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What is so wrong with looking after 'ones own'??

looking after your own
Its old fashioned, isn't it. And it can have some fairly bad implications. If capitalism was run by a secret cartel of capitalists, then wouldn't they just act to look after their own? W/c morality has got to be a progression, and I can't see a progression in turning inwards. Not saying that it couldn't create solidarity. Its not something I care for, always thought there was something better.
So durruti/tbaldwin: when are you going to call this international conference on migration? I would have thought that ypu wouldn't spend so much time talking to "your own" about it, unless you were convinced that you had all the answers already without really thinkning about it.
treelover said:
Unfortunately though, they are not: the campaign against the welfare reform bill for instance has had zero support from the far left, even though it will affect literally millions, meanwhile yet another 'anti-war' march is planned for March.

Most of the ‘far left’, as with the trade union movement, treats disability with the briefest whisper of lip service.

Let’s see what sort of response this gets.

‘Come and join us outside Parliament for the House of Lord’s 2nd reading of the Welfare Reform Bill on 29th January.’
Who has organised that?, and yes, don't expect the left to be there, to them, disabled people are like 'the lumpen' of no use to the cause....

Come and join us outside Parliament for the House of Lord’s 2nd reading of the Welfare Reform Bill on 29th January
treelover said:
Do you mean the Coalition Against The Welfare Reform Bill? (CAWRB) I have some involvement in that.

That's exactly what I meant. So do I - when I can remember its name. :confused:
118118 said:
So durruti/tbaldwin: when are you going to call this international conference on migration? I would have thought that ypu wouldn't spend so much time talking to "your own" about it, unless you were convinced that you had all the answers already without really thinkning about it.

I certainly dont think ive got all the answers...But i think its worth discussing solutions. And dennisr's thread is a good one to look at.
tbaldwin said:
I certainly dont think ive got all the answers...But i think its worth discussing solutions. And dennisr's thread is a good one to look at.
really, so why does your every post consist of fact-free generalising assertions which you then twist the facts around :confused:
treelover said:
Unfortunately though, they are not: the campaign against the welfare reform bill for instance has had zero support from the far left, even though it will affect literally millions, meanwhile yet another 'anti-war' march is planned for March.

Why would you want their support? Kiss of death, I would have thought.
Red Jezza said:
really, so why does your every post consist of fact-free generalising assertions which you then twist the facts around :confused:

So is it Facts free AND twisting of Facts? How does that work?????
tbaldwin said:
So is it Facts free AND twisting of Facts? How does that work?????
fuck me.
if you were any thicker you'd need daily doses of baby bio!
you FIRST come up with the fact-free generalised dumbass statements, THEN you twist facts around them. two stage process.
you CAN count to two, I trust? :D
Red Jezza said:
fuck me.
if you were any thicker you'd need daily doses of baby bio!
you FIRST come up with the fact-free generalised dumbass statements, THEN you twist facts around them. two stage process.
you CAN count to two, I trust? :D

I can remember when you were less stupid. :(
Lock&Light said:
I can remember when you were less stupid. :(
I can't remember when you were tbh. either refute the point properly, or leave well alone. you develop your argument by proceeding FROM and THROUGH assertions. however, these themselves need to be adduced from facts. it ain't rocket science.
Red Jezza said:
I can't remember when you were tbh. either refute the point properly, or leave well alone. you develop your argument by proceeding FROM and THROUGH assertions. however, these themselves need to be adduced from facts. it ain't rocket science.

It's a fact that I don't like accusations of nazism being bandied about, and a fact that such activity doesn't much bother you.
Lock&Light said:
It's a fact that I don't like accusations of nazism being bandied about, and a fact that such activity doesn't much bother you.
whaaat? have you been on the mushies? just cos I don't go into paroxysms of self-righteous indignation - not least because the poster thus arraigned is one of the planets premier cyber fuckwits - whilst simultaneously lacking the bollocks to report the post - that hardly means I'm not exercised by it! the accused can look after themselves, they are grown men not babies.
Lock&Light said:
It's a fact that I don't like accusations of nazism being bandied about, and a fact that such activity doesn't much bother you.

Cant say im too worried by any accusation of nazism/national socialism from someone like Nino......He probably said exactly the same to his mum when she asked him to tidy his room up.
Would have been better than nowt, support from the anarchist mileue wasn't exactly forthcoming either:(

Why would you want their support? Kiss of death, I would have thought.
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treelover said:
(CAWRB) I have some involvement in that.

Treelover, anything else going on with CAWRB; apart, that is from the Parliament thing – which is great for me, as I only live a couple of miles away. I received a mailing from SA the other day; all she mentioned was the Lord’s reading of the Bill on 29th January; I got the distinct feeling she thought hers a lone voice in the wilderness – maybe it is; maybe we’ve all capitulated to the inevitability of a New Labour stitch-up; I know, I’ve considered it; have you?
tbaldwin said:
Cant say im too worried by any accusation of nazism/national socialism from someone like Nino......He probably said exactly the same to his mum when she asked him to tidy his room up.

I don't think you're a nazi. You're too thick, even for that.

But you do listen to Skrewdriver and you're obsessed with immigration and the "left". I think that says rather a lot about you.
Red Jezza said:
because, dearie, you can help BOTH at the same time, through effective campaigning and community action, whilst all the time persuading both that the boss class and capitalism are the REAL enemies.

so HOW do you actually help people abroad then?
bluestreak said:
perhaps leftism and anarchism don't have any influence. i never said they did. and as far as i'm concerned refugees are welcome here. it might alienate people who say, oh that anarchist wanker likes them refugees who take our jobs, but fuck em. if they ask me i'll explain why refugees are welcome here. and IME a major portion of the people who are worried about immigration are racists, or politically very ignorant, or of a political mindset where the bosses are undefeatable so they attack their own. in all cases education and optimism are the keys.

i do not think disagree we should support refugees .. whether that means trapsing aboput chanting refugees welcome here is another matter! the arguement geneally is about economic migration
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