to privatise the US military, with Prince in prime position to profit from such a deal.

Blackwater founder's Hong Kong firm signs Xinjiang training camp deal

Frontier Services Group, which specialises in providing security and logistics for businesses operating in risky regions, said it had signed a deal to run a training base in the city of Kashgar, according to a statement posted on its Chinese website. The firm was founded by Erik Prince, a former US Navy Seal and the brother of the US education secretary, Betsy DeVos.
Prince was also the founder of the US military contractor Blackwater, whose mercenaries had a prominent and controversial role during Washington’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – including the 2007 killing of 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians by Blackwater employees.
But its presence in Xinjiang is controversial because of the sweeping security crackdown Chinese authorities have launched in the restive far-western region, including reported mass incarcerations.
Up to a million Uighurs and members of other mostly Muslim minority groups are held in extrajudicial detention in camps in Xinjiang, according to a group of experts cited by the United Nations.
This is worrying. Two lawyers and two journalists barred from entering Mexico. One of the journalists said Mexican authorities told her it was the US that had flagged her passport.

Immigrant rights attorneys and journalists denied entry into Mexico

Two U.S. immigrant rights attorneys and two journalists who have worked closely with members of a migrant caravan in Tijuana said they had been denied entry into Mexico in recent days after their passports were flagged with alerts by an unknown government.
The two attorneys who were denied entry into Mexico, Nora Phillips and Erika Pinheiro, are leaders of Al Otro Lado, a nonprofit group based in Los Angeles and Tijuana that has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration’s immigration policies. In 2017, the group filed a lawsuit accusing the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency of unlawfully depriving asylum seekers access to the U.S. asylum process.
At a news conference upon her return at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday, Phillips said Mexican officials insinuated that it wasn’t Mexico that had placed the alert. She believes the U.S. government is to blame, although she provided no evidence.

'Willful Ignorance.' Inside President Trump's Troubled Intelligence Briefings

The officials, who include analysts who prepare Trump’s briefs and the briefers themselves, describe futile attempts to keep his attention by using visual aids, confining some briefing points to two or three sentences, and repeating his name and title as frequently as possible.
What is most troubling, say these officials and others in government and on Capitol Hill who have been briefed on the episodes, are Trump’s angry reactions when he is given information that contradicts positions he has taken or beliefs he holds. Two intelligence officers even reported that they have been warned to avoid giving the President intelligence assessments that contradict stances he has taken in public.
The danger, one former intelligence official said, is that those leaders and other intelligence briefers may eventually stop taking such risks in laying out the facts for the President.
Just a wee update on the US Governments stance about the thousands of children they kidnapped. In short, they don't know how many they took, or where they all are, and have decided not to bother trying to find them to reunite them with their parents because now they're "settled" with new families.

I'm betting someone's made a huge wadge of cash out of selling these kids on.

US sees limitations on reuniting migrant families
Jonathan White, who leads the Health and Human Services Department’s efforts to reunite migrant children with their parents, said removing children from “sponsor” homes to rejoin their parents “would present grave child welfare concerns.” He said the government should focus on reuniting children currently in its custody, not those who have already been released to sponsors.
The administration outlined its position in a court-ordered response to a government watchdog report last month that found many more migrant children may have been split from their families than previously reported. The government didn’t adequately track separated children before a federal judge in San Diego ruled in June that children in its custody be reunited with their parents.
Ann Maxwell, Health and Human Services’ assistant inspector general for evaluations, said last month that the number of separated children was certainly larger than the 2,737 listed by the government in court documents. The department’s inspector general report didn’t have a precise count, but Maxwell said staff estimated it to be in the thousands.
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FSC or fluffy bunny r us (they change their name so often) are probably the most incompetent private military contractor going so
Prince isn't going to profit from anything the US military hate him and his roided up fuckwits.
True - but from what I understand, the US military, top to bottom, all the branches, ain't too keen on "privitisation" (aka mercenaries.) But, that doesn't mean Trump won't try and monetise military conflicts if he can.
blackwater at its best operated a small helicopter and some light planes and gun trucks.
no jets artillery tanks etc etc mercenaries can provide special forces types but they can't provide the real heavy metal
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