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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

'Woke' continuously to be a meaningless term that means whatever the right want it to mean.

Gary Lineker did what the right wanted him to do, he took in a refugee and THEY STILL COMPLAINED ABOUT HIM.
It’s the same with the ITV boss. A month ago they were all smearing her as a facilitator of child abuse whose staff were all on their knees in fear of her office favourites. Now she’s being castigated as too available and approachable, complete with video conferences and relaxation classes.

Ach, ze list! clicks heels

The government may be criminalising protest but the REAL victims are people who just want the right to keep rustling up hate towards less privileged people!

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Evening Standard now doing the Nazi dogwhistles too?


Lebedev you cunt.
So, the Daily Mail is asking you, yes YOU! to email them with the most egregious examples of woke-ism gone mad. Has anyone got any good stories to send them? Perhaps your pet hamster Steve has dyed his hair blue, or perhaps they would love to hear from that Nigerian Prince who's been in your inbox again, or perhaps you can't be arsed, I dunno, stoopid really innit.
It's parody at this point isn't it? Lost all touch with reality when Politicians can use the non existent phrase "wokearti" and everything from Banks to the Army can be labeled woke.

I use woke quite sarcastically this days to take the piss out of people like this.

It's a shame that underneath though it is about undermining people that are opposing prejudice. You're not Transphobic and don't think we should drown puppies that aren't wanted? Woke.
So, the Daily Mail is asking you, yes YOU! to email them with the most egregious examples of woke-ism gone mad. Has anyone got any good stories to send them? Perhaps your pet hamster Steve has dyed his hair blue, or perhaps they would love to hear from that Nigerian Prince who's been in your inbox again, or perhaps you can't be arsed, I dunno, stoopid really innit.
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The Blackshirt loving wankers.

Rather be woke than volk.
I think one of the many things that these people don't get is how people are being more watchful of what others are saying (nb, not 'cancelling' or 'banning' them) is that social media has made words that much more dangerous.

Five years ago, I was fairly skeptical that what TERFs were saying was actually connected to trans women as at the time the latter mainly seemed tied to violent men often killing trans women for reasons of their own misogyny and transphobia, not because of TERF ideas about womanhood. However, as this hatred has become mainstream it simply has to create a line of justification for people to attack and kill trans women - 'I was protecting children from perverts', ' "He" was upsetting the women' - and a sense that they'll get away with it because society approves.
It’s basically desperation because the tories are a busted flush, so they’re frantically trying to stir up a culture war to create dividing lines. The trouble with this is that the UK isn’t full of nutty Christians and barking homophobes to the level where this could make a difference. They’ve got their work cut out to make this an election issue, but they’re going to give it a go anyway. Just shows how hollowed out the ideological right is.
It’s basically desperation because the tories are a busted flush, so they’re frantically trying to stir up a culture war to create dividing lines. The trouble with this is that the UK isn’t full of nutty Christians and barking homophobes to the level where this could make a difference. They’ve got their work cut out to make this an election issue, but they’re going to give it a go anyway. Just shows how hollowed out the ideological right is.
Oh absolutely - as I've said, they can't claim to be the 'party of the economy' anymore and they have no clue how to make anything better for anyone except their rich mates, so this is 'Look! A squirrel!' tactics, except it's 'Look! A trans person/refugee/leftie!' and the more enemies they can invent, the more they can distract people. Hence why the rhetoric is going to get so brutal and dangerous as we approach the election.

I'd never thought about your second point, but I think that's also on the money - Labour don't give them anything to work with, they just keep parroting the Tories' bullshit and saying 'Yes, well we'll be tough on that as well!'
So, the Daily Mail is asking you, yes YOU! to email them with the most egregious examples of woke-ism gone mad. Has anyone got any good stories to send them? Perhaps your pet hamster Steve has dyed his hair blue, or perhaps they would love to hear from that Nigerian Prince who's been in your inbox again, or perhaps you can't be arsed, I dunno, stoopid really innit.

