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What are you panic buying?

I suggest people who have a continual use for cardboard egg boxes do some panic buying. Apparently there is a global shortage of recycled newspaper because no one is buying newspapers, so lots of egg suppliers will soon switch to plastic.
Reminds me. I got busted putting a couple of dozen copies of the S*n 'newspaper' in one of tr freezers at Asda by a member of staff last week :facepalm: When challenged I said 'sorry thought it was the Observer' and he shrugged.
Asda are now selling plain flour in clear plastic bags at 60p a kilo. Presumably from their bakery. Their normal plain flour is 34p a kilo. Wankers.

Seems a little bit busier out and about but there's no non-food shops open. The shopping centre has put lanes and two metre markings on the floor of the mall in anticipation though. The closing letters stuck to all the shop doors in March are starting to look tatty.
I couldn’t find any Lea & Perrins yesterday anywhere (and couldn’t be bothered to walk and queue outside Lidl for their version). I don’t know whether it’s a stocking issue or what but who on earth panic buys Worcestershire sauce?!
I couldn’t find any Lea & Perrins yesterday anywhere (and couldn’t be bothered to walk and queue outside Lidl for their version). I don’t know whether it’s a stocking issue or what but who on earth panic buys Worcestershire sauce?!
Wow, my Worcestershire sauce has been around for two years or so. Maybe some people have it one everything like ketchup
Mind blown (a bit) after chatting with someone who works at the big tesco this morning, she explained that it is not people buying all the flour but that the shop can’t get any deliveries. Why that is she didn’t know though.
Mind blown (a bit) after chatting with someone who works at the big tesco this morning, she explained that it is not people buying all the flour but that the shop can’t get any deliveries. Why that is she didn’t know though.
It takes time to mill flour. Production can’t be stepped up to cope with demand
The food profile of the country has probably changed considerably in the last few months. Even if home use of flour has only doubled with all the people cooking at home (ours has easily tripled) it would probably be very difficult to double supply. Some of the flour that was going to end up in cheap lunchtime sandwiches or in restaurants could be diverted I suppose but that would need a type of planning that capitalism doesn't do well.
Is anyone else having problems with carrots at the moment ?
You turn your back and they're a pile of mush and tiny flies ?
I'm assuming they're carrot flies as some of the carrots have obvious tunnels in them ...

I can't remember ever having a problem like this before...

The trouble is I go to the supermarket and can't resist the salad and hummus and by the time I'm ready to make my 4 day stew, the carrots are horrible (and the other ingredients are a bit past their best too).

A key (positive) issue is I'm apparently eating less due to inactivity.
Is anyone else having problems with carrots at the moment ?
You turn your back and they're a pile of mush and tiny flies ?
I'm assuming they're carrot flies as some of the carrots have obvious tunnels in them ...

I can't remember ever having a problem like this before...

The trouble is I go to the supermarket and can't resist the salad and hummus and by the time I'm ready to make my 4 day stew, the carrots are horrible (and the other ingredients are a bit past their best too).

A key (positive) issue is I'm apparently eating less due to inactivity.
Supermarket carrots always get horrible and sweaty in those silly plastic bags. The only way I can get them to last more than a day or two is to take them out of the plastic bag as soon as I get home, dry with kitchen towel and then keep in fridge in one of those net vegetable bags. Even then they'll have black bits in seven days.
Supermarket carrots always get horrible and sweaty in those silly plastic bags. The only way I can get them to last more than a day or two is to take them out of the plastic bag as soon as I get home, dry with kitchen towel and then keep in fridge in one of those net vegetable bags. Even then they'll have black bits in seven days.
a colleague on the daily Teams call was talking about wrapping them in newspaper .. :hmm:
I've always had trouble with carrots, if I get a bag and am not going to use them within a couple of days I parboil and freeze them.
Is anyone else having problems with carrots at the moment ?
You turn your back and they're a pile of mush and tiny flies ?
I'm assuming they're carrot flies as some of the carrots have obvious tunnels in them ...

I can't remember ever having a problem like this before...

The trouble is I go to the supermarket and can't resist the salad and hummus and by the time I'm ready to make my 4 day stew, the carrots are horrible (and the other ingredients are a bit past their best too).

A key (positive) issue is I'm apparently eating less due to inactivity.
Lakeland Stayfresh Longer bags are an absolute bloody revelation for fruit and veg. And washing/reusing them doesn't seem to make them stop working. Probably something to do with Satan but they do genuinely work.
We never have Worcestershire Sauce as it's not vegetarian. For beefing up gravy and the like Mrs Tag will often use marmite
for a quick drizzle on roasted veg and or halloumi I often use soy sauce.
Well I went into Morrison's to stock up on cat food, pasta (spaghetti), and rice (which I got) but the "Reduced to Clear" shelf provided a bounty this evening

  • a large chicken for 89p (fuck me!)
  • ready meals (freezable) normally £2.50 each for 63p each
  • A cauli for 20p

Couldn't find flour or hand sanitiser, which we are now out of.
We never have Worcestershire Sauce as it's not vegetarian. For beefing up gravy and the like Mrs Tag will often use marmite
for a quick drizzle on roasted veg and or halloumi I often use soy sauce.

Henderson's relish is what you need (if you can get it, it's a Sheffield based thing and isn't sold down here, my parents got me loads of bottles of it when they were last in Yorkshire).
Mogden said:
Hendersons is a veggie version of Worcestershire.
Surely it's a given on cheese on toast anyway.

Henderson's relish is what you need (if you can get it, it's a Sheffield based thing and isn't sold down here, my parents got me loads of bottles of it when they were last in Yorkshire).

I absolutely love Henderson's ..... festivaldeb had never heard of it :eek:, but she was well impressed too.

But you're right, getting hold of it away from the North is a nightmare ....... we still hope our planned October trip to Sheffield goes ahead though.

If so we'll be sure to pick some up :cool: :)
I absolutely love Henderson's ..... festivaldeb had never heard of it :eek:, but she was well impressed too.

But you're right, getting hold of it away from the North is a nightmare ....... we still hope our planned October trip to Sheffield goes ahead though.

If so we'll be sure to pick some up :cool: :)
If only we were away next weekend as planned William. We get it locally here and I could have done a dodgy exchange in the car park. No glass on site rule of course ;)
Hendersons is a veggie version of Worcestershire.

Surely it's a given on cheese on toast anyway.

I can’t remember the last time I had cheese on toast. I don’t know how to use the grill on my oven and it’s so old I can’t find a manual online for it. I tried what I thought was the grill once but it just didn’t seem to work. Your post has reminded me that I quite like a bit of cheese on toast sometimes.
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