I'm Petee's spirit animal
No, I've got a dozen in the fridge.Are you out of eggs?
No, I've got a dozen in the fridge.Are you out of eggs?
Raspberries are quietly dying in the fridge but I couldn't be arsed to wash up the porridge saucepan. So, instead: oat milk, frozen mixed berries, banana, peanut butter. Whoosh. Would have thrown in some ground flax had I not spilled all of it on the floor.
I always use the microwave too - it's a lot easier and less washing up. Should use less energy too.I know some would see me tarred and feathered for this, but I prefer porridge from the microwave. I find it gives a better texture.
And of course, less washing up, unless you use too small a bowl and have a spillover
My recent stay in hospital with a collapsed lung and pneumonia has made me re-evaluate my life style.
Today breakfast is chopped bannana and satsuma segments covered with a strawberry yogurt dusted with cinnamon.
Rolled oats every time for me, with salt and water.rubbershoes & farmerbarleymow Porridge is a weird one, there's no real consensus and everyone has a strong opinion. Instant or rolled, cooked in milk or water, salted or sweet, stovetop or microwave. I like pinhead oatmeal (not sure if it can even be prepared in a microwave?), cooked in water, oat milk moat added afterwards.
I hope you are much recovered! That must have been horrible.
AddedSo far...
Tin of sliced peaches
Flat white