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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

Daily Mail complaining that small gesture made to try to understand the needs of older female staff is undermining public confidence in the police. Well - it might now that you've made it a front page story in the DM, rather than, say, not bothering to mention it at all.

'Get out of here with your woke 'Menopause' and wanting to feel good about yourselves.' 😡 Fuck you Daily Mail.

The Storm Vixen is starting to go through menopause and is trying to do menopause awareness at her work. The lack of knowledge for younger women is surprising, and the men is as expected.

I'll stick to being woke, thank you and try and understand something 50% of the population will go through.
Daily Mail complaining that small gesture made to try to understand the needs of older female staff is undermining public confidence in the police. Well - it might now that you've made it a front page story in the DM, rather than, say, not bothering to mention it at all.

Meanwhile the Daily Mail's obsession with parts of Rayner's body (first it was her legs, now her alleged "boob job") continues unabated :rolleyes:
Meanwhile the Daily Mail's obsession with parts of Rayner's body (first it was her legs, now her alleged "boob job") continues unabated :rolleyes:
Yes, I noticed that :rolleyes:

But yes, the menopause is woke. Women should just go back to getting on with it when they suffer debilitating menopause symptoms and have the decency not to inflicting awareness of their embarrassing gross woman problems on anyone. And everyone else should go back to ignoring it.
Yes, I noticed that :rolleyes:

But yes, the menopause is woke. Women should just go back to getting on with it when they suffer debilitating menopause symptoms and have the decency not to inflicting awareness of their embarrassing gross woman problems on anyone. And everyone else should go back to ignoring it.

Trying to work out the logic of it is going to end in failure, empathy is woke seemingly.
We had a chat about the menopause month at work last week actually, and it did prompt some interesting conversations about it as well as other health conditions we all have, and the main takeaway was it’s about understanding that sometimes for whatever reason we aren’t going to be feeling at our best, and to try and remember that and be considerate, make allowances etc

Basic human behaviour to be kind to each other really - no wonder the Mail hates the idea
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I must admit, I think it's a bit ridiculous to be donning a 'menopause jacket'. The word of a colleague who says they are unwell or feeling off colour should be enough. There is something horribly self obsessed and indulgent about expecting anyone to wear 'this is what it feels like to be at my body temperature' jackets. We all have our physical challenges, whether it's hot flashes, or chronic pain, or urinary incontinence, or whatever it may be.

It's not required for others to literally feel something personally in order to be decent. I suffer from intermittent neck and back pain. It wouldn't occur to me to insist others should have that induced so that they could think more about me rather than whatever else they had to do that day. I think I might be peri menopausal, due to a sometimes uncomfortably overheating face. I don't need anyone to hold their face against a radiator to understand me.
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They aren’t making them wear it !
I didn't think 'they' were! I didn't use the word 'make' at all. I described it as an 'expectation' - devices aren't made and hired in the expectation nobody will use them. I completely stand by what I said - it's not necessary for someone to literally know what another persons body temperature is in order for empathy to be forthcoming about that particular sensation.

The idea that people should ideally know from their own physical experience in order to be decent about other people's existence is a bleak one. Of a piece with shooting down points that weren't actually made, perhaps, but not actively helpful in understanding an individual perspective. I have zero affinity with the Daily Mail or their stance on 'woke' matters.

If I was to use a wheelchair for a few hours, it wouldn't help me understand what it feels like to go through life using one. It wouldn't enhance my empathy for people who rely on them - my empathy there is already extensive. It would simply mean that I'd play acted for an afternoon, plastering about in a wheelchair for a while. It's quite a patronizing concept.

If a particular individual wanted to do so, that's their affair. Although if you were a cunt without empathy before the session, you still will be after. I wouldn't join in. I wouldn't feel it necessary, as I politely explained. Just as I wouldn't wear a heat vest, or use earplugs to simulate deafness for a day. I am decent enough to just listen and accept the word of another.
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I've no idea or opinion about whether a menopause jacket is a fabulous training aid or a total waste of time. I do know that it's not the most important thing that happened in the world yesterday.
Yes, that's a fair observation. The fact that this bullshit would be emblazoned across the front page of any publication is quite something. Had we not all seen from newspaper stands what makes the grade for the Mail/Express/Sun/et al just about every day, it might even be shocking.
I didn't think 'they' were! I didn't use the word 'make' at all. I described it as an 'expectation' - devices aren't made and hired in the expectation nobody will use them. I completely stand by what I said - it's not necessary for someone to literally know what another persons body temperature is in order for empathy to be forthcoming about that particular sensation.

The idea that people should ideally know from their own physical experience in order to be decent about other people's existence is a bleak one. Of a piece with shooting down points that weren't actually made, perhaps, but not actively helpful in understanding an individual perspective. I have zero affinity with the Daily Mail or their stance on 'woke' matters.

If I was to use a wheelchair for a few hours, it wouldn't help me understand what it feels like to go through life using one. It wouldn't enhance my empathy for people who rely on them - my empathy there is already extensive. It would simply mean that I'd play acted for an afternoon, plastering about in a wheelchair for a while. It's quite a patronizing concept.

If a particular individual wanted to do so, that's their affair. Although if you were a cunt without empathy before the session, you still will be after. I wouldn't join in. I wouldn't feel it necessary, as I politely explained. Just as I wouldn't wear a heat vest, or use earplugs to simulate deafness for a day. I am decent enough to just listen and accept the word of another.

I can’t believe anyone gives a shit either way - if people want to do it who cares ?
I saw this as well - like, they literally have no fucking clue what 'decolonise' means, do they? Interesting that the actual story says 'compliance is voluntary' while the online version of the headline says they are 'Ordered' to cover it. It's like they believe this will dominate the whole curriculum rather than either having a few discrete sessions or else mentioning it where relevant and including some more non-white/European commentators/experts in the curriculum.
I saw this as well - like, they literally have no fucking clue what 'decolonise' means, do they?

The meaning of that word does seem to have been lost in the mists of time.

Something about kicking the Muslims out of maths and getting back to Roman numerals.

What has zero ever done for us?
I suppose it is reciprocal - I have literally no fucking clue what "woke" means. I think it's simply stuff that the DM hates, but that includes most of the known space-time continuum.

It’s intellectually all a bit odd - the daily mail claims to be is all about proper manners and respect, and as far as I can understand woke is looking at things from other peoples viewpoints ( mr c now wants to be called mrs x, mr t would like you to understand that country house y was build using the blood of his ancestors ).

So from what I can figure out, woke is what you call someone when they try to get you to be nice to everyone - not just hetro white people.
As a white guy, I'm never told " enough is enough". As a blind drunk white guy I can order a steak without some Jobsworth questioning my integrity.

This is a particularly pathetic line of attack 'Oh noez! We gave some money to people who suggested that just maybe white men could hand over some of their power'
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