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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

I mean, at the very least it's what hamfisted multiculturalism in an environment deeply shaped by CCC looks like, right? Clumsy multiculturalism's been around for a while, but I don't quite think it was always that draped in flags and poppies, right?
i think his musical influences are clear
I had a drag through the OBON facebook page and it's got quite a lot of tory MPs appearing on it (although only 400-odd likes - my ambient tapes fb page has more than that), so I might revise my view a bit. Some sort of Tory astroturf thing pretending to be a community group?
I had a drag through the OBON facebook page and it's got quite a lot of tory MPs appearing on it (although only 400-odd likes - my ambient tapes fb page has more than that), so I might revise my view a bit. Some sort of Tory astroturf thing pretending to be a community group?
all good friends down teh freemasons
What is Wokeism and How Can it be Defeated?

concluding remarks:

The way to rip the mask away will require both Government action and courage. Changes in the law will almost certainly be required – for example, definitive amendments to the 2010 Equality Act as will new laws guaranteeing the freedom of speech.

Government funded institutions should be required to promote British values, traditions and history. ‘Woke’ campaigners have long used judicial interpretation as a cover for the suppression of speech and the encouragement of a sense of victimisation and grievance culture. Removing that legal cover and re-stating the importance of democracy and the freedom of speech will be a big step in winning the battle.

The coup-de-grace will be delivered in openly and relentlessly debating the negative, divisive and historically ignorant canards of the ‘woke’ worldview. Conservative values present a far more appealing alternative – values of shared national identity, patriotism, family, faith, duty, freedom under the law, democracy and personal responsibility are as relevant now as they ever have been – Brexit and the Conservative landslide (especially the destruction of the ‘Red Wall’) of 2019 have emphatically demonstrated this. The destructive, totalitarian, divisive, negative and antidemocratic ‘woke’ ideology can be defeated. It just needs us to have the courage to stand up and fight it.

ETA: In another piece you'll neve guess what "The First Monolith of Woke " is ? The beebeecee!
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Just had this through from the Good Law Project, posting here since it's one of the few threads where the LGB Alliance has been mentioned a few times:

Charitable status is earned by those who serve the public good. Denigrating trans people, attacking those who speak for them, and campaigning to remove legal protections from them is the very opposite of a public good.

Whatever sweet nothings the so-called “LGB Alliance” whispered into the ear of the Charity Commission the truth was set out in a speech by LGB Alliance director Bev Jackson on 9 March 2020. She described their real goal as follows:

“We’re applying for charitable status and building an organization to challenge the dominance of those who promote the damaging theory of gender identity.”

Their purpose is the denigration of trans people and the destruction of organisations that support them, in particular through political lobbying and campaigning for law change.

These purposes are reprehensible and they are not charitable; they are political objectives - to roll back legal protections for trans people.

To be registered as a charity, an organisation must be established exclusively for purposes which the law recognises as charitable, and it must pursue them in a way which gives rise to tangible benefits that outweigh any associated harms.

We don’t believe that legal threshold has been met.

So Mermaids, supported by LGBT+ Consortium, Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence, LGBT Foundation, TransActual, and Good Law Project, are appealing the Charity Commission’s decision to award the so-called “LGB Alliance” charity status.

The case will be crowdfunded. If you are in a position to support this legal challenge, you can do so here.
interesting story this:

"Charles Dunstone quit museum post over government ‘culture war’
Greenwich dispute the latest in campaign by ministers to appoint allies at top of institutions"

i find it interesting because i went to the national maritime museum in greenwich....4 years ago now? ive lost track of time, might not be as long ago as that.... and it had an atlantic slave trade exhibit. what struck me was how shit it was - having read up on much of the reality it felt very watered down, and overall my experience of going to the museum left a bad pro- imperial taste in my mouth (though i am a SJW snowflake of course).

So its interesting to me that what is there already is deemed a step too far by the tories. It will be interesting to see if that exhibit survives.
since the above happened the Maritime Museum has a new exhibition

there are posters for it up across south london

now the timing might be coincidence but it seems from looking at the website the slave trade exhibition is out and painting of royals is in.

Bringing up tweets by a 15-year-old when the Man is now 27 doesn't really help anything if he tweeted the stuff Last year fair enough or was in a position of responsibility at the time fair enough. But Expecting teenagers not to do dumb shit is ridiculous. Now calling them out at the time perfectly fair and asking why he wasn't called on his behaviour at the Time is perfectly fair. But to impose real-world penalties on someone for something they wrote 12 years ago that harmed nobody is ridiculous. Much like claiming you are a victim of British Imperialism today unless your Immortal the British Empire didn't hurt you. Now you could argue the British Empire and its policies had an effect on your life but your, not a direct victim

Bringing up tweets by a 15-year-old when the Man is now 27 doesn't really help anything if he tweeted the stuff Last year fair enough or was in a position of responsibility at the time fair enough. But Expecting teenagers not to do dumb shit is ridiculous. Now calling them out at the time perfectly fair and asking why he wasn't called on his behaviour at the Time is perfectly fair. But to impose real-world penalties on someone for something they wrote 12 years ago that harmed nobody is ridiculous. Much like claiming you are a victim of British Imperialism today unless your Immortal the British Empire didn't hurt you. Now you could argue the British Empire and its policies had an effect on your life but your, not a direct victim

That's not quite accurate, there's two cases here. Olly Robinson is 27 now and made the tweets when he was about 19-20 I believe. The player who made the tweets at 15 hasn't been named (although it doesn't take much working out) and is in his early 20s now.
Students at Magdalene Colledge Cambridge have been heard planning a coupe. They alledgely are wanting to replace a statue of Churchill there with one of Diane Abbott.
since the above happened the Maritime Museum has a new exhibition

there are posters for it up across south london

now the timing might be coincidence but it seems from looking at the website the slave trade exhibition is out and painting of royals is in.

Doubtful, Exhibitions take at least a year, more like two for the big ones at the BM with a lot of moving parts, to plan and are roadmapped several years ahead.

“I was very naïve at the beginning of the year,” Porter said. “I thought it was a concerned parent who had taken it a little too far. I didn't understand this until recently, but these were tactics from national organizations to discredit the entire district.”
McBreairty became Maine’s chapter leader for No Left Turn last summer. He has since put up a billboard-size sign of a school board member’s face on his lawn and said it was surrounded by rat traps to prevent theft. “This is a war with the left,” McBreairty said in an email to NBC News, “and in war, tactics and strategy can become blurry.” The fight has only escalated, and it shows no sign of slowing.
Political signs in Cumberland

A sign calling for the ouster of Jeff Porter, superintendent of schools, across from his district's administrative office in Cumberland, Maine. Shawn Patrick Ouellette
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