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What is so wrong with looking after 'ones own'??

durruti02 said:
clearly i am .. so give an example of me being 'xenophobic'

p.s. just to help you i have put up a definition froom wiki

'Xenophobia is a fear or contempt of foreigners or strangers.[1] It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "foreigner," "stranger," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe fear or dislike of foreigners or in general of people different from one's self.

Bravo! He can read a dictionary. So why did you ask me what "xenophobia" meant? I already knew, it's clear that you obviously either didn't or were trying to divert and obfuscate (you can look that one up too, while you're at it).
this attitude has come up a few times on urban and i think it is VERY interesting and VERY wrong and explains a lot about why the left are so small in this country ..

From your OP and yet again, it's another attack on the left. You would claim to be on the "left" durutti but your posts say something different.

and p.s. b4 anyone (yetagain) says 'this is racist',the community where i live AND and that includes my friends and THEREFORE 'my own', is mixed in race and colour and age and sexual orientation etc etc

That may be the case but you know well what is meant when one uses this phrase.

I would still like to know where you position yourself, durutti. You spend a lot ot time attacking the left but never seem to manage an attack on the right. Why is that?
durruti02 said:
clearly i am .. so give an example of me being 'xenophobic'

p.s. just to help you i have put up a definition froom wiki

'Xenophobia is a fear or contempt of foreigners or strangers.[1] It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "foreigner," "stranger," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe fear or dislike of foreigners or in general of people different from one's self.

The thing is he likes to throw out at least 40 claims of racism per day. He seems to have diluted the meaning of racism and xenophobia to cover anybody who dares question any of his oh so wise words!:rolleyes:
becky p said:
The thing is he likes to throw out at least 40 claims of racism per day. He seems to have diluted the meaning of racism and xenophobia to cover anybody who dares question any of his oh so wise words!:rolleyes:

Whereas all you do is act smug about 40 times a week, while never actually bothering to contribute to the debate in a meaningful way. :)
nino_savatte said:
Still following me around the boards, L&L? You were told. One more post and I'll report you.

Fuck you, nino. I'm as entitled to post on any thread as you are.
I'm got fed up with the whole thing some time ago but at the moment I can only see one person following another person around between threads and popping in with random insults.

I did ask politely once (as well as hundreds of times previously) and this is the last time: kindly stop it.
FridgeMagnet said:
I'm got fed up with the whole thing some time ago but at the moment I can only see one person following another person around between threads and popping in with random insults.

Can I retrospecively report all the insults I've recieved from nino? Of course that wouldn't be needed if you didn't have such a one-sided view of these threads. You quite obviously never actually read them, Fridge.
I consider myself a it of a socialist. I believe in complete equality and all that but I don't really see what that has to do with being racist or 'looking after your own.' Unless by your own you actually mean all of society, then I'm with you.
fencingmatt said:
I consider myself a it of a socialist. I believe in complete equality and all that but I don't really see what that has to do with being racist or 'looking after your own.' Unless by your own you actually mean all of society, then I'm with you.

the point of this mat is that, while the far right has 'stolen' the concept of looking after 'ones own' and distorted it into some WASP thing, the left, instead of saying this is wrong and that it is good to support your own ( AND others) ,.. re appropraiting it ... get their knickers in a twist and argue that somehow it is WRONG to look after your own .. 'my own' is black, white jewish young and old yet i am constantly accused of pursuing a far right WASP agenda .. this idiotic way of thinking on the left needs to be destroyed
nino_savatte said:
From your OP and yet again, it's another attack on the left. You would claim to be on the "left" durutti but your posts say something different.

That may be the case but you know well what is meant when one uses this phrase.

I would still like to know where you position yourself, durutti. You spend a lot ot time attacking the left but never seem to manage an attack on the right. Why is that?

nino please when are you ever going to read what is written :(

all my threads are an attack on the left ... yes but


indeed most of what the left does is give the bnp propaganda ..

[ the above is wrong .. got carried away .. should have said "there is much in what the left does that gives the bnp propaganda" 10/05/07]

i do not post attacks on the far right on here as i assume everyone wants to destroy them .. it would be pointless .. there is little arguement that they are scum .. we just differ on tactics ..
durruti02 said:
nino please when are you ever going to read what is written :(

all my threads are an attack on the left ... yes but


indeed most of what the left does is give the bnp propaganda ..

i do not post attacks on the far right on here as i assume everyone wants to destroy them .. it would be pointless .. there is little arguement that they are scum .. we just differ on tactics ..

You demand that I "read what is written" but you never, ever read properly anything that any of us post. You're not only a smear artist, you're a fucking liar too.

Here is a classic example of your warped logic

indeed most of what the left does is give the bnp propaganda .

That is nothing more than a baseless allegation based upon your own sectarianism...or worse.