The ol' Moans Hotline
So, the Daily Mail is asking you, yes YOU! to email them with the most egregious examples of woke-ism gone mad. Has anyone got any good stories to send them? Perhaps your pet hamster Steve has dyed his hair blue, or perhaps they would love to hear from that Nigerian Prince who's been in your inbox again, or perhaps you can't be arsed, I dunno, stoopid really innit.
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I won;t be holding my breath waiting for the Daily Mail and Evening Standard to be covering the closing of University Research Centres, Departments/Schools and programmes, because private enterprise and neoliberal manahers took a dislike to them and threatened to withdraw funding to other sections of the University. Like the Centre for Human Ecology at Edinburgh University (now independent) or the Critical or Critical Management Studies at Leicester University or the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics at Brighton. Can't see either of them supporting academics like my friend Nathan Jun who was hounded out of his job by a coalition of far-right citizens, conservative-nationalist donors and vicious University managers at Midwestern University, Texas for the audacity of openly supporting Black Lives Matter and anti-Police movements. Fuck MSM's hypocrisy and lies.
I won;t be holding my breath waiting for the Daily Mail and Evening Standard to be covering the closing of University Research Centres, Departments/Schools and programmes, because private enterprise and neoliberal manahers took a dislike to them and threatened to withdraw funding to other sections of the University. Like the Centre for Human Ecology at Edinburgh University (now independent) or the Critical or Critical Management Studies at Leicester University or the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics at Brighton. Can't see either of them supporting academics like my friend Nathan Jun who was hounded out of his job by a coalition of far-right citizens, conservative-nationalist donors and vicious University managers at Midwestern University, Texas for the audacity of openly supporting Black Lives Matter and anti-Police movements. Fuck MSM's hypocrisy and lies.

Yeah, there are people out there with a genuine commitment to free speech as an absolute principle. None of the 'anti-woke' lot are in that group though from what I can see.
So, the Daily Mail is asking you, yes YOU! to email them with the most egregious examples of woke-ism gone mad. Has anyone got any good stories to send them? Perhaps your pet hamster Steve has dyed his hair blue, or perhaps they would love to hear from that Nigerian Prince who's been in your inbox again, or perhaps you can't be arsed, I dunno, stoopid really innit.
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I'd like to suggest what happened last September, when the whole country was expected to shut down to solemnly mourn the peaceful death of a nonagenarian who'd lived off benefits her whole life.
The only areas of any great difference are on abortion and repatriation. Even most right wing Tories realise that attempting to repeal the abortion act, rather than reduce time limits, is not a vote winner. As the Republicans are discovering in America. Even Sunak isn't daft enough to suggest repatriation.
I'd like to suggest what happened last September, when the whole country was expected to shut down to solemnly mourn the peaceful death of a nonagenarian who'd lived off benefits her whole life.

Not true.

She also lived off the interest on wealth her ancestors had stolen.

<edit: yeah, pedantry>
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So, the Daily Mail is asking you, yes YOU! to email them with the most egregious examples of woke-ism gone mad. Has anyone got any good stories to send them? Perhaps your pet hamster Steve has dyed his hair blue, or perhaps they would love to hear from that Nigerian Prince who's been in your inbox again, or perhaps you can't be arsed, I dunno, stoopid really innit.
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Comedian Jen Ives has been sending them some great examples, she had videos of them on tiktok as well

The only areas of any great difference are on abortion and repatriation. Even most right wing Tories realise that attempting to repeal the abortion act, rather than reduce time limits, is not a vote winner. As the Republicans are discovering in America. Even Sunak isn't daft enough to suggest repatriation.

take a look the minister for women health :hmm:
On a significant level, the War Against Woke is cover for a War Against Rights. A major aim is to convince people that Rights are 'woke' and only used by pisstakers and moany women, gays, lazy people who don't want to work, black people and criminals so YOU don't need them, YOU trust society is run in your interests, so you'll never need to 'turn against it' by demanding rights!
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