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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

Millions do, so it does.
But that's the issue: it works. We take it. We (as a population, a minority true but enough given our stupid electoral system) still vote for them. That's the bit I don't get, not without incorporating some really shitty ideas about my fellow Britons, which I really dislike doing. In short, none of this would be happening if a) We didn't vote for it and b) if there were any alternative to it.
I also wonder whether in part we’ve ended up with a diverse cabinet is because the government has now cycled through so many old white men who’d normally get priority for positions
Nah, it's been done on purpose. It's their fig leaf, i know that, we all do. I'm just stunned that the fact it's just a fig leaf, is not being pointed out constantly outside of our little echo chamber. By, I don't know, Labour maybe? The whole argument around 'wokeness' seems so toxic, there's no real discussion to be had, we do just have to go with it. I think 'tokenism' is an unword nowadays, but I'm afraid I can't see this cabinet (or the last one tbh) as anything else.
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mojo pixy - and as has been said, so they can ' 'debunk' white patriarchy by saying 'Look at all these high achieving women and black/Asian people who say racism/sexism is not a problem in the country any more, no need to do anything about it'.
mojo pixy - and as has been said, so they can ' 'debunk' white patriarchy by saying 'Look at all these high achieving women and black/Asian people who say racism/sexism is not a problem in the country any more, no need to do anything about it'.
Yes, that's pretty much what tokenism is, isn't it?
And apparently, it doesn't get questioned, it gets lauded lol. No white dudes in top jobs, how cool is that? Just a bunch of diverse sociopaths, nothing to see here :thumbs:

That's it isn't it, they think they can get away with anything by just having diversity in the cabinet. And, they actually can, will, have been. We let them, the media let them, the electorate .. Well, we'll see in a year or so.

Fuck it's depressing.

And no class diversity either, now there's an elephant in a room.
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Yes, that's pretty much what tokenism is, isn't it?
I think it's kind of tokenism+ - not just, 'Look, we have black people so you can shut up about racism now!' but 'Look, we have black people who will shut you up about racism now because they agree with us that it's not really that bad'.
And apparently, it doesn't get questioned, it gets lauded lol. No white dudes in top jobs, how cool is that? Just a bunch of diverse sociopaths, nothing to see here :thumbs:

That's it isn't it, they think they can get away with anything by just having diversity in the cabinet. And, they actually can, will, have been. We let them, the media let them, the electorate .. Well, we'll see in a year or so.

Fuck it's depressing.

And no class diversity either, now there's an elephant in a room.
I dunno if it's an elephant in the room, it's explicitly highlighted in the first article I could find on the guardian on the topic

I think it's kind of tokenism+ - not just, 'Look, we have black people so you can shut up about racism now!' but 'Look, we have black people who will shut you up about racism now because they agree with us that it's not really that bad'.
Also, "don't criticise our sadistic, ecocidal policies, look at all the diverse faces and women who are making them, and stop being so reactionary" or something similar.

I dunno if it's an elephant in the room, it's explicitly highlighted in the first article I could find on the guardian on the topic

One article in the guardian, fair enough.

I mean no it's not a particularly invisible elephant but it's never going to be acknowledged by the people it actually belongs to.
I'm seeing a load of Anti-Woke types gushing over their latest online discovery just now.

Enoch Powell, as filtered for today by some ex-Breitbart cunt.
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Oh, the young people are in trouble? It must be Wednesday.

Maybe check tomorrow when they will be back to their usual 'beacon of hope that will bring in a heavenly realm of tolerance and kindness'.
It is sad, but also unsurprising.

I think there is an undercurrent of political engagement with environmental, equality and LGBTQ+ issues among many kids as well, though.
All the kids I know are politically engaged well beyond I was at their age. I guess that's how so many of them can spot democracy is a sham.
None of the kids I know are particularly politically engaged, in terms of isms or how the country ought to be, I suspect because they spot that. But my impression (as well as what I've heard expressed out loud) they seem to think big P Politics is boring, or someone else's job. On a personal level they're good at understanding their rights, and I get a pretty constant impression of tolerance and respect for diversity, welcoming it in fact. This is great, and small p political for sure. I actually think politics is just changing and I don't kid myself I really get it yet.
I think you may be right about the 'big P' politics thing. Kids are engaging with Issues but not with political parties, and I don't blame them.

It does seem to me that one issue is the growing power of the Right Wing press - I mean I know there always was one, but it feels like it's become so directive of policy now that no one dares do anything that would displease the Daily Mail, even Labour despite the fact that DM readers will never vote for them anyway. It's like progressive things cannot even be discussed without cries of it being lunacy, extreme, hard socialism etc. And of course these views are back by people generally older than me, so way away from our kids' generation.
Tbh if any survey of how young people have been feeling turned out a result that wasn't "kind of distressed and lonely" in the aftermath of two years of lockdowns and the alienation/lack of future of 2020s capitalism I'd be utterly shocked. Being in favour of a military dicatorship is more concerning, but I think is a separate conversation which would need to focus on the success of the radical right dragging conservative norms into the sewer. Which would also link to why, for example, neither side wants to date the other (or even talk to them, given what people see from the worst of their other side every day on social media).
Daily Mail complaining that small gesture made to try to understand the needs of older female staff is undermining public confidence in the police. Well - it might now that you've made it a front page story in the DM, rather than, say, not bothering to mention it at all.

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