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What are you panic buying?

I'm on a tech binge. I've conceded and bought a new vacuum having had the previous one last 20 years with only one service/part change. It's fair to say I got the most out of it. Now I have the horror of endlessly emptying the new one cos it sucks so much more. Ma and Pa Mogden have divvied up for a new floor steam cleaner for my bday/Xmas pressie. And whilst using the new steam cleaner I launched my rice cooker off the worktop and snapped the lid clip :facepalm: I was looking at getting a new one as this one has also done a grand service for a number of years but this has hurried up the process a bit although it's still just about working.

Happy Xmas to Slave!!! :eek: :p ;) :D
I do fear that we will see similar scenes to lockdown 1.0 in the next couple of days. Partly because everyone who thought they would be catered for somewhere else for a couple of days now has to do their own Christmas food shop, partly because there are reports of actual food shortages being likely, and because inevitably, it will spiral again once everyone is putting that extra tin of beans and packet of pasta in their trolley. I admit it, I want some beans!

Panic bought myself a regular delivery veg box yesterday :( I hope when they say "some of our produce comes from further afield than Surrey", they don't mean France...
Mrs C was at Aldi for 6:40am this morning (preplanned trip to try and do the shopping at a quiet time). Apparently the queue was already 20+ at that point.
I've ordered an extra Hasbean delivery but may have to drink the Arran Single Malt if I can't replace my almost finished bottle from Islay...
So here we go again? People stuffing their kitchens with food they'll throw away mouldy on December 27th so people like me who can't get out at the moment, and couldn't get a delivery slot for Christmas, have naff all on Christmas Day?



I'm only going to get 5 limes! Need them for my vodka and coke...essential supplies.
So here we go again? People stuffing their kitchens with food they'll throw away mouldy on December 27th so people like me who can't get out at the moment, and couldn't get a delivery slot for Christmas, have naff all on Christmas Day?

Most people are stock piling, if they are, because they're worried we're going to run out of food. Indeed in the spring I was traumatised to find my local shop bare with two children to feed.
So here we go again? People stuffing their kitchens with food they'll throw away mouldy on December 27th so people like me who can't get out at the moment, and couldn't get a delivery slot for Christmas, have naff all on Christmas Day?

Stockpiling the sort of stuff that could go mouldy in a week would be very poor stockpiling, in fact it would hardly merit the name. We have a couple of weeks worth of food in the form of long-lasting grains and canned foods because we have small children to feed. In addition I might do a couple of vegetable heavy (though not vegetarian) stews for the freezer.

If we lived in a communist utopia where we could be sure of remaining resources being allocated fairly then I wouldn't do this. Unfortunately it's a shitty country in a shitty world and I don't trust the party in power not to let people starve.
Most people are stock piling, if they are, because they're worried we're going to run out of food. Indeed in the spring I was traumatised to find my local shop bare with two children to feed.

They stock-pile because they are worried they are going to run out of food. They don't even see your children in the equation. It's an entirely selfish act done by people who can afford it. This is a western developed country. They don't even know what running out of food means.

And yes, sat here in pain with rheumatism unable to get to the shops today (and not having had a delivery for a week) and with my partner self-isolating...it pisses me off.
So here we go again? People stuffing their kitchens with food they'll throw away mouldy on December 27th so people like me who can't get out at the moment, and couldn't get a delivery slot for Christmas, have naff all on Christmas Day?


Very sorry to hear about your situation. I dont think a lack of delivery slots around Christmas has much to do with the current situation. There was already going to be high demand and lack of capacity in regards those slots around Christmas, long before tier 4 and the latest border problem appeared on the radar.

We had a Tesco delivery today, and were lucky to get a slot when booking it some weeks back. There were still plenty of supermarket supplies left for them to pick our order today, but the delivery driver was predicting increased chaos in the days ahead.

Plus as well as any purchases that could fairly fall under the label 'panic buying', there are also all the people whose Christmas plans have changed, eg cancelling plans to visit relative that were going to feed them at Christmas, necessitating an extra shop to keep their home supplies sufficient.

In terms of shortages of items rather than slots, supermarkets will have ramped up due to Christmas demand and Brexit contingency planning, so I expect that right now the system has more capacity than usual to handle panic, and it will be the post-Christmas period that carries most risk of shortages. But since panic buying often focusses on a fairly narrow range of products, there could still end up being gaps in some areas within days.

Anyway none of that is actually any help for your situation so I will stop droning on now. Hope you find a solution!
We're too broke to stockpile anything but we did go out this morning and get a week's worth of food and half a tank of petrol. No queues or empty shelves at the supermarket but when we arrived the car park was half empty and when we left 20 minutes later it was full...

Possibly for the best this is happening just before christmas as the shops have laid in absolute mountains of everything.
there are also all the people whose Christmas plans have changed, eg cancelling plans to visit relative that were going to feed them at Christmas, necessitating an extra shop to keep their home supplies sufficient.

That's us that is. Which is why we didn't get a Christmas slot. Plus Covid app now saying my partner has to isolate until 24th. Plus I ache a bit with rheumatism (PMR) so really can't get out this minute.

TBH it's all gone wrong and I'm a bit past caring. Let people chuck their extra veg in the recycling on the 27th, I really don't care anymore. There's bits in the freezer and I don't have to eat profiteroles just because Christmas tells me I can. I'll try and go to the butchers for some steak this week, or whatever they have.

But yeah, people's attitudes in a rich country do piss me off.

But thanks for your kind words. We'll survive.
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