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What is this car sized object which America has shot down?

Any beings capable of interstellar flight would also be capable of understanding the concept of territoriality, especially when it manifests amongst a species that hasn't even solved politics yet.
Like all the best conspiracies, the perpetrators are both highly intelligent and wield vast power and are thick as shit at the same time.
If aliens who had the capability of space travel to planets tens or hundreds of light years away in physics defying craft were at war with us yesterday we'd probably all be dead or captured today.

Not necessarily. They more than likely spent the last couple of hundred light years travelling here and came in peace to share cancer cures and advanced systems to end world poverty.

And the yanks stuck a Sidewinder into it.
Any beings capable of interstellar flight would also be capable of understanding the concept of territoriality, especially when it manifests amongst a species that hasn't even solved politics yet.

Also they'd probably have propulsion and steering.

"...it wasn't 'flying' with any sort of propulsion..."
"It did not appear to have maneuverability capability, he said. "It was virtually at the whim of the wind."

But what do we really think it is?

Metal cylinders don't fly, so it was either attached to something like a ballon, or it wasn't a metal cylinder and the US either aren't telling or don't know.

Unlike the Chinese "weather balloon" there don't seem to be any ground witnesses to this one so the Airforce can tell us whatever they like.
I think this is it. The big one. Irrefutable evidence of visitors from other worlds. But I don't think we'll be communicating with them any time soon, nor do I think there will be any war.
possibly China, maybe on Russia's behalf but there has been a big increase in UFO sightings by US Navy, Airforce personell over the last few years.

What's to see up that way that a satalite can't already?
I think the Yank military have had enough time to locate and check out the remains of the car sized object and are now making up feasible stories rather than the truth, that it is an alien vessel.
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