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What are you panic buying?

Read that Asda and Morrisons are selling flour directly from their instore bakeries - but presumable this only applies to the large out of town branches rather than the more convenience type outlets. I think it was 50p a kilo.
Walked to far away (and bigger) Aldi, bought too much and half killed myself lugging it home. Very civilised 8am crowd though, plenty of masks and at least trying to keep some distance. Might do it again next week and try not to buy flour just because it's there. I now have nearly 7 kilos of plain :facepalm: because I keep thinking it's hard to get. Seems it's only strong that is scarce round here now.
Every time I go into Sainsbury's, people have to have the new bag rule explained to them (that you have to pay for the bag before you get one; apparently people were nicking them) even though there is a sign on all the self checkouts. Usually it only has to be explained once and the other people in earshot then get it, but I assume the process repeats every time a new set of people gets to the checkouts, all day, plus some people seem extremely dense.

"You have to pay for the bag first, I have to see the receipt and then I give you one."
"Okay." waits for bag
"No, you have to pay for it first. Tell me when you finish and I will look at the screen and bring one over."
"Ah ok right." waits to get bag
"No I can't give you one now you have to pay on the machine and I will check it and give you a bag."
(other customers sometimes chip in)
"Ohhhhhh! Riiiight!"
(Someone else who has not been listening): "Hi can I have a bag please?"

Today someone else in the queue just gave one guy a spare bag they had, to save time.

When I’m working at the shop, it sometimes feels like I’m teaching people how to shop, especially now for som reason.
I found (a small quantity of) flour in a supermarket! It was quite late when I popped in... I'm not going to draw any conclusions from that though, I suspect it's entirely random. At least now I have three kilos of self-raising which should keep me going for a while.
I just scored 1.5KG in Tesco - so yeast is my next target - I suppose I might order some of that in the post ...


going rate for 100g tin of Allinsons yeast on Ebay - £10 inc post :mad:
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going rate for 100g tin of Allinsons yeast on Ebay - £10 inc post
Search for fermipan red active dry yeast. I got a couple of 500g bags for just over 4 quid each. Had to pay several quid in postage but that's fair enough. I linked to some suppliers earlier in the thread.

Got 3kg flour from a local bakery today so I'm now all sorted to make bread - will do some later in the week.
Search for fermipan red active dry yeast. I got a couple of 500g bags for just over 4 quid each. Had to pay several quid in postage but that's fair enough. I linked to some suppliers earlier in the thread.
Is it similar to Allinsons in terms of how much you need per weight of (wholemeal) flour ?
Went to co-op in town (much less busy than local shops). Didn't plan very well (migraine brain). They just have baskets and I was getting stuff for myself and a couple of other people, then got over excited by the reduced section. Ended up overbalancing basket and dropping milk, spillage on floor, couldn't find any staff, then got stuck behind a very slow elderly woman who seemed to be touching all the tea and coffee. Proper embarrassing at the tills. :facepalm: Only glaringly empty shelf was pizzas both fresh or frozen.

People on facebook saying that the local morrisons and one of the other big supermarkets are selling 16kg bags of flour now (!)
Not sure if it will do the job, but I just bought some un-activated dry yeast locally - "saf-levure" - apparently it needs activation in warm water - which isn't much of an issue for me because I always start with the water, yeast and a little sugar.

To activate the yeast, please mix with water before adding to the flour (a touch of sugar may also help boost the activity, 0.5% of the weight of the flour). The temperature of the water when using active yeast is very important and should be between 35-38C, anything below 32C or above 40C will result in less effective results.
Application: Add yeast to water to dissolve before adding to the flour. If the recipe calls for 'Instant yeast' you can use the same proportion of 'Active', and if 'fresh' is listed, please use half the amount of active yeast.
If you prefer yeast that can be added directly to the flour without the need to be activated, please search for Instant yeast (organic and non-organic available)

This stuff apparently has no vitamin C and I happen to have bought some of that on Ebay for some random horticultural reason which eludes me ...
Items for sale by salt-water-sports | eBay :hmm:
It is around here ;)

Somehow I went in the deli for my yeast and resisted buying biscuits :)

One thing I've learned is I'm a poor judge of temperature - my medical thermometer just sat there so I stuck in my bath thermometer and saw that it was only in the 20s..
I've got some sitting on my desk now in a jug to see how it behaves with just sugar to work with.

I doubt I could make this work in my house in winter because it's so cold ...
Proper stinky.
I chucked in some rye flour and it's gone bonkers.
I might actually start getting my bread to rise.

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Panic buy earlier was some chicken thighs (for jerking) and four cans of cider.

From the local Nisa/Co-op who were also selling flimsy looking face masks for £2 each or 13 for £10 :hmm:
pint Stella cans are sold out in lidl feck

....If I've got to pay ( because of the 'kin welsh per unit alcohol tax increase ) now £5 for 2 litres of cider ...enjoy !!!! (it used to be £1.99 up until last month ..I shit you not ....) I might as well go for 4 pints of Stella for £5.49 , but then so is everyone else

good news for Stella ..I guess
You can get yeast if you ask at the bakery section of Morrisons apparently.
I bought 16kg of strong white bread flour - we can get wholemeal flour from the windmill down the road, so going to share this with my neighbour.
You can get yeast if you ask at the bakery section of Morrisons apparently.
I bought 16kg of strong white bread flour - we can get wholemeal flour from the windmill down the road, so going to share this with my neighbour.

To be fair, this has been the case since the beginning of supermarket in-store bakeries, I said pages back to ask because I remember regularly selling fresh yeast when I worked on the bakery counter in one of those new-fangled out of town Sainsbury's hypermarkets back in the '80s...

(Unfortunately I don't think our Morrison's locally has an in store bakery, they don't have all the counters that the large supermarkets have - and I am not risking the bus just for shopping).
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