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What is this bush/tree/plant?

mrs quoad

Well-Known Member
It's the first thing our Nigel sniffs in the morning, and the last thing she sniffs on the way back in. Really, really deep lungfuls, complete with that open-mouthed 'oooo that's an interesting smell' look cats get when they're sniffing things onto that gland they have.




I am wondering if it's known to be a shrub that attracts cats.
That's a really rubbish photo :D At that angle and lighting, it could be anything from privet to some kind of maple :)
I'd need to see a full frontal really, to get an idea of it's bark, shape, etc.

Yeah, it is a really rubbish photo, ennit :oops: It's backlit atm, and I can't get any other angle without climbing into the neighbour's garden. I'm in a dressing gown atm, so that'd be looking for a quick call to the police.

I'll give it a shot!

Also, obligingly, the cat just climbed in it.



I will now try to get a better picture.
To be honest, the leaves look like ash. But that wouldn't be a bush.

I think I'll leave this to the experts.
I might do better in terms of why your cat is flehming.

My guess is that another animal has sprayed the bush. Simple as that.
No, it is not some type of box. The leaves are too pointed, aren't they?

I initially thought either a type of small leaved privet, or a type of cotoneaster, but I'd need to know what type of flower or berry, if any, and if the leaves change colour in autumn.
No it's not box.

So far, I'm thinking a type of privet, or a type of cotoneaster, but I'd need to know what type of flower or berry, if any, and if the leaves change colour in autumn.

Privet was my first thought (see my first post!) but the leaves seem a bit big, don't they?
Our privet is a bit like that coz we don't look after it. It's got some really big leaves in places.
Photos can be misleading too, I suppose. This:


makes it look like an acer (or some type of maple, at least). But the close up photos show that to be untrue.
My guess is that another animal has sprayed the bush. Simple as that.

That'd seem like an obvious one, only... we don't have any other regular cat (or dog) visitors to our garden. Our Nigel is also massively weird about / hostile to other cats. She'll sit in front of them, making noises like a rat in a thumbscrew, until they get weirded out and leave (most of the other neighbourhood cats seem friendly but bemused).

She's like this in all weather, and has been like this for just under a year. Regardless of the weather. And I'd kinda expect snow, wind and rain to wash away much of the remaining scent, if there'd been some there to start with.

She ALSO sometimes gets up on her hindfeet, and sniffs higher leaves. And flehms them, too. And she'll sniff around every side. Wouldn't that require a prolific quantity of piss, and a cat with an inordinately high aim?

FINALLY, she clearly finds great security in the bush. As shown in the pics, she's recently started hiding in there. We'll go out into the garden and start calling for her, and suddenly this miaouing will start coming from the bush. And if it was coated in another cat's piss, I'm not convinced that'd happen. Would it?

She's never pissed there either, btw. Or, at least, I've never seen her pissing there; my ground-floor 'office' window looks straight onto that bush (which is about 3m away); and she's only recently started climbing out of view. We've both seen her pissing prolifically in our vegetable patch and the neighbour's rhubarb patch, though.
That'd seem like an obvious one, only... we don't have any other regular cat (or dog) visitors to our garden. Our Nigel is also massively weird about / hostile to other cats. She'll sit in front of them, making noises like a rat in a thumbscrew, until they get weirded out and leave (most of the other neighbourhood cats seem friendly but bemused).

She's like this in all weather, and has been like this for just under a year. Regardless of the weather. And I'd kinda expect snow, wind and rain to wash away much of the remaining scent, if there'd been some there to start with.

She ALSO sometimes gets up on her hindfeet, and sniffs higher leaves. And flehms them, too. And she'll sniff around every side. Wouldn't that require a prolific quantity of piss, and a cat with an inordinately high aim?

FINALLY, she clearly finds great security in the bush. As shown in the pics, she's recently started hiding in there. We'll go out into the garden and start calling for her, and suddenly this miaouing will start coming from the bush. And if it was coated in another cat's piss, I'm not convinced that'd happen. Would it?

She's never pissed there either, btw. Or, at least, I've never seen her pissing there; my ground-floor 'office' window looks straight onto that bush (which is about 3m away); and she's only recently started climbing out of view. We've both seen her pissing prolifically in our vegetable patch and the neighbour's rhubarb patch, though.

Maybe it's been sprayed by a particularly hunky tom cat.
No it's not box.

So far, I'm thinking a type of small leaved privet, or a type of cotoneaster, but I'd need to know what type of flower or berry, if any, and if the leaves change colour in autumn.

Leaves don't change, at all.

Can't remember any flowers or berries, though thinking about it there might've been some white flowery offshoots :hmm:

I'll ask Artichoke.
Maybe it's been sprayed by a particularly hunky tom cat.

Her pathological hatred / fear of all things feline seems to know no gendered bounds. He'd also have to be pissing in it very, very regularly and all year round. And very high up. Given I work from home (99% of the time) and look out on that bush, I'd be kinda surprised if I'd missed a regular feline visitor.
Her pathological hatred / fear of all things feline seems to know no gendered bounds.

Just because she hates other cats, though, doesn't mean she won't be interested by their scent.

He'd also have to be pissing in it very, very regularly and all year round. And very high up. Given I work from home (99% of the time) and look out on that bush, I'd be kinda surprised if I'd missed a regular feline visitor.
Alright, some other animal then.

It's one of three things:

1) The bush itself has a special scent attractive to cats. Unless it's a very well disguised catnip bush, however, that seems unlikely. And if it was attractive, you'd certainly be seeing cats around.
2) Some animal is leaving its scent there, possibly as a night-time visitor
3) Your cat is mental.

To be honest, on reflection, option 3 seems like a good choice. Because she's, well, a cat.
Privet was my first thought (see my first post!) but the leaves seem a bit big, don't they?
So you did! Go you! :)
Privets can be small or large leaved. Whatever it is, it looks hungry (chlorotic, i.e loss of chlorophil=yellowing leaves). Could be anything from nitrogen to iron. My guess is iron but I'm not an expert. Good guide here with pics for mineral deficiency: http://4e.plantphys.net/article.php?ch=3&id=289
Ooh, is that what it means? So that's why my house plants always turn yellow! I did wonder...
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