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What is so wrong with looking after 'ones own'??

Knotted said:
Actually I didn't know what it meant. I didn't know what "pussillanimous" meant either. Plus I couldn't spell "hypocrisy".

You make me feel proud to be amongst the immoral illiterates.

But then I'm more interested in the politics than the display of my own literary skills.

nino is just a sad snob...But good to laugh at....
Hey Baldy, if the two posts above are examples of you having a go at people, you might want to work on your technique ;) :p
nino_savatte said:
I'll bet you don't even know what the word means. :p

This is pretty typical of you lot: you can't win your argument so you accuse me (and others) of constantly issuing insults. The funny thing is, you don't think that you do the same thing.

Are you familiar with the word "hypocrisy"?

Are you familiar with the word spurious? It seems to be very suited to your online personality.;)
becky p said:
tbh baldwin you could have mentioned pretentious and superficial.;)

So do you actually have anything to say that doesn't involve the use of insults?

You know, I have never seen you actually post anything that could be considered a proper contrbution. You found one article from Oxfam, that you selectivised and you have spent the rest of the time ssniping and cheering on baldwin. For you two, this isn't about "discussion", "debate" or anything that resembles it. For you, it's all abourt hanging with the crew and attacking anyone who doesn't accept or support your bizarre views on immigration.

You make far too many presumptions and baseless allegations for your own good. The only people who believe you are baldwin, durutti, L&L, Knotted and you. That's hardly an impressive slice of Urban's posters.
becky p said:
Are you familiar with the word spurious? It seems to be very suited to your online personality.;)

Are you familiar with the words "ignorant" and "thick"? You know, if any of you had actually put more effort into formulating some proper rebuttals to my points, we could have had a half-decent discussion, but you're more content to show yourselves for what you really are: idiots.
nino_savatte said:
Well, in that case, could you tell me (and everyone else) why you seem to be so obsessed with this topic? Your 'explanations', thus far, have consisted of shuffling, dodging, ad hominems, obfuscations and even lying.

If you are opposed to tighter controls, then you haven't made this very clear...have you? Indeed, if one unpacks your thoughts on this issue one is left in very little doubt that you pursuing a hidden discourse.

it is very clear to all but yourself .. ( figure that one out!)

i support working class control .. i support working class action to stop job losses/ job cuts/ wages cutting/ etc etc etc

i do not support state controls on immigration

my interest is in the lefts response and how they have got the issue so wrong .. materially immigration is not a major issue in this country .. ideologically it is major
nino_savatte said:
Are you familiar with the words "ignorant" and "thick"? You know, if any of you had actually put more effort into formulating some proper rebuttals to my points, we could have had a half-decent discussion, but you're more content to show yourselves for what you really are: idiots.

Yes your quite a specialist in half decent discussions.:)

You take yourself very seriously nino. Anybody who disagrees with anything you say becomes worthy of all your contempt. Including unfounded accusations of racism. It makes it difficult to debate anything with you.

durruti02 said:
it is very clear to all but yourself .. ( figure that one out!)

i support working class control .. i support working class action to stop job losses/ job cuts/ wages cutting/ etc etc etc

i do not support state controls on immigration

my interest is in the lefts response and how they have got the issue so wrong .. materially immigration is not a major issue in this country .. ideologically it is major

Again, who is this "left" that you keep referring to?

You have still not explained why you are so concerned with the issue of immigration. Socialists tend to be a little more rounded in their discourses, you seem to be stuck in a groove.
becky p said:
Yes your quite a specialist in half decent discussions.:)

You take yourself very seriously nino. Anybody who disagrees with anything you say becomes worthy of all your contempt. Including unfounded accusations of racism. It makes it difficult to debate anything with you.


Yawn, another cheap shot. You take yourself too seriously; you actually believe that you have something worth saying but if I were to look at your last 20 posts, I would probably see nothing but posts like this: no substance, no real input, just cheap shite.
nino_savatte said:
Again, who is this "left" that you keep referring to?

You have still not explained why you are so concerned with the issue of immigration. Socialists tend to be a little more rounded in their discourses, you seem to be stuck in a groove.

Personally im concerned with immigration cos i think it has a negative effect on people across the world.

It means poorer countries losing the skilled workers they most need.
It means people die unneccesarilly in those countries.

Its not great for people competing for jobs and housing in this country.

