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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

On a significant level, the War Against Woke is cover for a War Against Rights. A major aim is to convince people that Rights are 'woke' and only used by pisstakers and moany women, gays, lazy people who don't want to work, black people and criminals…

That’s a pretty significant portion of “everybody” though, tbf.
This is a parody video but it kind of captures the demographic that this “anti-woke” voter the Tories are desperate to attract with their culture war stuff

Not sure if this is the right thread but a perfect illustration of the Streisand Effect. :thumbs: but also :rolleyes:

Yeah I think it's kind of related in that a lot of the culture war stuff does aim to obscure history doesn't it. It's a very minor example but quite illustrative I think - obviously it's not her fault what her ancestors did two hundred years before she was born, despite the fact that she probably sees it as an accusation, but equally it's not just an unrelated coincidence that she happens to be a Tory MP is it? There's a thread of history there that they don't like.
Yeah I think it's kind of related in that a lot of the culture war stuff does aim to obscure history doesn't it. It's a very minor example but quite illustrative I think - obviously it's not her fault what her ancestors did two hundred years before she was born, despite the fact that she probably sees it as an accusation, but equally it's not just an unrelated coincidence that she happens to be a Tory MP is it? There's a thread of history there that they don't like.
the real cancel culture.
Not sure if this is the right thread but a perfect illustration of the Streisand Effect. :thumbs: but also :rolleyes:

Yeah I think it's kind of related in that a lot of the culture war stuff does aim to obscure history doesn't it. ...

the real cancel culture.

It certainly appears that some of the politicians who complained about "rewriting and erasing history" and "cancel culture" when statues glorifying traders in enslaved Africans were being pulled down, no longer object to "rewriting and erasing history" and "cancel culture".


(Source: as stated in image)

Having now drawn widespread attention to her own family's involvement in the enslavement of Africans, she now seeks to "apologise" ... to a radio station:

Ex-Tory MP, Antoinette Sandbach, apologises for ancestors’ links to slavery

This appears to be the historic Truth of her own family's involvement in the enslavement of Africans that she wants erased from history.
I’ll tell you what’s damaging trust in the cops. And it’s not sexism, racism, sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape, murder, “locker room culture”, institutional racism, the policing of the miners strike, Orgreave, Hillsborough, Jean Charles de Menezes, Sheku Bayoh, Ian Tomlinson, Harry Stanley, Blair Peach, Toxteth, Brixton, Mangrove 9, sus laws, or any of those things.

It’s Woke Cops.

Telegraph front page: “Braverman: it woke police • damaging public trust”
Just saw an article about public perceptions if brands being 'woke' that polled thousand of people and one question was about what people thought it meant, about a third of people were pretty accurate as to its original meaning, interestingly about 25% saw it as 'affecting to care about issues to look good', which I'd say is virtue signalling rather than wokeness, but Interesting it's perceived that way.
Just saw an article about public perceptions if brands being 'woke' that polled thousand of people and one question was about what people thought it meant, about a third of people were pretty accurate as to its original meaning, interestingly about 25% saw it as 'affecting to care about issues to look good', which I'd say is virtue signalling rather than wokeness, but Interesting it's perceived that way.

I’d be interested in seeing the questions of that survey, how they were worded and framed. Because there’s a good chance I’d have said companies are “affecting to care about issues to look good”. That’s 100% what Pride month branding is about. For example.
Yeah, I guess corporate 'wokeness' is more about virtue signalling and not doing anything that actually addresses issues.

I think a lot of it is just about the commercial environment that multinational corporations operate in now. Like when they cast Chinese actors in Star Wars - there was the usual shrieking about wokeness but ultimately it's not particularly about that or about virtue signalling, just that there's a big market in China that they want to appeal to and they cast with that in mind.
I’d be interested in seeing the questions of that survey, how they were worded and framed. Because there’s a good chance I’d have said companies are “affecting to care about issues to look good”. That’s 100% what Pride month branding is about. For example.
Yes, my old company used to make a big thing out of Pride. (Photos on the website/LinkedIn and all that.) A friend asked if they were planning on donating to a relevant charity and suggested a few. They were gobsmacked at the prospect of actually putting their money where their mouth was. :rolleyes:

(After some pressure, they eventually donated a small sum to a charity helping homeless young gay people but very reluctantly.)
Telegraph whinging today about 'woke' NHS jobs because public health has of course got nothing to do with cultural, social or economic issues so why should the NHS be wasting money on people dealing with those?
I think a lot of it is just about the commercial environment that multinational corporations operate in now. Like when they cast Chinese actors in Star Wars - there was the usual shrieking about wokeness but ultimately it's not particularly about that or about virtue signalling, just that there's a big market in China that they want to appeal to and they cast with that in mind.

Not just internationally, but domestically too. Society in general has moved on somewhat. If corporations are being "woke", even if only in a performative manner, then that means they are getting consistent signals from their marketing research indicating that's a good direction to move towards in order to follow the money.

That's what I think these right-wingers moaning about "woke" corporations don't understand. They think corpos are setting the "agenda", when in fact they're just playing catch-up.
Presumably like most offices he has access to a kitchen which has metal spoons in it

It is well known that the universe will not allow a spoon to exist in a staff kitchen for more than twenty minutes without producing a tiny black hole to swallow it up forever.
He says that spoon won't work but I bet it's still drawing benefits :mad:

How does a spoon not work if it's spoon shaped and no holes in it?
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