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What are you panic buying?

look who the hell can make 10 rolls last 53

someone with an opiate addiction?
I use an average 9 sheets per poo and poo an average twice a day. Apparently the average 2 ply loo roll is 500 sheets. I suspect it isn't cause a loo roll would last me alone nearly a month. Do you have permanent diarhea or are you one of those people who wraps it right round their hand?
not that excessive just 53 day is just do

wtf do you used to blow you nose and other related issue tissue can be used for

a 9 pack can last maybe 2 weeks not 53 days :hmm:
I have a bidet and eat veggies, so my 9 high density Aldi bog rolls will last me 162 days, 23 weeks (18 days per roll) - OK until April...

My stashing is limited to what a 60 year old can carry 200 metres in two Ikea tote bags, so I'm going to have to make some extra trips this coming week.

I have 32 cans of tomatoes - so good for 10 weeks - mid January
7kg of bread flour - so 14 weeks - OK until February...

I'll be filling my panniers up with 6 weeks' supply of tahini early in the week.

Unfortunately I can't easily hoard vegetables ...
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not that excessive just 53 day is just do

wtf do you used to blow you nose and other related issue tissue can be used for

a 9 pack can last maybe 2 weeks not 53 days :hmm:
I ran out of the 18 rolls I'd bought the week before lockdown in March, about a week ago. Although I did already have about 9 rolls in. So that's 27 rolls over 7½ months, or rather less than one a week.

And I use it to blow my nose, too. 2 sheets for the nose, 4 for the other end :cool:
I need to make a panicked trip to an industrial tool shop tomorrow to get some of the oil additive I need for the leaf blower at work. It’ll be the sort of place that will be ‘non-essential’ and shut later in the week. Stuff like that is what I need to think of, food will be fine.
One thing I'm low on is seaweed and dried mushrooms from the Chinese supermarket.
Somehow I doubt they'd stop a 60 year old cycling a little far from home to a ginormous airy warehouse ?
One thing I'm low on is seaweed and dried mushrooms from the Chinese supermarket.
Somehow I doubt they'd stop a 60 year old cycling a little far from home to a ginormous airy warehouse ?
Hoo Hing (national cash and carry chain) do deliveries I think though I've never used them.

And I don't think there's a limit on distance from your house for exercise anyway is there?

I found out slightly too late to be useful that they had shitloads of flour (though not bread flour) earlier in the year.
Hoo Hing (national cash and carry chain) do deliveries I think though I've never used them.

And I don't think there's a limit on distance from your house for exercise anyway is there?

I found out slightly too late to be useful that they had shitloads of flour (though not bread flour) earlier in the year.
Sounds like I can combine exercise with food shopping :)
Panic buying back in March was a little more understandable as we had never seen anything like it before
and no one knew where it would all end. This time around, we know shops will still be selling food and no need
for any panic buying.
As for toilet roll, it was more logistics than anything, there was no shortage of paper, it was simply a problem
of keeping up with demand and getting it to the shops. it is very bulky and they tried to concentrate of food stuff.

Bog roll almost wiped out at Aldi, so I bought another 6 rolls so I'm now good until July - well I'm now officially "vulnerable" so sod it. I always used to keep a decent stash because it's bulky..

Another 3.5kilos of flour - 7 weeks - so I'm OK until April.

Another 8 cans of tomatoes - so OK till March
Panic buying back in March was a little more understandable as we had never seen anything like it before
and no one knew where it would all end. This time around, we know shops will still be selling food and no need
for any panic buying.
As for toilet roll, it was more logistics than anything, there was no shortage of paper, it was simply a problem
of keeping up with demand and getting it to the shops. it is very bulky and they tried to concentrate of food stuff.

it wasn't that understandable as you didn't see people in other countries go batshit crazy to get hold of toilet paper. and even at the height of the bog roll panick loads of toilet paper was available in independent supermarkets. people were literally queuing to get into sainsbury's which was out of many products, queuing in front of turkish supermarkets which had everything in abundance that sainsbury's lacked.
it wasn't that understandable as you didn't see people in other countries go batshit crazy to get hold of toilet paper. and even at the height of the bog roll panick loads of toilet paper was available in independent supermarkets. people were literally queuing to get into sainsbury's which was out of many products, queuing in front of turkish supermarkets which had everything in abundance that sainsbury's lacked.
I don't listen to much my mother in law says but back in March she said we were all mad and that we'd never get rid of the virus by not wearing masks and bulk buying bog roll. She wasn't wrong.
it wasn't that understandable as you didn't see people in other countries go batshit crazy to get hold of toilet paper. and even at the height of the bog roll panick loads of toilet paper was available in independent supermarkets. people were literally queuing to get into sainsbury's which was out of many products, queuing in front of turkish supermarkets which had everything in abundance that sainsbury's lacked.
Yeah and pasta and rice and tinned tomatoes and all that. A friend practically cried when I told her we had chickpeas in abundance...
Aldi was a bit nuts today! I only went in to get stuff for dinner. Long queue to get in, every single person with a massive trolley, so I had to weave in and out with my basket. Checkout staff looking flustered (but still maskless unless on the shop floor). Old couple with 5 loaves of bread in their trolley. Everyone apart from children wearing a mask! First time ever in this Aldi that's happened.
it wasn't that understandable as you didn't see people in other countries go batshit crazy to get hold of toilet paper. and even at the height of the bog roll panick loads of toilet paper was available in independent supermarkets. people were literally queuing to get into sainsbury's which was out of many products, queuing in front of turkish supermarkets which had everything in abundance that sainsbury's lacked.
In Turkey, pasta, flour, cologne (high alcohol content, used to disinfect) and yeast were the things that sold out. Bum guns on loos mean not so much toilet paper necessary as it's just for drying.
it wasn't that understandable as you didn't see people in other countries go batshit crazy to get hold of toilet paper

It started in Hong Kong in February and then spread to Australia before coming here

Nipped the Tesco yesterday for a few bits as soon as it opened and it was fucking rammed :eek: The checkout woman was shitting herself in case the madness happens again, and told me that the day before, people were actually fighting in the store for baskets, cos all the trolleys were in use.

No empty shelves though, and absolutely shedloads of pasta :D
Aldi was a bit nuts today! I only went in to get stuff for dinner. Long queue to get in, every single person with a massive trolley, so I had to weave in and out with my basket. Checkout staff looking flustered (but still maskless unless on the shop floor). Old couple with 5 loaves of bread in their trolley. Everyone apart from children wearing a mask! First time ever in this Aldi that's happened.
Mine was busy too - I thought it wouldn't pick up for a day or two ...
I have to risk my health in Bristol's Sweet Mart tomorrow when I go for tahini and hopefully not too many Indian sweets - or even dates and figs - though I ought to indulge a little come the solstice ...
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