This is one of the weakest excuses I have ever heard.

i do not post attacks on the far right on here as i assume everyone wants to destroy them .. it would be pointless .. there is little arguement that they are scum .. we just differ on tactics

Or is that because you support the far right but don't have the guts to admit it? You are quite possibly one of the weirdest posters on Urban: you claim to be a "Marxist" and a "socialist", yet the tone of your posts resembles the tone adopted by parties of the far right. You constantly bitch about the "Left" but never put forward anything that either looks socialistic or Marxian. Indeed, you deliberately misrepresented Marx's letter on another thread to support your strawman argument.
nino_savatte said:
You demand that I "read what is written" but you never, ever read properly anything that any of us post. You're not only a smear artist, you're a fucking liar too.

Here is a classic example of your warped logic

That is nothing more than a baseless allegation based upon your own sectarianism...or worse.

This is one of the weakest excuses I have ever heard.

Or is that because you support the far right but don't have the guts to admit it? You are quite possibly one of the weirdest posters on Urban: you claim to be a "Marxist" and a "socialist", yet the tone of your posts resembles the tone adopted by parties of the far right. You constantly bitch about the "Left" but never put forward anything that either looks socialistic or Marxian. Indeed, you deliberately misrepresented Marx's letter on another thread to support your strawman argument.

actually you have me there nino for once! yes it is wrong to say ...

"indeed most of what the left does is give the bnp propaganda" ..

that is clearly and obviously not true ..

it is more correct to say

"there is much in what the left does that gives the bnp propaganda"

examples .. idiot slogans like " refugees welcome here!" ( they might be be to us but it is nonsensical as a slogan ), their failure to get involved in communities outside of the occassional single issue like DCH, the incredible idiotic alliance with a single relegious group, the history of infatuation with far away causes at the detriment to local issues, there concentrationin jobs that many w/c people see as middle class etc etc etc
I don't understand this failure to get involved in communities thing, it's like we all live on the fucking moon or something. I'm already in a community, or at least I thought I was. :confused:

Or does this mean a failure to parachute into other communities and tell them what to think?
nino_savatte said:
You are quite possibly one of the weirdest posters on Urban: you claim to be a "Marxist" and a "socialist", yet the tone of your posts resembles the tone adopted by parties of the far right. You constantly bitch about the "Left" but never put forward anything that either looks socialistic or Marxian. Indeed, you deliberately misrepresented Marx's letter on another thread to support your strawman argument.

nino i am arguing that to progress to a socialist future ( i fall roughly into anarcho-communist camp in what socilaist future i want) we need FIRST to start to rebuild w/c communities ( and unions) .. building strong communities as opposed to building the party you could say

my opposition to the socalled left, is that in fact it is a middle class liberal 'left' ( which will do little in the long run for the w/c ) , and that it can NOT acheive what w/c people need

why? .. for 2 reasons .. one it puts idealistic and unacheivable propaganda before material work in communities and that that prop is often alienating to w/c people

and two, it's foundation in leninism is actually a middle class attribute which is about really about producing yet another bourgois revolution, which i think explains why they are little interested in communities

Jesus christ. It's like someone's dug up a dinosaur.

You're not exactly winning hearts and minds here are you Durruti.
I empathise with the aims, but I don't understand what building strong communities means or why it is desirable. Is there any evidence that people actually want strong communities, and in any case is capitalism not per se anathema to this kind of community-building?
Fruitloop said:
I empathise with the aims, but I don't understand what building strong communities means or why it is desirable. Is there any evidence that people actually want strong communities, and in any case is capitalism not per se anathema to this kind of community-building?

well think back to the poll tax .. the last popular victory in this country .. it was based on community resistance

.. and think to the future .. environmental crisis and economic crisis are coming our way sometime probably fairly soon .. in our fragmented society it will be bleak and brutal

.. griffin knows exactly what he is planning for .. we should too .. as rosa luxemburg said 'socialism or barbarism!'

yes absolutely .. capitalism needs community break down and individualism to sell more and more product .. whythe left have not cotoned on to that we must oppose what capitalism does in this case baffles me
Was it? I was in NZ at the time, but my impression was that it was killed off by lousy implementation, union organisation against it and (in the main) mass non-payment.
I think he is referring to the mass non-payment, as organised by the Anti-Poll tax Federation which had very solid federalist roots in communities and workplaces across the country.
Based in the unions, no? Or am I getting confused.

I still don't see the connection to 'building strong communities' or whatever - maybe I'm just some weird antipodean but it sounds a bit suspect to me.
I would bet good money that whichever poor sod is charged with pushing through the enforcement of the ID cards thing will have taken a very very careful look at how the Poll Tax enforcement was cocked up, and will be well prepared for any similar strategies. 200,000 people going for a wander in central London isn't going to cut it this time, and I bet they have plans for some pretty widespread non-compliance as well.
durruti02 said:
yes absolutely .. capitalism needs community break down and individualism to sell more and more product .. whythe left have not cotoned on to that we must oppose what capitalism does in this case baffles me

He who pisseth into the wind wetteth his shirt.
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