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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

interesting story this:

"Charles Dunstone quit museum post over government ‘culture war’
Greenwich dispute the latest in campaign by ministers to appoint allies at top of institutions"
One of Britain’s best-known entrepreneurs has resigned as chair of a prestigious museum group in protest at ministers purging his board as part of a culture war being waged by the government. Sir Charles Dunstone, the billionaire founder of Carphone Warehouse, quit as chair of the Royal Museums Greenwich after the government refused to reappoint a trustee whose academic work advocates “decolonising” the curriculum, according to several people familiar with the events.
i find it interesting because i went to the national maritime museum in greenwich....4 years ago now? ive lost track of time, might not be as long ago as that.... and it had an atlantic slave trade exhibit. what struck me was how shit it was - having read up on much of the reality it felt very watered down, and overall my experience of going to the museum left a bad pro- imperial taste in my mouth (though i am a SJW snowflake of course).

So its interesting to me that what is there already is deemed a step too far by the tories. It will be interesting to see if that exhibit survives.

BTW my favourite thing in the museum is the collection of carved figureheads off the front off old ships

Latest bullshit along these lines: Network Rail is to gain more powers as part of changes to how the railways are organised, becoming more like buses in London, operated by private sector but with fares/routes etc. determined by the national body. Not in itself a bad thing compared to what we have now. However, as part of these changes it is to be rebranded as ‘Great British Railways’.

Suspect this is also an attempt to shoot Labour’s fox on rail nationalisation, just by renaming it and throwing a few flags on the branding might be enough for some of the nostalgic older voters.
I sat through a very embarrassing session watching The Politics Show on BBC earlier whereby it was just someone representing the transgender community getting shot down over and over and talked over and basically belittled, I felt terrible for them and it was not in any way a fair interview - so much for balanced programming.
I sat through a very embarrassing session watching The Politics Show on BBC earlier whereby it was just someone representing the transgender community getting shot down over and over and talked over and basically belittled, I felt terrible for them and it was not in any way a fair interview - so much for balanced programming.
The Politics Show on the BBC has always been awful.
Have we had this yet?

A SCOTS parent living in Bradford has expressed concern that their young child is having to take part in “One Britain One Nation” (Obon) week at their primary school.

The week involves pupils dressing up in red, white and blue and singing an “anthem” called “One Britain One Dream”, which ends with the repeating lines “Strong Britain Great Nation”.
Did a search for that phrase, and found this:

(Have now saved that document in case it gets deleted.)
Opera Snapshot_2021-05-25_121239_bso.bradford.gov.uk.png

this explains it

In his professional capacity he was a senior police officer in the rank of Inspector with the West Yorkshire Police. In over two decades of police service, he has gained much experience in working with people from all backgrounds. In 2006 he was nominated to lead the most challenging and sensitive area of Manningham in Bradford. In 1995 and 2001 this area saw riots which were described as the worst disorder ever witnessed in mainland Britain.

Within 18 months of taking up the challenge Kash Singh, in his capacity as the lead inspector, personally engaged and addressed 13500 people. His efforts were successful – Manningham became one of the lowest crime rate areas in the Bradford District. This work won him the West Yorkshire Police Oscar, the Criminal Justice Award and a third position at a national competition in the country for outstanding police work.

It can be said with confidence that Kash Singh wore the Queen’s uniform with immense pride and was seen as a very capable and well respected police officer. When he left the force in July 2012 his Chief Constable described his conduct for his loyal and dedicated service as “Exemplary”.

His experience as the Chair and founder of the British Indian Association and his high profile career with the police service has gained much respect and admiration. Today he is seen as an iconic role model in the community.

It is Kash Singh’s desire to utilise all his experience and contacts to dedicate his life to a cause that is bigger than himself. He has a personal desire to put back into the country that has given him so much and feels proud to dedicate his role as the Chief Executive of OBON to Her Majesty and the people of this Nation.
I don't really know heraldry and that stuff that well, but is the lion even a "Britain" thing as opposed to a specifically England one? Not seeing many dragons and unicorns in that brochure, anyway.
Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation,
:D inspired lyrics :D
I mean, at the very least it's what hamfisted multiculturalism in an environment deeply shaped by CCC looks like, right? Clumsy multiculturalism's been around for a while, but I don't quite think it was always that draped in flags and poppies, right?
Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation, Strong Britain, Great Naaation,
:D inspired lyrics :D
I mean, knowing it was written by primary school children makes slightly more sense, but... they could have maybe avoided this problem by simply not getting small children to write hymns to nationalism in the first place?
I mean, knowing it was written by primary school children makes slightly more sense, but... they could have maybe avoided this problem by simply not getting small children to write hymns to nationalism in the first place?
i missed that bit
hey copper, leave them kids alone

(teacher blatantly wrote it)
I mean, at the very least it's what hamfisted multiculturalism in an environment deeply shaped by CCC looks like, right? Clumsy multiculturalism's been around for a while, but I don't quite think it was always that draped in flags and poppies, right?
I dunno, it feels a bit madder than that.
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