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What are you panic buying?

Aye, my local co-op is like that too. And full of cunts who don’t keep away from you

Thankfully not too much of a problem round here, although I may just have sworn at one bloke the other week who didn't seem to get the concept of distance. :oops:

Tbh my biggest beef with shopping under lockdown is why people don't hurry the fuck up. I went to the bakery down the street from me the other morning for a loaf of bread. She's only letting one customer in at a time, which is more than fair, so I joined the queue outside. The bloke before me went in, seemed to um and ah about what he actually wanted for ages, kept chatting with the lass behind the counter when she was getting his order, and then on his way out went back for another quick chat, seemingly oblivious to the dozen people waiting for him to finish! I'm not the most patient person at the best of times, and had I not been in a good mood he'd have got the rough edge of my tongue. Make a list of what you need before you go shopping, pick it up as smartly as you can and go - and don't leave other people hanging about, putting themselves at more risk than strictly necessary, just because you're not capable of doing basic shopping efficiently! Here endeth the rant for today...
Went for a fairly long walk round town and picked up a few bits. First time in the centre for a couple/few weeks now and it is 80-90% closed up unsurprisingly. The M&S was the only place with someone on the door and had set up queuing signage/markers outside the front. Other places Iceland/Wilko I passed had signs up telling people to 'be respectful' or 'one shopper per household' at the door but seemingly not enough staff to police that.

It was very quiet and the demographic was mostly older (the town does have a lot of oldies) people, half of which were distancing well and half seemed oblivious :facepalm: Not many with face masks on round the town or working in the shops :hmm:
Went for a fairly long walk round town and picked up a few bits. First time in the centre for a couple/few weeks now and it is 80-90% closed up unsurprisingly. The M&S was the only place with someone on the door and had set up queuing signage/markers outside the front. Other places Iceland/Wilko I passed had signs up telling people to 'be respectful' or 'one shopper per household' at the door but seemingly not enough staff to police that.

It was very quiet and the demographic was mostly older (the town does have a lot of oldies) people, half of which were distancing well and half seemed oblivious :facepalm: Not many with face masks on round the town or working in the shops :hmm:

One effect of the crisis has been to make the city centre feel like a foreign land to me. I've a good range of shops round here so don't need to go far afield to get what I need, and I don't think I've been into town for a month. One of these days I ought to vary my exercise route and have a walk through town just to remind myself that it does actually exist!

Tbf most people are being pretty good about social distancing in the shops I use most often (and if they weren't or the shop didn't enforce it I wouldn't go in), but the other week one elderly bloke did barge right past me in a convenience store. Cue rolled eyes from the woman behind the checkout, who told me he'd flatly refused to cooperate with any of the distancing measures, saying loudly that he never gets ill and doesn't see why he should change his habits now. She told me he'd be banned from the shop if he did it again...
Miracle of miracles Asda had plain flour! I bought two bags which I suppose is part of the problem but no plain flour means no Chinese meat pies and that's an essential part of my family's cultural life.

Lot more masks this week. Also had a joint before I went (yes, at 7.45am) which helped a lot. It may have been that people were being a bit better behaved this week or maybe the weed just chilled me the fuck out but a lot less edgy and a lot less anxiety this week.
Oh bugger. I didn't know about Xian Bing but now I do I feel like they might be my new favourite food. I've just had a packet of plain flour delivered in my oriental supermarket consignment and I have some tofu and weepy veg as well as lots of oriental staples like Shaoxing wine and black vinegar. Hello pie!
Miracle of miracles Asda had plain flour! I bought two bags which I suppose is part of the problem but no plain flour means no Chinese meat pies and that's an essential part of my family's cultural life.

Lot more masks this week. Also had a joint before I went (yes, at 7.45am) which helped a lot. It may have been that people were being a bit better behaved this week or maybe the weed just chilled me the fuck out but a lot less edgy and a lot less anxiety this week.

Tell us more about these meat pies. :)
Tell us more about these meat pies. :)
It's basically a boazi (steamed dumpling) that's been flattened and fried. The dough may be slightly different but they're folded the same (then rolled flat with a rolling pin). Usually served well done and one of the few times Chinese cuisine uses a full on maillard reaction.

Have just trekked across town on foot to Hoo Hing in Chadwell Heath only to find they've been cleaned put of just about everything I wanted but they have flour! (plain and Sr, no strong flour). Looks like I won't be having grits for breakfast for a good long time. :(
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It's basically a boazi (steamed dumpling) that's been flattened and fried. The dough may be slightly different but they're folded the same (then rolled flat with a rolling pin). Usually served well done and one of the few times Chinese cuisine uses a full on maillard reaction.

