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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

I prefer to use the word "Conservative", to refer to members of the party of that name, for it is not only in that party that Tories may be found.
it’s the other way round surely?

Conservative member/supporter = hateful bastard Tory

conservative - doesn’t welcome systemic change - not necessarily a horrible cunt
If she really does, perhaps there should be reparations paid to all the black nations from which the Empire stole from. And maybe (if there must be a monarchy) step down and let someone from said nations do the job.
Daily Mail comments section has gone full republican lol:

Politically correct bandwagon jumping to try and recoup much lost ground is not the way for the RF to go and whoever advised them to do so was very wrong. The RF are really starting to lose their way.

We need a referendum. Republic now. I am sick and tired of this vi1e family

Who would defend Buckingham palace if they defunded the police????

George flyod, your kidding me, that the palace has even mentioned that mans name indicates to me the palace has gone woke and needs to be dismantled, the institution is over.

Defund the Monarchy!

That family have just lost my support. Time for them to go.

So now the Queen's a Marxist.

If this is true, the Queen has definitely lost her marbles and the monarchy needs to go

Bye bye queen and the rest of the hangers on.

Time to call time on this mafia family. A bunch of stuck up brats who do not hold the country's interest at heat.

Dowdens got bored with neutering museums and university lecturers, time to ensure charity is non-political


Following a political row after the speech, she lost her job. But in 2014, she founded the Michaela free school close to Wembley stadium in north-west London, which has a “no excuses” behaviour policy. Pupils were given demerits or detention for forgetting to bring a pencil or pen, or for talking in corridors between lessons.
It's struck me that the whole 'culture war' thing in some way stems from the increasing unacceptability of pitting people against a whole group by virtue of their mere existence ('If you want a Coloured for your neighbour, vote Labour etc') so that now you have to pit people hard against one another idealistically. Of course, it is still way too acceptable to put the populace against certain groups, notably refugees, for example, but still the culture wars have their place.

This latest thing about bringing working from home onto the battlefield has a few classic Tory hallmarks. One, to speak to the less technology minded older lifelong Tory voter: 'Look at these lazy younger people who can't possibly doing any work - not like you, you worked hard all your life!', two to speak to the blue-collar Tory voter 'Look at these lazy elites not working hard like you do every day! We're for* hard workers like you' (*for exploiting) and making it look like they are on their side.
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