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What are you panic buying?

For anyone struggling with Tesco slots. They are meant to come on at midnight, but last night I tried again (for June 11th ffs) and got held in a queue. Let in at 12.01am to be told no slots available for that date. Woke up at 7am and tried again, same day, and there were a whole day's worth available.

I think they fulfill slots for vulnerable people first, then when they've done that they release what is left. No idea what time they do this but as I say, 7am there were loads.

I absolutely love Henderson's ..... festivaldeb had never heard of it :eek:, but she was well impressed too.

But you're right, getting hold of it away from the North is a nightmare ....... we still hope our planned October trip to Sheffield goes ahead though.

If so we'll be sure to pick some up :cool: :)
Mushroom ketchup does the job instead of Worcestershire sauce too, if you can't find Henderson's.
Sainsbury's Whitechapel. As on the last few occasions no queue and not very crowded during NHS/Care/elderly/disabled hour. Stocks much the same as recently although not so many tinned tomatoes, and sugar not abundant. Dry pasta stocks much improved. Last packet of the 'house blend' ground coffee (mixed in with the beans again :mad:). This could all be shelf stocking issues although I wonder about the tomatoes.

A couple of weeks ago some of the staff seemed a little tense as the new rules and etiquette were being worked out and implemented, but no sign of that today. Admittedly it's the start of the day not the end.

Commercial Road busier - up to pre-pandemic mid-morning levels. A bit more foot traffic too. However not all of the three fruit and veg stalls in Whitechapel Road last time were out today.

Thanks for the heads up about the chocolate rebranding design. I now have chocolate bars.

Fairly big queues at my local (big) Morrison’s. They are very well organised though, have got three hand sanitiser and trolley cleaning points outside. Staff on the door with masks on with masks on making sure people use the sanitiser. Likely about 20-30 minute wait but it feels a lot safer than other places.

Not a single mask (apart from me) in the queue sadly
That was the first time I had been to the local (big) Morrison's and was impressed by their organisation throughout. Would not normally 'big up' a supermarket chain but they were excellent.

Had removed the £1 trolley deposit
Next to the trolley points was a table with disinfectant sprays, blue rolls and hand sanitisers.

Then they had a festival/theme park style 'zig zag' queuing system with crash barriers to get you to the entrance. There were three entries for single basket shoppers, trolley (big) shoppers and fast-track entry for key workers and the elderly :cool: Well managed by an SIS security guard and a couple of staff members wearing masks. Also another table with disinfectant sprays, blue rolls and hand sanitisers which they insisted people use before entering the shop :cool: Then also had a another set of festival/theme park style 'zig zag' queuing system with crash barriers to get you to the tills. Tills had big plastic guards up and was easy to stay 2m from the staff :)

Having down quite a bit of event work they had obviously sat down with a proper floorplan and put together a proper layout for people movement and distancing!

Did my shop fairly quickly and painlessly. They were low on flour/sugar but I was not after any. Everything else was well stocked and got a few #haggle bargains from the reduced shelf.
Managed to get some hand sanitiser from our local pharmacy- 5 fucking quid for a tiny bottle. Am fuming, someone somewhere along the supply chain is being a price-gouging cunt...
Managed to get some hand sanitiser from our local pharmacy- 5 fucking quid for a tiny bottle. Am fuming, someone somewhere along the supply chain is being a price-gouging cunt...

Superdrug, if you have one near you, have been selling small bottles of sanitiser pretty cheap -- worth a check?
Superdrug, if you have one near you, have been selling small bottles of sanitiser pretty cheap -- worth a check?

Cheers, will look next time I need some - there is one next to Morrison's - I was down there yesterday for grocery shopping and was hoping to get some sanitiser in Morrison's but they were out - and by the time I had finished my shop, Superdrug was closed for the night! Will have a look next time I am down that way.
Have to say, not really sure where to put this...

But the last time I went out which happened to be for shopping so I have picked this thread, I was completely disgusted at how many people were spitting on the pavement, I shouldn't have to go out and watch that I am not stepping in potentially fucking infectious globs of other peoples spit and phlegm on the fucking pavement.

Am I being unreasonable? This surely can't be ok behaviour in these times?
An annoying couple in the small local Coop earlier. Narrow aisles and a one-way system. They were taking ages over every purchase, discussing and comparing the different types of item. Because there wasn't enough space to pass them I had to stand there waiting for them to make up their bloody minds. Just make a fucking shopping list and stick to it you bastards. :mad:

reduced to clear

It is going to kill me as no one else in the house wwill touch it
Asda are now selling fresh yeast ready wrapped on the bakery counter for 20p. So I've got some and realised I have no idea how much to use or if it will work in my bread machine. :facepalm: Now everyone's going to tell me to just bake it in the oven but I really like the bread I do in the machine.
Asda are now selling fresh yeast ready wrapped on the bakery counter for 20p. So I've got some and realised I have no idea how much to use or if it will work in my bread machine. :facepalm: Now everyone's going to tell me to just bake it in the oven but I really like the bread I do in the machine.

Yeah you can, I have it in the back of my head that you use a different quantity and let it fizz up in some warm water and sugar first? Don't panic, I'm having a look

OK the best advice I can find is give it a feed in warm water with a bit of sugar until it froths you can't use the timer because the live yeast is going to start doing what it is going to do right away regardless of any dials on your bread machine!
Asda are now selling fresh yeast ready wrapped on the bakery counter for 20p. So I've got some and realised I have no idea how much to use or if it will work in my bread machine. :facepalm: Now everyone's going to tell me to just bake it in the oven but I really like the bread I do in the machine.
Take half of the water you were going to put in the dough, and a good tablespoonful of the flour. Add the supermarket yeast, and mix with a fork until the yeast is broken up. Leave to stand for 1-2 hours somewhere moderately warm (not hot), then use it as part of the liquid for your breadmaker recipe.

Then throw away your breadmaker, and do it in the oven, properly :D:thumbs:
Well, internet said 3 times weight so I just threw 21 grams in without premixing with water and it over rose quite a bit (about 20-30 percent more than usual, I do a 3 quarter size loaf and it almost came out of the tin) and finished with a floppy top. In fact I think it was the over rising that was also responsible for ripping the paddle off. Luckily I noticed it vibrating away and knocked back the dough by hand, but probably not enough as it still finished badly.

And my breadmaker probably doesn't make the best bread in the world but it makes a particular bread (made with milk) that my kids gobble up like no other and fits my cutting guide perfectly so it can be sliced and frozen in measured amounts. I've lost three stone this year and if I start making artisan bloomers I'll put it all back on and have nothing to feed the kids.

I'm assuming the premixing is the same for milk as water? Maybe don't need to add flour as milk has sugars anyway.

I'm tempted to try and make ginger beer with the leftover yeast. I wonder if I really need a demi john or if it can just be done in 2l fizzy drink bottles.
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