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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

yes - going home especially (bear in mind this is a place where I got grief just for buying the Princess Diana issue of Private Eye)
I wonder whether there's big regional/local variations on this - I rarely see anyone under 50 with a poppy. Big Irish diaspora round here, which I'd expect may dampen enthusiasm for the british military?
I wonder whether there's big regional/local variations on this - I rarely see anyone under 50 with a poppy. Big Irish diaspora round here, which I'd expect may dampen enthusiasm for the british military?
That post has reminded of the dirty looks we got on VE day last year when, instead of getting pissed in the road with the boomers, we went out, as normal, on our daily walk through the orgy of butchers' aprons.
I wonder whether there's big regional/local variations on this - I rarely see anyone under 50 with a poppy. Big Irish diaspora round here, which I'd expect may dampen enthusiasm for the british military?
I've met and known loads of generation Irish in England who not only wear the poppy but have also served in the armed forces tbh.
I don't remember there being any until the country started getting ukippy maybe 10 years ago?
Iraq and Afghanistan wars maybe ? The ‘stories’ about Muslims banning people from shops wearing them and other disgraceful inventions ? Then a big media push .
Iraq and Afghanistan wars maybe ? The ‘stories’ about Muslims banning people from shops wearing them and other disgraceful inventions ? Then a big media push .
Possibly , there was some revival after the Falklands War , but that was understandable, but it wasn't poppy wars.
I think today's report (people who believe institutional racism isn't real declare that Britain is blessedly free of institutional racism) is easy to mock for its transparent dishonesty, but it worries me because it seems like quite a naked exercise of power. They're saying "We're going to deny your experiences to your face because we can and there's fuck all you can do about it." I feel like these things are usually done a bit more subtly (yes, there is some minor institutional racism, here's a list of proposals that will make no difference and we won't implement them anyway) and the dropping of all subtlety marks a properly proto-fascist phase in their campaigning - not the first sign, but one of the strongest yet. Social media is now divided between people horrified at the report and people crowing that it's time to stop talking about racism all the time, which of course is what they wanted. Open the divide further, stir things up a bit more, get your crowd cheering on police violence against protesters at the same time. It's a bad place we're in, and I think it will get worse before it gets better.
I think today's report (people who believe institutional racism isn't real declare that Britain is blessedly free of institutional racism) is easy to mock for its transparent dishonesty, but it worries me because it seems like quite a naked exercise of power. They're saying "We're going to deny your experiences to your face because we can and there's fuck all you can do about it." I feel like these things are usually done a bit more subtly (yes, there is some minor institutional racism, here's a list of proposals that will make no difference and we won't implement them anyway) and the dropping of all subtlety marks a properly proto-fascist phase in their campaigning - not the first sign, but one of the strongest yet. Social media is now divided between people horrified at the report and people crowing that it's time to stop talking about racism all the time, which of course is what they wanted. Open the divide further, stir things up a bit more, get your crowd cheering on police violence against protesters at the same time. It's a bad place we're in, and I think it will get worse before it gets better.
It's certainly going to become a more violent place before it gets better, if only because I can't see any peaceful way of deconstructing the edifice that has built up over the years, and isn't likely to deconstruct itself any time soon.
I guess they’ll keep on using the cultural war conflict stuff to push through a ‘meritocratic’ (Ie ‘if you don’t like suffering inequality than you can get yourself educated and work harder’) agenda as a ‘fairer’ way of responding to inequality
I think today's report (people who believe institutional racism isn't real declare that Britain is blessedly free of institutional racism) is easy to mock for its transparent dishonesty, but it worries me because it seems like quite a naked exercise of power. They're saying "We're going to deny your experiences to your face because we can and there's fuck all you can do about it." I feel like these things are usually done a bit more subtly (yes, there is some minor institutional racism, here's a list of proposals that will make no difference and we won't implement them anyway) and the dropping of all subtlety marks a properly proto-fascist phase in their campaigning - not the first sign, but one of the strongest yet. Social media is now divided between people horrified at the report and people crowing that it's time to stop talking about racism all the time, which of course is what they wanted. Open the divide further, stir things up a bit more, get your crowd cheering on police violence against protesters at the same time. It's a bad place we're in, and I think it will get worse before it gets better.

It's not racism it's just sparkling inequality.

Please do not ask why the sparkling inequality exists and trust in the free market to solve it.
So, to summarise:

Suck it up and get on with it.

What are you compaining about?

Don't fall into a victim mentality.

Slavery had a positive transformative effect.
(I mean, Christ sake).

None of this is a surprise. Tony Sewell was probably always going to come to these conclusions.

What a steaming pile of horseshit. As Brainaddict said, it's a big 'fuck you'. :mad:
I guess they’ll keep on using the cultural war conflict stuff to push through a ‘meritocratic’ (Ie ‘if you don’t like suffering inequality than you can get yourself educated and work harder’) agenda as a ‘fairer’ way of responding to inequality

That's exactly what the report recommends. Foisting a lot of recommendation on uni and schools
So, to summarise:

Suck it up and get on with it.

What are you compaining about?

Don't fall into a victim mentality.

Slavery had a positive transformative effect.
(I mean, Christ sake).

None of this is a surprise. Tony Sewell was probably always going to come to these conclusions.

What a steaming pile of horseshit. As Brainaddict said, it's a big 'fuck you'. :mad:
It's probably an inappropriate comparison, but all this "slavery did you OK" stuff smacks very much of the kind of rape culture thinking that says "women enjoy it, really".
It's probably an inappropriate comparison, but all this "slavery did you OK" stuff smacks very much of the kind of rape culture thinking that says "women enjoy it, really".

It's the same strand of thought as "well we built railways in India so really we did them a solid"

Also very keen to ignore the global exploitation of developing economies and migrants within last 50 years
I absolutely agree on the government with regard to refusing to let people speak.

It is absolutely unconscionable that politics of one stripe is encouraged, whilst opposing political view is silenced.

What are the left afraid of? Are they afraid that when their bullshit views are challenged, they will be exposed for what they are?

The left wing bias inherent in tertiary education is a disgrace. It is more than time that this is addressed.

Some Marxist fuckwit in the NUS decides that they don't agree with a potential speaker, so 'cancels' them. In no way can this be judges as being equitable.

If the NUS has any charitable status, this needs to be removed, they are not a charity, they are a hard left cesspit.
Poe's Law suggests that posts like the above cannot be understood as true belief or satire merely on its contents.
We’re going to end up with some CANZUK civilisation state based on the British values of nicking stuff and bulshitting. And merit.

like oceana/airstrip 1, but shitter
I wouldn’t mind the CANNZ bit, but whilst we might keep five eyes I fear this government wants a country that’s a cross between Florida/Alamabama and Queensland, with a dash of the UAE...
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