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What are you panic buying?

Bet gentlegreen has an Excel formula to calculate that

I wrote the date on a roll and went by weight - I can't bring myself to count sheets - yet.
I suppose I ought to do it again over several rolls...
My 18 days in spite of using a fair bit (4 visits some mornings) may be down to their being Aldi's "double length 400 sheet" rolls.
I think I must insist everyone goes by weight - though I understand not everyone has gram and 1/100 gram scales in their "bathroom"...
My neighbour throws the Sun out every day.
For some time, decades ago when there was still a free local rag, I used to use it for that purpose ... I suppose I must have scrunched it up and sometimes applied water.
Around that time I made a rodding hole in the pipe outside...
Mrs Tag reports the supermarket earlier was not very busy but it had many bare shelves and rationing has been reintroduced. The cashier said they had a flood of people in after the announcement :facepalm:
Since lockdown I‘ve been making custard from powder just to drink.

I've had custard every second day through from March. Making berry crumbles ..with custard. Trifle...with custard. Apple tarts and rhubarb tarts ..with custard.
Sometimes I sit and just eat the custard.
Its a fantastic comfort food either hot or cold...I even like when it goes quite solid.

I've never eaten so much custard in my entire life. 🙂
My hot water bottle sprung a leak a few days ago - just went on the Argos website for a few other bits and bobs and tried to add one.
Had to work my way down four options - from plain via cable-knit cover via sausage dog-motif cover until I found one with cream faux fur cover that was still available!!!
I’m sorting our pantry and we’ve got shitloads of pasta. I used to eat loads of it but have gone off it a bit. Might take some for the food bank.
Not panic buying anything else although I did buy two jars of mint sauce last week as I couldn’t get any for weeks last lockdown, it was desperate. :eek: I bloody love mint sauce.
I'm on a tech binge. I've conceded and bought a new vacuum having had the previous one last 20 years with only one service/part change. It's fair to say I got the most out of it. Now I have the horror of endlessly emptying the new one cos it sucks so much more. Ma and Pa Mogden have divvied up for a new floor steam cleaner for my bday/Xmas pressie. And whilst using the new steam cleaner I launched my rice cooker off the worktop and snapped the lid clip :facepalm: I was looking at getting a new one as this one has also done a grand service for a number of years but this has hurried up the process a bit although it's still just about working.
I currently have something called visual vertigo at the moment, stemming from an inner ear problem, which makes going to shops a problem. So far I've sorted out a delivery from the local indoor market (excellent produce) and a little delivery from the co-op (I chose the next day so it only cost £0.99 for delivery but could have paid a £1.99 and got it within 2 hours that evening, which I thought was good, though some choice in products was lacking).
Otherwise, i'm panic buying a mixture of handmade soaps, earrings etc, and things like "snowflake multitools" (bought myself one because it was buy 2 get 1 free) to try to get Christmas presents ready to send.
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