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What is this bush/tree/plant?

Sorry, no pic as of yet but trying to find the name of a plant type I spotted yesterday where the stem is massive and looks a little bit in shape and form like ginger? (light brown, bulbous stem, etc.) ... and just with green leaves on top of that. I realise I'm shit at explaining this, but it really bugs me because I Must Know... (!) :confused:

But do you mean there are rhizomes on the surface ?

If the leaves are spiky it might be an iris.

Anyone know if a small cat could die from eating windfall damsons?My lad started putting saucers of milk out for a stray kitten.It then started kipping in a washing basket under a verandah.Anyway apart from a bit of a limp there seemed to be not much wrong with it.One morning about a week ago it didn't get out of the washing basket even when the lad put a saucer down for it.Then we noticed it was extremely poorly unable to see,not wanting milk,hardly an exaggeration to say it was behaving like it had kreutzfeld-jacob disease.We also noticed loads of damson stones in the basket.On advice I took the poor thing to the vet and they took it in but clearly shared my view that it was a goner.Since I subsequently heard nothing I assume it was humanely killed.Bit off the thread but any toxicologists on here?
Anyone recognize this plant - which was posted on another chat forum...?

The initially thought it was fennel but it has no scent.....
It looks totally like one of the same family though - umbeliferae - now apiacea .
I'm not aware of a non-smelly member of that family though..

Sure its not fennel? That structure looks very same. Fennel only scents when agitated. Dunno if you know that ?
Yes, I went to the Cambridge Botanical Gardens at the weekend and was admiring the fennel there, it wasn't flowering I don't think but they may deadhead it there, I would
What are these funny things? there's loads of them growing on the side of the pavement down my road. They look hard but when you kick them a cloud of spores comes out, so some kind of mushroom thing I'm guessing.IMG_20150409_203753.jpg
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