Its great for landlords and owners in the UK/US etc.

Durruti's position to me though is a bit half hearted.
I think people should be calling for sticter controls on migration,if they understand why economic migration is such a negative thing....

But then again. Durruti views himself as a bit of a Libertarian.....
tbaldwin said:
Personally im concerned with immigration cos i think it has a negative effect on people across the world.

It means poorer countries losing the skilled workers they most need.
It means people die unneccesarilly in those countries.

Its not great for people competing for jobs and housing in this country.

Its great for landlords and owners in the UK/US etc.

Durruti's position to me though is a bit half hearted.
I think people should be calling for sticter controls on migration,if they understand why economic migration is such a negative thing....

But then again. Durruti views himself as a bit of a Libertarian.....

I have never read such an utter pile of rubbish. You say that "im concerned with immigration cos i think it has a negative effect on people across the world". Would you care to explain what you mean by this. What is this "negative effect"? Or is it the case that you are trying to find another way of phrasing your xenophobia?

Your arguments don't stand up and I've seen and heard better arguments put forward by 9 year olds.
The negative effects are... that poorer countries lose the skilled workers they need. that there is increased competition for jobs and housing in the UK etc etc.
Really i think ive covered the negative effects over and over again.
Do you actually know what xenophobia means?
nino_savatte said:
It's obvious that you don't...or you're in denial.

That wasnt the question can you give me a definition of xenophobia and how you think me and durruti fit into your definition?
tbaldwin said:
That wasnt the question can you give me a definition of xenophobia and how you think me and durruti fit into your definition?

If you aren't namecalling, you post ridiculous shite like this.

You know perfectly well what "xenophobia" is. I'm not going to draw you a picture.
ViolentPanda said:
Mr Durruti appears to be attempting to trim his sails to match the prevailing winds.


sorry just noticed this .. what does it mean? :)

p.s. how is it vp that you never really engage in a debate just seem to do accusations and wise cracks?

'I see you're busy doing your usual posturing as "the authentic voice of the working class".'
'Nice bit of name-calling though, little keyboard warrior.'

'I see from Jezza's quotes that L&L is being his usual priggishly fatuous self.'

'Why not try arguing the point rather than name-calling?'

'I mean, I'm presuming you are capable of that (even though we've seen little evidence so far)?'

these qoutes are your SOLE contribution to this thread
durruti02 said:
sorry just noticed this .. what does it mean? :)
It means that you make broad claims, and then when you get pulled up you say "what I actually meant was..." Perhaps if you go read the thread again you'll see the context.
p.s. how is it vp that you never really engage in a debate just seem to do accusations and wise cracks?
I think you're making another one of those "broad claims" that I mention above.

You shouldn't use words like "never" unless you actually mean them, because otherwise you come off looking a bit shifty.
'I see you're busy doing your usual posturing as "the authentic voice of the working class".'
'Nice bit of name-calling though, little keyboard warrior.'

'I see from Jezza's quotes that L&L is being his usual priggishly fatuous self.'

'Why not try arguing the point rather than name-calling?
I mean, I'm presuming you are capable of that (even though we've seen little evidence so far)?'

these qoutes are your SOLE contribution to this thread

That's because it's a shitty thread.

Oh, and those aren't quotes of all the posts I've made on this thread.
durruti02 said:
sorry just noticed this .. what does it mean? :)

p.s. how is it vp that you never really engage in a debate just seem to do accusations and wise cracks?

'I see you're busy doing your usual posturing as "the authentic voice of the working class".'
'Nice bit of name-calling though, little keyboard warrior.'

'I see from Jezza's quotes that L&L is being his usual priggishly fatuous self.'

'Why not try arguing the point rather than name-calling?'

'I mean, I'm presuming you are capable of that (even though we've seen little evidence so far)?'

these qoutes are your SOLE contribution to this thread

So why did you start this thread, durutti (an odd choice of name for someone so right wing)?

Your OP contains very little in the way of thought nor is it supported by reading. It is the typical post of a reactionary.
nino_savatte said:
Are you really that fucking thick? :D

I guess you are. :D

clearly i am .. so give an example of me being 'xenophobic'

p.s. just to help you i have put up a definition froom wiki

'Xenophobia is a fear or contempt of foreigners or strangers.[1] It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "foreigner," "stranger," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe fear or dislike of foreigners or in general of people different from one's self.
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