I need to try this. Probably one of those things it's best to have some where before trying to cook so I know what I want to emulate.
Thing about some of these shops is the narrowness of the aisles and the impossibility of social distancing

This is the problem I am having - at least Iceland is good for frozen veg, but I do also want some stuff fresh (couldn't get fresh broccoli for 2 weeks!) but the local shops I would usually go to for the range of veg are really cramped, and I get very anxious when I feel hemmed into a narrow aisle and can't get past.
The narrow aisles thing was why I suggested to the gf that she should go to costco last weekend as the aisles are really wide and everything else is massive, distancing no problem. She did end up spending a couple of hundred quid so not sure it was such a good plan.
I'm now panicking. I broke a mug earlier which turns out to be one of Mrs T favourites. They do some lovely rainbow stuff Now, but possibly not the elephant any more
They have already replied, very nicely to two emails and have promised to scour their premises Ceramics - Fair Trade and Ethical Products | SHARED EARTH

View attachment 208690
Mend it with 'golden joinery', like this, so that it's all the more beautiful for its flaws?

Just discovered a jar of Horlicks I panic bought a few weeks ago. Hadn't had it for years. And I still haven't.

I think I was worried that if all the booze vanished off the shelves, I'd need something to help me get to sleep :thumbs:

I still like the idea, in theory. I do remember it being very tasty.
Another week, another shop.
No flour to be had - I have 1200g left - which ideally will last me 12 days because I have no business eating more than 400kcals of bread for breakfast - what with all the comfort muesli - plus extras - I'm necking after dinner ...
Still no flour.

Got reasonably priced eggs though, Iceland had a load today. Also got a chicken, broc, tomatoes, a pack of stuffing, pointy red peppers, chillies, courgettes, bread, garlic.

I am finding it increasingly difficult to go shopping without having a bit of a meltdown - people aren't keeping their distance, staff are wandering round not keeping any sort of distance from shoppers, I came home today without some stuff that we needed and in a very stressed state. (Shopping is something I usually find stressful so with increased stress levels generally and wanting to keep even further away from people than usual and no-one else seeming bothered leads to me getting claustrophobic and anxious in the middle of the supermarket :( )
I don't think supermarkets want to sell flour. They have overflowing bakery sections which make them way more money. Regardless of the time or day, even just after a delivery, I have not seen flour in a supermarket for weeks.

I'm currently experimenting with gram flour which I can pass off as a fascinating cookery thing but basically it's because it's all I have. (It is definitely not a straight replacement for plain wheat flour btw.)
Chinese supermarkets and particularly cash and carrys (Hoo Hing etc) will have flour because no-one's cleaned them out of it yet (a lot of other staples gone though). They will only have plain and self raising though so no good for bread really. Hoo Hing have stores in Walthamstow, Mitcham and Park Royal.
Thankfully not too much of a problem round here, although I may just have sworn at one bloke the other week who didn't seem to get the concept of distance. :oops:

Tbh my biggest beef with shopping under lockdown is why people don't hurry the fuck up. I went to the bakery down the street from me the other morning for a loaf of bread. She's only letting one customer in at a time, which is more than fair, so I joined the queue outside. The bloke before me went in, seemed to um and ah about what he actually wanted for ages, kept chatting with the lass behind the counter when she was getting his order, and then on his way out went back for another quick chat, seemingly oblivious to the dozen people waiting for him to finish! I'm not the most patient person at the best of times, and had I not been in a good mood he'd have got the rough edge of my tongue. Make a list of what you need before you go shopping, pick it up as smartly as you can and go - and don't leave other people hanging about, putting themselves at more risk than strictly necessary, just because you're not capable of doing basic shopping efficiently! Here endeth the rant for today...

This is something I've always been conscious of - hate making people wait for me. At supermarket checkout particularly, make sure I get everything in the basket without it stacking up on the counter and have my card out when it's all done.

I'm good I am :) try not to look like an old person :eek:
Chinese supermarkets and particularly cash and carrys (Hoo Hing etc) will have flour because no-one's cleaned them out of it yet (a lot of other staples gone though). They will only have plain and self raising though so no good for bread really. Hoo Hing have stores in Walthamstow, Mitcham and Park Royal.
A fair number of general corner shops do have flour, presumably working on the basis of "people want this stuff let's get more in". Oh the fools without the wisdom of Lord Tesco, who I don't think is even ordering it in more than usual (maybe even less than usual).
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