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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

Exactly. They can't pull that one again with regards to councils so they'll need to search elsewhere. It will also be harder for them to broadcast such messages with the Sun newspaper being less Influential and as yet no UK equivalent of Fox News.
Facebook and Twitter? Would spread like wildfire and be accepted as gospel I'd have thought.
Facebook and Twitter? Would spread like wildfire and be accepted as gospel I'd have thought.

Yes it might well do if it was made entertaining and they could pull the propaganda trick of creating an enemy that is both ridiculous and threatening at the same time. The Tories do not seem to have made very effective use of social media to date. Conservative views are expressed by many on Twitter, Facebook but they are diffuse and unpredictable. Anything introduced to that world passes out of the originator's control immediately. Maybe the Tories would be happier relying on high-profile media fellow travellers like Julia Hartley-Brewer etc.
Indeed, Conservative party might not be able to do it though but they don't need to, there's enough people willing to make stuff up and spread it to troll the libs and lefties.
Yes it might well do if it was made entertaining and they could pull the propaganda trick of creating an enemy that is both ridiculous and threatening at the same time. The Tories do not seem to have made very effective use of social media to date. Conservative views are expressed by many on Twitter, Facebook but they are diffuse and unpredictable. Anything introduced to that world passes out of the originator's control immediately. Maybe the Tories would be happier relying on high-profile media fellow travellers like Julia Hartley-Brewer etc.
Any relative of fly-fishing author j.r. hartley?
In just the last week Nathan Robinson has been fired from the Guardian, and there have been concerted campaigns to prevent Ken Loach from speaking at Oxford University and get Professor David Miller fired from Bristol Uni. All three cancelations have been on the basis of criticisms of Israel and Zionism. I haven't checked, but I'm almost 100% sure that nobody who bangs on about cancel culture will discuss any of these. Why? Because the 'victims' of the cancel campaigns are left-wingers, so it wouldn't fit the agenda of the 'anti-woke' cunts.
Dear James Wild.
If i had a union flag right now. Id take a shit on it.
And if i had a twitter / tiktok I would post a video of it.
And watch how quickly I would get cancelled.

Fuck iambic pentameter and fuck flags. More trouble than they are worth.
" People have died for this flag? " yeah, do you see the problem? Shit eating gibbon.
Doesn't this show how weak they know they are? Wanking on about flags in a desperate and transparent attempt to deflect from their ineptitude. Clamping down on protests because they know people are going to really be angry when they see the full shit show of a Brexit mess and a collapsed economy when furlough ends.

I used to think Boris Johnson wouldn't last this parliament but now I'm not even sure the government will because this flag wanking is pathetic.
Doesn't this show how weak they know they are? Wanking on about flags in a desperate and transparent attempt to deflect from their ineptitude. Clamping down on protests because they know people are going to really be angry when they see the full shit show of a Brexit mess and a collapsed economy when furlough ends.

I used to think Boris Johnson wouldn't last this parliament but now I'm not even sure the government will because this flag wanking is pathetic.

Absolutely, I keep trying to explain to some that a government that feels safe and secure doesn't do these things. It speaks of a definite sense of "we don't have much time" that they keep pushing through and doubling down on the culture stuff. A fear that the roof is about to cave in unless they can really drum up a sense of Us vs Them and clad any dissent at all as treachery.
...people are going to really be angry when they see the full shit show of a Brexit mess and a collapsed economy when furlough ends.

I used to think Boris Johnson wouldn't last this parliament but now I'm not even sure the government will because this flag wanking is pathetic.

This is the most optimistic thing I’ve read in some time. More likely we’ll have “clap for the economy” every Tuesday night and people will meekly return to the cud.
I'm not sure it really does show how weak they know they are tbh. Aggressive nationalist populist stances are used to shore up support long-term by governments all over the world. It's strategy, not desperation.

Indeed it has the whiff of a Cummings about it.
I'm not sure it really does show how weak they know they are tbh. Aggressive nationalist populist stances are used to shore up support long-term by governments all over the world. It's strategy, not desperation.

That would be true normally but in a post pandemic shit show? I'm not so sure.

It's certainly true populist nationalism rises in times of economic strife but if the populist nationalists are in power when that strife occurs I don't know how well that strategy works. It's the only tool in this government's box though so it's not surprising it's ramping up.
I'm not sure it really does show how weak they know they are tbh. Aggressive nationalist populist stances are used to shore up support long-term by governments all over the world. It's strategy, not desperation.

Its usually a feature of dictatorships and authoriatrian governments who are inherently weak and obsessed with making sure only the right people are allowed to ask questions.

The minute they stop enforcing it they collapse.

re flags i think this will be a successful strategy for the tories
theres already a no excuses culture around wearing red poppies, if they can install the same pressure on flags, then it will stick. Labour capitulated immediately, I can imagine others doing so too.

The USA is the model of all UK politics now, from US style briefing rooms including spokesperson to "total market access" for the NHS, to incoming US style right-wing TV. Tory vision post-Brexit is replace EU with the US. Trade deal hit a bump with Trump, but other changes can continue as planned.

I'm not sure it really does show how weak they know they are tbh. Aggressive nationalist populist stances are used to shore up support long-term by governments all over the world. It's strategy, not desperation.
totally, and every cunt in electoral politics is on board with it now (maybe rallying to a different flag though, but flag shagging all the same)
I would think it's largely related to potential Scottish Independence, no?

It does signify weakness though. If there's a few years of flag hugging and then Scottish Independence then where does that leave the flag? With a bit missing, that's where. That's a massive weakness.
I would think it's largely related to potential Scottish Independence, no?

It does signify weakness though. If there's a few years of flag hugging and then Scottish Independence then where does that leave the flag? With a bit missing, that's where. That's a massive weakness.

its much more than that, its allegiance to the state, its allegiance to a long list of perceived values that go with the flag - no deviation allowed
re flags i think this will be a successful strategy for the tories
theres already a no excuses culture around wearing red poppies, if they can install the same pressure on flags, then it will stick. Labour capitulated immediately, I can imagine others doing so too.

The USA is the model of all UK politics now, from US style briefing rooms including spokesperson to "total market access" for the NHS, to incoming US style right-wing TV. Tory vision post-Brexit is replace EU with the US. Trade deal hit a bump with Trump, but other changes can continue as planned.

totally, and every cunt in electoral politics is on board with it now (maybe rallying to a different flag though, but flag shagging all the same)

I've never felt pressured to wear a poppy.
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