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We are running out of sand


Changing the facts
Only water is extracted from the environment more than sand.

The sand used in concrete has to be of a particular size, with the right angularity. Desert sand is no good because it’s smoother, weathered. But I can imagine them working
out how to strip the deserts and find a way to use that sand too,

The right kind of sand is mainly found in rivers. So it’s being dredged out. The precipitous increase in concrete buildings has led to increased requirements, and now we’ve got to the point of using too much. The inevitable result of this is that the trade in sand is increasingly corrupt.

Fragile environments being irrevocably changed by unscrupulous people. Plus ça change.

There are some greener alternatives but of course the juggernaut of destruction is not stopping any time soon.

Here‘s a video about the issue.

A couple more links.

I didn’t know about this till today. As soon as I learned it, it was really fucking obvious that it was always going to get to this point.
I remember something about this a few years back, maybe a podcast. It was mostly about China, iirc with all the cities they've been building recently. I'd presumed before that beach and desert sand were used. Not that those have limitless supplies either.

We need such a sea change in attitudes to all earth's resources and how we live.
Not to mention the environmental impact.

They just suck up the sand, regardless of any of the animals living there.

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