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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Related to that, also claimed a president who died years before the civil war could have prevented it if he had postponed taking office until that period (Jackson, zombie POTUS)...
so anyway its been a bank holiday and i've been busy...

why are all the main trump threads closed down?

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Related to that, also claimed a president who died years before the civil war could have prevented it if he had postponed taking office until that period (Jackson, zombie POTUS)...
TTT, today's Zombie president, just what has he to do,or say before the people still supporting him have their collective WTF moment?
His first '100 days' have been a total fiasco, he's been outmanoeuvred by every leader he has met.......oh fuck, the worlds gone mad.
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On possible talks with Kim Jong-Un

“If he came here, I’d accept him, but I wouldn’t give him a state dinner like we do for China and all these other people that rip us off when we give them these big state dinners.”

He went on to suggest he would serve Kim “a hamburger on a conference table”.
Insufficient focus, apparently. I thought this one might pass by focusing on whatever stupid shit Trump has done today.
"Insufficient focus" what's that when it's at home, why close any thread down if it's not offensive
Most threads die a death due to lack of interest, why close one down
Dunno but questioning a mod decision on this one is probably a sure-fire way to get it locked as well.
"Insufficient focus" what's that when it's at home, why close any thread down if it's not offensive
Most threads die a death due to lack of interest, why close one down

Both Trump threads were closed while convos were in full flow. There will be plenty of material for this thread, but I wouldn't be surprised if the plug is pulled on it soon, unless we all keep things light, funny and fluffy.

The latest in the administration's efforts to remove all evidence that there ever was a President Obama, or even his wife.

Trump shuts down Michelle Obama's 'Let Girls Learn' program, and healthy school lunches

So more salt, less whole grain and chocolate milk are back on the menu. :hmm:

Newly minted Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue unveiled a new interim rule on Monday to suspend sodium reduction requirements and whole-grain requirements as well as allow 1 percent fat flavored milk back into school cafeterias nationwide.

The new rules will take effect during the 2017-2018 school year.

"I wouldn't be as big as I am today without chocolate milk," Perdue said in his remarks to reporters.

Critics say the new rules will roll back the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by Former First Lady Michelle Obama, who worked to establish strict nutritional standards on the program as part of her campaign against obesity.
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Both Trump threads were closed while convos were in full flow. There will be plenty of material for this thread, but I wouldn't be surprised if the plug is pulled on it soon, unless we all keep things light, funny and fluffy.

The latest in the administration's efforts to remove all evidence that there ever was a President Obama, or even his wife.

Trump shuts down Michelle Obama's 'Let Girls Learn' program, and healthy school lunches

So more salt, less whole grain and chocolate milk are back on the menu. :hmm:
WtF is there anything about TTTs presidency that is "light, funny and fluffy"?? Though the only thing I found irritating on the deceased threads was the desire to have endless post mortems on HC and her campaign, though there is a difficulty in avoiding them, due to TTTs obsession with reliving the campaign.
i think the trump threads were shut down as they were beginning to resemble a Spicer preconference.
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i think the trump threads were shut down as they were beginning to resemble a Spicer preconference.
Mebbes if TTT and Spicer and associated staff indulged in "preconferences" or even fuckin talked to each other, the world would be a slightly less scarier place?
Fuckinell, I remarked awhile ago that the US seemed to have elected the 'pub bore' to the presidency, I should have been so lucky.
Most 'pub bores' seem to have the ability to string at least two sentences together.
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i think the trump threads were shut down as they were beginning to resemble a Spicer preconference.
It's absolutely fucking bizarre, surely having a strong word would have sufficed. Total overreaction - and wildly OTT, completely pointless sanction :facepalm:
the only strong words had were those dished out to those who reacted with very salty language when being compared to racists and called fash enablers on the sly. Its good they got closed. Lets hope this one can contain some discussion of things that are going on rather than endless tweets and blog reposts. Then we might have a constructive thread rather than the shit stink the other one became.
the only strong words had were those dished out to those who reacted with very salty language when being compared to racists and called fash enablers on the sly. Its good they got closed. Lets hope this one can contain some discussion of things that are going on rather than endless tweets and blog reposts. Then we might have a constructive thread rather than the shit stink the other one became.
You're right, but there should be room for all the tweets, links, blogs etc, I (and I suspect many others [awaits supportive PMs] wouldn't ever come across most of it otherwise.

Firm and final warnings to some and general guidance to other posters, create a new thread(s) for particular content if required, ban posters if you must.

Should've just given them a good clip round the ear.
What does TTT stand for then? I've assumed that it's an abbreviation for That Twat Trump but when I've googled it I get something like To The Top
Conservative author and commentator Charmaine Yoest will serve as assistant secretary of public affairs at HHS, the White House said in a statement Friday.

Yoest, who campaigned actively for Trump, is a senior fellow at American Values, a conservative nonprofit that supports "traditional family values." But she's best known as former president of Americans United for Life, which promotes anti-abortion legislation at the state and federal level.

Trump taps anti-abortion leader for top HHS post - CNN.com

It should also be noted that she's anti-birth control. We've actually reduced the number of abortions to its lowest point since it was made legal--almost entirely due to birth control outreach. Look for that trend to reverse under this idiot. I swear JC2 is right when he says that some of these folks don't know have a clue what causes babies.
I see on Twitter that there's speculation that Mark Zuckerberg will run for the presidency in 2020. What a vision that will be!
Let them eat/blame (a tiny number of) black faces in (very) high places
I found a pic of CRI

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